Welcome to OneGMS

The One Grant Management System (OneGMS) is a standard platform for the management of all Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPF) and Central Emergency Relief Funds (CERF). Implementing partners use this interface to submit project proposals and reports, and OCHA coordinates project review, monitoring and partner performance. The system captures evaluation results, tracks timelines and promotes accountability in humanitarian response. OCHA maintains a system-wide overview of all funds, enabling support and coordination and provides real time fund information for stakeholders



Latest Updates

OneGMS Training

CERF: In addition to customized support per launched allocation, OneGMS Support brings you a training schedule here and a CERF One GMS self-training package here.

CBPF: We encourage you to keep referring to the self-help portal for guidance which is accessible here.

Training Platform

Key Resources

Pooled Funds Data HubNEW

A tool to display the data in a meaningful and useful structure which will help users to analyse the ongoing business process with a consolidated view.

Key Resource
OneGMS Support / Help Portal

To assist each user group of the system to be able to navigate through the OneGMS system.

Key Resource One GMS

All things new must be announced aloud. And this is where you will find all that is NEW in the OneGMS!! Come, have a glance and let us know your thoughts!!

Key Resource CBPF One GMS