1. Revision of the Overview Tab
2. Revision of the Logframe Tab
3. Revision of the Work Plan Tab
4. Revision of the Budget Tab
5. Revision of the Programming Tab
6. Revision of the Cash Tab
7. Revision of the Implementation Tab
8. Revision of the Subgrants Tab
9. Revision of the Locations Tab
After clicking on the Project Revision link from their homepage, Agency Focal Points will land on the multi-tabbed
Project Revision template.
Tabs which correspond to the Revision Request will be to the left, and tabs which correspond to the Project Revision,
will appear to the right.
The new tabs will be marked with a red line. These pages may require Agency Focal Point revision action,
or may require Agency Focal Points to review, and confirm the information.
Clicking on a tab will open the page.
When all necessary information is entered on a page, or the information on the page is reviewed and confirmed,
the page may be saved.
Upon saving, the red line will no longer appear on the tab, and the tab will be clear for submission.
All red lines on tabs must be cleared for a Project Revision to be valid for submission.
Within any page, any field indicated with a red asterisk requires the Agency Focal Point to have responded to that field
before the page will clear for submission.
Throughout the revision process, Agency Focal Points, Country Focal Points, and CERF Secretariat reviewers
can compare the original version of the project with the proposed modifications by clicking on the button
[Show Current Version].
This feature ensures a clear, simultaneous view of the proposed changes with the existing project terms
as they proceed with the Project Revision.
For narrative fields, when the button is clicked, the existing text will appear above the new text fields.
For some pages like the Overview page, a popup will appear with the text of the original Overview page.
1. Revision of the Overview Tab
The Overview tab allows Agency Focal Points to request a number of changes,
including extending a project’s duration (as is the case with No Cost Extensions),
amending the Project Title, amending the Project Summary, linking the project to an HRP,
amending the total funds required for the Organization’s response in the Funding Summary,
and adding or deleting Agency Focal Points.
The sections are numbered, and the fields for revision are further broken down.
1. Project Overview
Fields for revision:
- 1.3 External/Organization's Project Code (if any) - The Agency Focal Point may opt to revise the existing
Agency project code. - 1.5 Project Title - The Agency Focal Point may opt to revise the existing Agency project title
- 1.6 Project Summary - The Agency Focal Point may opt to revise the existing Project Summary
- 1.7 Actual Start date/ Actual End Date (NCE) - By clicking in the text box marked Requested New completion date,
a popup calendar will appear, allowing the Agency Focal Point to select a new date for project completion.
When the date is chosen, the new requested date displays below the current approved project completion date. - 1.8. Project Duration - The revised duration will automatically populate here as the Updated Project Duration,
below the current approved duration to align with the requested new completion date in 1.7. - 1.10 HRP Project Code(s) - The Agency Focal Point may click the button [+ Link HRP Project]
to link a Humanitarian Response Plan.
2. Funding Summary
Fields for revision:
- 2.1 Total Funds Required for Organization’s Response * - This field, which expresses the total funding
required for Agency’s response, may be amended by clicking in the text field and entering the new amount
required for project response.
This new amount must be greater than the sum of the two other fields. - 2.2 Funds Received for the Organization’s Response – The amount expressed in this field may be amended
to reflect new funding received by the Agency towards the Agency’s response from non-CERF funding. - 2.3 Total Funds Requested from CERF for this Proposal - This amount may not be amended in this sub-section,
but changes can be made on the Budget tab that will reflect a new amount in this field.
3. Organization Focal Points
3.1 Organization Focal Point Contact Details *
Within the sub-section, the Agency Focal Point may delete the current focal point,
by clicking on the delete icon () by the contact email.
When clicked, a popup will appear prompting the Agency Focal Point for confirmation of whether they would like to
delete the current focal point.
After confirmation but before saving, the action may be undone by clicking the ‘undo’ icon () in the Action column.
To add a new focal point, the Agency Focal Point may click the [+ Add New Focal Point] button.
For the steps on adding a new focal point, please follow the guidance steps here.
2. Revision of the Logframe Tab
When revising the Logframe, the Agency Focal Point can perform the following:
- Edit the project objective.
- Add a new cluster and HRP objective, but not edit the initial one(s).
- Add and edit new outcomes, outcome indicators, outputs, output indicators and activities.
- Deactivate an outcome, output, indicator and activity.
When new information is added in the Logframe, the new key components of the logical framework
appear in a green field below the existing components of the logical framework.
OneGMS Focus: How to deactivate an existing outcome/output/indicator/activity during a project revision
The system does not authorize Agency Focal Points to delete or edit elements of the existing Logframe, however,
it is possible to deactivate them by “nullifying” them, indicating that they will not be implemented.
If you deactivate an outcome, all the indicators, outputs and activities linked to it will be automatically deactivated.
If you deactivate an output, all output indicators and activities will be deactivated.
Deactivating activities or indicators will not impact other data; however, you will not be able to save the tab
if there is not at least one outcome, outcome indicator, output, output indicator and activity.
To deactivate any existing part of the Logframe, the Agency Focal Point may click on the edit icon () on the row
of the component intended for removal.
The relevant logframe popup for the existing component will appear.
In the popup, the Agency Focal Point may checkmark the box Not Implemented to not implement
the logical framework key component.
A list of consequently impacted sections of the logframe will display as a list.
Deactivated logframe elements will be indicated at the beginning of the row and will be marked as Not Implemented.
Please note: Revisions made to the Logframe tab, may require follow-up action
on the Work Plan, Budget, Cash, Subgrants, and Locations tabs.
E.g. Activities that have been deactivated from the Log Frame tab
will be automatically listed as Not Implemented on the Work Plan tab.
3. Revision of the Work Plan Tab
This tab allows Agency Focal Points to indicate when any activity will be implemented.
Every activity should be implemented for at least one month,
and any project month should have at least one activity implemented in it.
Please note: you will not be able to retroactively tick/untick a past month,
as it is assumed that the activity has already taken place.
For extensions, months with no activities selected, will display as red.
When at least one activity is added to an additional month, the month will now display as gold.
All months must have some at least one activity to be valid for submission.
If any activities were selected as not implemented in the Logframe tab,
clicking on the right arrow icon () beside the text Activities with the label Not Implemented,
will expand the collapsed field to display any activities which are no longer being implemented.
For Project Revisions where the Work Plan tab is marked red on account of being activated by changes in the Logframe tab,
or to any other revisions which activated the Work Plan tab, where no other revisions are being made to the page,
the Agency Focal Point should verify that all implemented activities are correctly selected
in the appropriate months, and the page may be saved to clear the red line on the tab for submission.
4. Revision of the Budget Tab
There are two Revision Types where revision is required on the Budget page;
- budget revisions with a variance above 15% across categories
- Revisions without CERF HQ Approval, specifically the option for budget revisions with a variance below 15% across categories.
- The budget lines of the project, which have been unlocked by the Country Focal Point,
will be open for the Agency Focal Point to modify. - Budget lines that have not been unlocked by the Country Focal point
can be identified by the by their light grey shading.
- Budget lines may not be deleted but may be nullified, by reducing the quantity to 0,
or if the percentage charged to CERF for the line item is reduced to 0%.
Budget lines that are nullified, can be identified by a darker grey shading. - Newly-added Budget lines can be identified by their green shading.
- The amount of budget variance in a budget category will be indicated in the Variance column.
The total variance for a budget category appears in the orange field at the bottom of the budget category. - Agency Focal Points may enter and record comments at the budget line level by clicking on the speech bubble icon (
These will be recorded at the bottom of the page with a budget line reference for easy reference.
5. Revision of the Programming Tab
Depending on the types of reprogramming revision(s) that were selected, different parts of the Programming tab
may be open for revision.
The Agency Focal Point may edit all fields pertaining to the effectiveness of humanitarian programming,
including all pillars of protection, gender equality and consideration for persons with disabilities.
Guidance on drafting for the Programming page may be found here.
6. Revision of the Cash Tab
The Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) page can be opened for revision of CVA modalities.
Fields added to the Cash page during revision, will be displayed as green.
Changes to the Logframe pertaining to Cash and Voucher Assistance may be made within the Cash page
of the Project Revision, and integrated into the Logframe tab.
7. Revision of the Implementation Tab
This tab allows Agency Focal Points to edit all the implementation and coordination measures of the project.
For guidance on how to fill in this tab, please click here.
8. Revision of the Subgrants Tab
To name/rename a subgrantee, the Agency Focal Point may click on the edit icon () in the rightmost table column,
in the row for the appropriate partner.
This will open a popup, asking for the partner name.
Here the Agency Focal Point will have the possibility to select the partner-type from a list of options in the drop-down selection.
The [Search] button next to the Partner Type selections, will be automatically activated, allowing the Agency Focal Point
to select from among the partners registered in the system.
These will be listed in a table within the popup below the Partner search tool.
In the popup, the Agency Focal Point may scroll down to the desired Sub-IP and select the new Sub-IP,
by clicking on the radio button beside the organization’s name, and by clicking the [Save] button.
As the popup closes, the Sub-IP name should now be listed with any previously named Subgrantees,
and may now be saved on the tab for the project revision.
If the desired subgrantee is not found, the Agency Focal Point may enter the subgrantee name in the Partner Name field,
with the appropriate Partner Type selected from the drop-down below it.
If the Sub-Partner is not found in the system after the search, a checkmark box will appear,
asking the Agency Focal Point to confirm that the Sub-Partner was not found in the system.
At this time the Agency Focal Point may check the box, and click on the hyperlink below the box,
to add a new partner to the system.
The hyperlink will open a new browser tab, to the Sub-Partner Registration page of the Partner Information Management module.
For step-by-step guidance on registering a new partner in the OneGMS system, please click here.
After registering a partner in the system, the newly-registered partner should now be visible to the Agency Focal Point,
when clicking the edit icon () to add the Sub-Partner name.
For any projects where a sub-implemented activity was checked as Not Implemented on the Logframe tab,
the activity will appear on the Subgrants tab with the label Not Implemented. The Agency Focal Point must ensure
that at least one activity is linked to any subgrantee.
If all activities implemented by a Sub-IP are deactivated, the Agency Focal Point will have to delete the sub-partner
by clicking on the delete icon () in the Action column, or set the Sub-Partner’s budget to 0.
If an Agency Focal Point deletes a sub-partner by mistake, they can edit the Sub-IP’s budget to undo the cancellation.
9. Revision of the Locations Tab
Revisions may be made to the Locations tab to add or remove project locations.
For guidance on how to fill in the Locations page, please click here.
Locations that have been submitted for deletion in the revision display in a grey field.
New locations display over a green background.
To undo a deletion, the Agency Focal Point may click the undo icon () next to the desired deleted name.