I) Configuring the Allocation's elements
1) Creating HRP Strategic Objectives (SO)
2) Creating SSO (Sector Specific Objectives)
3) Configuring Cluster's indicators
4) Configuring Standard Activities (optional)
5) Creating the Strategic Review scorecard (mandatory, 1 allocation = 1 SR scorecard)
II) How to create an allocation
III) How to configure the allocation
1) Link an allocation with its cluster priorities
2) Link an allocation with the allocation cycle time table
3) Link an allocation with the HRP SO and SSO
4) Link an allocation with a Cost Tracking Component
IV) How to add an allocation Type Document
Setting up an Allocation in the OneGMS in a multi-tasks process. The HFU must create and configure several elements, such as the Strategic Objectives and Sector Specific Objectives, the Strategic Review Scorecard and other, before creating the allocation in itself, which will link all elements together.
You will find in this article a step-by-step method with detailed information on how to set up an allocation.
I) Configuring the Allocation's elements
1) Creating HRP Strategic Objectives (SO)
Navigation: System Setup > Allocation Management > Manage Global HRP SO.
To add an HRP, go to the top right hand side of the page and click on [Add HRP SO]. Select the HRP Year, HRP, and HRP SO from the drop-down menu and add a description. Click on [Save].
2) Creating SSO (Sector Specific Objectives)
Navigation: System Setup > Allocation Management > Manage SSO.
On this page, you can add new SSOs manually, copy them from a previous SSO list, or edit an SSO.
To add a new SSO
To add an SSO, go to the bottom of the page, enter a brief description of the sector specific objective. Then select from the drop-down list the cluster, the HRP year, and the HRP to which the SSO needs to be linked, and click on the button to save it.
Click on [Edit] link to edit the added record on which the selected SSO will become updatable.
User can delete existing SSO by clicking on link for a particular SSO.
Please note: delete option will be available only if the SSO is not linked with an HRP.
To copy SSOs
To copy SSOs from a previous SSO list, click on [Copy Sector Objectives].
On the pop-up window you will first select the source from which you want to copy the SSOs. To do so, select the year(s) of the SSOs you want to copy, the HRP(s) linked to the SSOs and the cluster(s) corresponding to the SSOs. Then click on [Search].
The result will be displayed in a table. You can either select the entire list by ticking the box on the header or select one or several SSO(s) by ticking their respective box. Then click on [Next].
You can edit the source from which you want to copy the SSOs by clicking on [Edit].
Please Note: once you have selected the target to which you want to copy the SSOs, you will not be able to edit the source anymore.
Now, you can select the target, which is the HRP to which you are copying the SSOs. To do so, select the HRP’s year, the HRP and the cluster to which you want to link the previously selected SSOs. Then click on [Next].
After you have clicked on [Next], tick the box ‘I confirm the above source and targeted year, cluster and HRP to copy’ and click on [Copy].
Please note: once you have clicked on [Copy], you will not be able to edit the target HRP anymore.
3) Configuring Cluster's indicators
Navigation: System Setup > Configuration Setup > Clusters > Cluster Indicators
You can now create cluster indicators or manually copy the cluster indicators from a previous list.
To create new cluster indicators
To create cluster indicators fill in all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk * and click on [Save Record]. It will save the record and the grid will be populated with the new record.
Fields descriptions:
- Select HRP Year *: select from the drop-down list the year of the HRP.
- Select HRP *: the list of HRPs will reflect the selected year. Select the HRP that will be linked to the indicator.
- Select Cluster *: select from the drop-down list the cluster to which the indicator belongs.
- Indicator description *: provide a brief description of the indicator.
- Unit *: select from the drop-down list the unit applicable to this indicator.
To edit cluster indicators click on [Edit] link in the grid, it will populate the details for selected cluster indicators. Change the values and click on [Save Record] button to update the cluster indicators.
Please note: if the cluster indicator is linked to a project, only the ‘Indicator description’ field can be edited.
You can click on [View Linked Projects] to display all the projects that are linked to an indicator.
To copy cluster indicators
To copy cluster indicators from indicator previously created, click on [Copy Indicators].
In the pop-up window you will first select the source from which you want to copy the indicators. To do so, select the year(s) and the HRP(s) linked to the cluster indicators, and the cluster corresponding to the cluster indicators. Then click on [Search].
The result will be displayed in a table. You can either select the entire list by ticking the box on the header or select one or several cluster indicator(s) by ticking their respective box. Then click on [Next].
You can edit the source from which you want to copy the cluster indicators by clicking on [Edit].
Please note: once you select the target HRP to which you want to copy the indicators, you will not be able to edit the source anymore.
You can now select the target, which is the HRP to which you are copying the indicators. To do so, select HRP’s year, the HRP and the cluster to which you want to link the previously selected indicators. Then click on [Next].
4) Configuring Standard Activities (optional)
Navigation: System Setup > Configuration Setup > Manage Standard Activities
You have the possibility to add new standard activities manually, copy the activities from a previous list or edit an activity.
To create a new standard activity
To create a new activity, select from the drop-down list the HRP year and the HRP, provide a brief description of the activity and select from the list the cluster corresponding to the activity. Then, click on [Save Record].
Click on this icon to delete an activity or this icon
to edit an activity. It will populate the details for selected cluster indicators. Change the values and click on [Save Record] button to update the cluster indicators.
Please note: if the standard activity is linked to a project, it cannot be deleted and only the ‘Description’, ‘Cluster’ and ‘Risk’ fields can be edited.
Click on the 'View linked projects' hyperlink to see projects that have used the standard activity.
To copy standard activities
To copy standard activities from a list that you have previously created, click on [Copy Activities].
On the pop-up window you will first select the source from which you want to copy the standard activities. To do so, select the year(s) and the HRP linked to the standard activities, and the cluster corresponding to the activities. Then click on [Search].
The result will be displayed in a table. You can either select all of the list by ticking the box on the header or select one or several activity(ies) by ticking their respective box. Then click on [Next].
You can edit the source from which you want to copy the activities by clicking on [Edit].
Please note: when you will select the target HRP to which you want to copy the activities, you will not be able to edit the source anymore.
You can now select the target, which is the HRP to which you are copying the standard activities. To do so, select HRP’s year, the HRP and the cluster to which you want to link the previously selected activities. Then click on [Next].
After you have clicked on [Next], tick the box ‘I confirm the above source and targeted year, cluster and HRP to copy’ and click on [Copy].
Please note: once you have clicked on [Copy], you will not be able to edit the target HRP anymore.
5) Creating the Strategic Review scorecard (mandatory, 1 allocation = 1 SR scorecard)
Before creating an allocation, it is mandatory to create the SR scorecard that will be used during the strategic review of projects. It is not necessary to finish the scorecard at allocation launch, however the scorecard template must be created. It is possible to edit the template and finalize the scorecard after the allocation launch, up until the start of the strategic review process.
To learn how to create a new scorecard, please refer to this article of the Help Portal.
II) How to create an allocation
Once all previous components have been configured in the OneGMS, the HFU can create the allocation. To do so, follow the below navigation:
Navigation: System Setup > Allocation Management > Manage Allocation Types
To create new allocation, fill all the mandatory information which is marked with a red asterisk * and click on the [Save Record] button. The green asterisk * shows the fields that will be published in the CBPF Data Hub.
To edit the allocation type click on [Edit] link to populate the controls with the respective Allocation type information which can be changed and saved by clicking on the [Save Record] button.
Please note: the information displayed in the Primary Details section cannot be edited after the creation of the first project proposal. Please contact the OneGMS Support should you require further assistance in changing the details. The SRC Scorecard cannot be changed once the scoring has been initiated.
Field Descriptions:
Primary Details: provides the core details of the allocation. This part cannot be edited after the creation of the first project.
- Allocation Title: name of the allocation.
- Publish: tick the box to publish the allocation into the Business Intelligence (BI) platform. This will also show if any of the documents linked to the allocation will be visible to partners and published in the BI.
- Allocation Summary: description that will appear as an additional narrative in the Business Intelligence (BI) platform.
- Allocation Source: type of Allocation (Reserve or Standard).
- Allocation Year: year in which Allocation is created.
- Project Code Abbreviation: automatically generated abbreviation used in the creation of the project code.
- Audit Cost Type: type of Audit Cost (Percent or Fixed).
- Location Mapped Code: automated field which will display the location year version.
- Minimum Location Level for Budget: allows the user to select the Admin Location level required for the budget distribution in the locations tab, and the reporting.
- Minimum Location Level for Beneficiary: allows the user to select the Admin Location level required for the Affected Persons distribution in the locations tab, and the reporting.
- Allow Project Proposal Quarter Planning: indicates whether Budget Quarter planning is allowed for project proposal (relevant for UNDP funds).
- Allow Project Proposal Cost Effectiveness Analysis: enables the option to generate a Cost Effectiveness Analysis linked to the budget.
- Show Standard Activities: enable standard activities to be displayed, instead of only customized activities. This option should be ticked if you created standard activities.
Additional Details: provides the secondary details of the allocation. This part remains editable after the creation of the first project.
- Is Locked: indicates whether Allocation is locked.
- Emergency: select from the drop-down list the specific emergency (ongoing conflict, disaster, etc.) for which allocation will be created. You can click on [Refresh FTS Emergency List] to refresh the emergency list for this allocation year. This selection will determine which emergencies the projects of this allocations can be linked to.
- Emergency Type: select from the drop-down list the emergency type(s) the allocation will target. This selection will be listed to the ‘Overview’ tab of the project proposal.
- Sudden Onset Emergency: tick this box if it is a sudden onset emergency.
- Allocation grouping: you can select from the drop-down list the group your allocation will be part of.
- Allocation Keywords: you can select from the drop-down list keyword(s) that will determine how this allocation is managed.
- HRP Plan: link to the country HRP to enable project linkage in the project proposal. Please be mindful when selecting the HRP plan here, as the HRP Strategic Objectives you created for this allocation must have been linked to the HRP you select here. In the next process of linking the HRP SO to the allocation, the SO that you will be able to select are the ones linked to the HRP plan you select here.
- SRC Scorecard: select from the drop-down list the Strategy Review Scorecard that you created and wish to be linked.
- Emergency Onset date: if your emergency is a sudden onset, indicate the date of the sudden onset emergency.
- Expected Launch Date of Allocation Strategy: indicates when the planning of the allocation started (i.e. start of the allocation lifecycle).
- Expected HC Approval Date of Last Project: indicates the estimate date of when the allocation approval process will close (i.e. end of the allocation lifecycle).
- Planned allocation Budget (in USD): displays the allocation budget planned.
- Project Submission Start Date and Time: indicates the start of the project submission timeframe (day/month/year, local timezone).
- Project Submission Block Date and Time: indicates the end of the project submission timeframe (day/month/year, local timezone).
- Message before project submission block date: message visible from the Partner Home Page informing of the end of the project submission timeframe (remaining days/hours).
- Message after project submission block date: message visible from the Partner Home Page informing that the project submission timeframe has been closed.
III) How to configure the allocation
Navigation: System Setup > Allocation Management > Allocation Type Configuration
Upon accessing the page, all the added Allocation will be visible. To add an allocation to the page, see the prior step "How to create an allocation".
Click on the "Edit" tooltip to configure the allocation. The the selected allocation and the different components will be visible at the top of the screen.
Click on the different available buttons to display their respective page.
Click on the [Cluster Priorities] button to configure the cluster priorities that will be defined for the allocation.
Click on the [Allocation Cycle Time Table] button to create an allocation cycle for the allocation.
Click on the [Manage HRP] button to link the HRP (Humanitarian Response Plan) and the SSO (Sector Specific Objective) to the allocation.
Click on the [Link Cost Tracking Component] button to edit the default Cost Tracking components.
Please disregard the Grantor Program Code. This field is for CBPF Finance staff who wish to link the allocation to its UMOJA Grantor program code.
When the OM Compliant instance is created, the error icon on the right-hand side of the instance in the Operation Modality Details section disappears.
1) Link an allocation with its cluster priorities
Click on the [Cluster Priorities] button.
To add a new cluster priority, select the appropriate cluster, enter the cluster priority activities and geographical priorities and click on the button to save the detail.
Existing cluster priorities can be modified by clicking on the link.
Existing cluster priorities can be deleted by clicking on the link.
Field Descriptions:
- Cluster: cluster
- Cluster Priority Activities: activity for cluster
- Cluster Geographical Priorities: detail for geographical priorities
2) Link an allocation with the allocation cycle time table
Click on the [Allocation Cycle Timetable] button.
Enter From date, To date, Responsible and Action field data and click on the button to save the detail.
Existing Allocation Time table can be edited by clicking on the link. Existing Allocation Time table can be deleted by clicking on the
Field Descriptions:
- From: start date for a particular responsibility in the selected Allocation.
- To: end date for a particular responsibility in the selected Allocation.
- Responsible: person responsible for the set period of time.
- Action: action required to fulfil those responsibilities.
3) Link an allocation with the HRP SO and SSO
Click on the [Manage HRP] button of the allocation management page.
Select the HRP SO from the drop-down list and click on the Add icon . If you do not see the HRP SO you wish to select in the drop-down list, it means that it hasn't been correctly configured. To configure the HRP SO, please refer to this section of the article.
You can unlink an HRP SO from the allocation up until the launch of the allocation by clicking on the red cross of its line .
Field Descriptions:
- HRP SO Description: the description of the HRP.
- HRP: the Allocation Type tied to this HRP Description.
- Action: edit OR Link SSO. Edit allows you to select another HRP SO /Link SSO: ties this HRP to a Cluster and Sector Specific Objective. To link the HRP SO with the SSO, click on [Link SSO] button; a popup will be displayed .
Select the relevant Cluster(s) from the list. On doing so, the SSO list will be populated for that cluster. Select one or more SSOs from the list and click on [Save] button to save the record.
If you do not see the SSO in the drop-down list, it means that they haven't previously been configured. To configure the SSO, please refer to this preliminary step.
Added Link will be displayed in the grid.
Existing HRP – SSO links can be deleted by clicking on the icon.
Please note: if your SSO have been linked correctly they will appear linked to the allocation type (System Setup > Allocation Management >Allocation types > edit)
4) Link an allocation with a Cost Tracking Component
Click on the [Link Cost Tracking Component] button.
To change any of the Cost tracking components, tick/untick the boxes available next to each line and click on [Save Changes & Recompute].
The Cost Tracking Components linked to the allocation will be tracked for each project under the project admin tab, and upon closure of the project.
IV) How to add an allocation Type Document
The HFU must link specific documents to the allocation, most notably the Strategy Paper. To upload the documents on the OneGMS and link them to the allocation, follow the navigation described below.
Navigation: System Setup > Allocation Management > Allocation Documents
Purpose: This screen is used to view as well as upload documents that are associated to a particular Allocation Type.
Within the Allocation Type Documents tab, a user can view as well as upload documents that are associated to a particular Allocation Type. The documents to upload are:
- Allocation Report
- Allocation Strategy
- Timelines
- Partner Allocation - this will also make the documents uploaded in the category visible in the Business Intelligence.
- Scorecards
To upload the documents, use the right-hand side section 'Upload File'. Select it from your desktop, and click on [upload].
Comments in regards to the document can be included as well, when a particular file is uploaded.
Please note:
- the documents uploaded under the section 'Visible to Partners' will be displayed both in the allocation's line of the Partner's homepage, and in the CBPF Data Hub, under the Allocation Timeline infography.
- The 'Share selected documents' icon
can be used to share documents that have been uploaded.
First, select the document that you want shared by clicking on the checkbox next to the document and click on 'Share selected documents'.
Second, a 'Share documents' window will appear with the selected document(s) and its category. Select the 'Alert' that should be accompanied with the document and then, press on [Share].