What’s New on OneGMS - GA/GAA Generation -Revision Timelines Validation -Contact Module -Emergency Type Dashboard - January 2025
- Changes in the Grant Agreement and Grant Agreement Amendment Generation
We bring you slight changes and improvements to the Grant Agreement and Grant Agreement Amendment generation page on OneGMS. For easier use, you will now be able to filter by type of agreement at the very top of the page (1), which will reduce the list of projects to select from.
Once the type of agreement is selected (1), you can filter by allocation and agency type (2), click on [Filter] (3), and the following list of projects will be displayed:
- If GA was selected
- Based on the filters chosen, projects will be displayed.
- You can select the project needed (1) and click on [New OCHA Grant Agreement] (2) to generate the GA.
- If GAA was selected:
- Based on the filters selected, projects with active project revisions will be displayed. The list will also display projects with overwritten revisions.
- You can select the project needed (1) and click on [Grant Agreement Amendment] to generate the GAA.
Note: For French speaking funds, there will be an option to generate the GA and GAA in French as shown below.
- Changes to Timelines Validation Following a Project Revision
To ensure that reporting requirement changes for revised projects are consistently reflected in the GAA, and to flag potential OM gaps, HFU colleagues must now validate changes to project timelines resulting from revisions before they are able to generate the Grant Agreement Amendment (GAA). Here is what you need to know:
a. Checking for Required Timeline Adjustments:
- If the project revision results in a change of the OMs to be applied, HFU must update the project timelines to align with the new requirements.
- HFU can check the Revision Timelines tab (only visible once the revision reaches “GA Amendment preparation” of relevant revisions that require new reporting requirements) for any remarks that indicate necessary changes as shown below. Note that if no change of OMs is applied, the Revision Timelines will not appear.
b. Updating Project Timelines:
- For example, if a No-Cost Extension (NCE) results in additional requirements (e.g., a Progress Narrative Report or additional Monitoring Assurance), these must be added to the Project Timelines, the system will check them for compliance.
- Once the necessary assurances are added to the Project’s Timelines, the remarks in the Revision Timelines tab will disappear, signaling compliance with the revised OMs.
c. Waiving New Required Assurances (if applicable):
- If the new assurances are to be waived, only the Fund Manager can take action. This must be done through the Revision Timelines Tab, as shown below.
Note : if there are remarks pending in the revisions timeline, HFU will note be able to generate the GAA, despite the project revision being authorized.
By following these steps, HFU ensures that the project timelines remain compliant with updated operational modalities and that the revision process proceeds smoothly
- New Enhancements to the OneGMS Contact Module
We bring you new enhancements to the OneGMS contact module. Here are the changes to look for:
- When adding a new contact, the system will flag to you that you have not activated the latter once you try to save it or send it for approval.
- If a contact is saved but not activated, it will remain under “Draft (Inactive)”. As such, partners will not be able to link the said contact to project proposals.
- If a contact is “Inactive” and/or yet to be approved, the partner will still be able to view it when searching at the project proposal level. However, the contact will appear greyed out and cannot be linked to the project in this status.
- New on the CBPF Data Hub - Emergency Type Dashboard
The CBPF Data Hub Allocation Progress Dashboard now features an Emergency Type Dashboard, offering insights into allocations by emergency type. Users can explore aggregated and disaggregated allocation data for the selected years and emergency types, with detailed time series and interactive charts for deeper analysis.
Tip: The stacked area chart dashboard (see above) is interactive—click on any emergency type or group to set it as the baseline.