The One Grant Management System (OneGMS) is a standard platform for the management of all Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPF) and Central Emergency Relief Funds (CERF). Implementing partners use this interface to submit project proposals and reports, and OCHA coordinates project review, monitoring and partner performance. The system captures evaluation results, tracks timelines and promotes accountability in humanitarian response. OCHA maintains a system-wide overview of all funds, enabling support and coordination and provides real time fund information for stakeholders.
For any issue related to the OneGMS, please contact the OneGMS Support:
Click on your user role to access custom-fit knowledge on how to make the best of your OneGMS interface.
Click here if you are an Implementing Partner
Click here if you are part of the Humanitarian Fund Unit
Click here if you are CBPF Finance
Click here if you are a Cluster Coordinator
Click here if you have been given the rights to access private articles
The OneGMS Support Team is here to answer all questions related to the One Grant Management System, and to provide support should you encounter any issue when using the OneGMS.
The OneGMS Academy is the structure of the OneGMS Team's training program. It provides the backbone for the formal training of users onto the platform. Press here to access the OneGMS Academy resource repository. (under construction)