8 A B C D E F G H I M N O P R S T U W
8+3 Template 

This is the old template format (prior to 2023) which was used on the GMS to submit project proposals to the CBPFs. 

Accountability to Affected Populations

AAP is an active commitment to use power responsibly by taking account of, giving account to, and being held to account by the people humanitarian organisations seek to assist. 

Advisory Board

The AB advises and supports the HC at country level with CBPF processes, including strategy, risk management, transparency and performance. The AB is composed by contributing donors, national NGOs, international NGOs and UN Agencies. 

Advisory Group

The CERF Advisory Group provides the Secretary-General with periodic policy guidance and expert advice on the use and impact of CERF. 

Application Programming Interface
Board of Auditor

The BoA is an external, independent audit body that, on an annual basis, audits the UN Secretariat, Funds and Programmes, focusing on compliance with the UN rules and regulations. 

Capacity Assessment

CAs are used to systematically review the institutional, technical, managerial, and financial capacities of prospective partners and to ensure that the CBPF has sufficient elements and information to make an informed decision about eligibility and initially assigned risk level of Partners. 

Country Based Pooled Fund

CBPFs allocate funding based on identified humanitarian needs and priorities at the country level in line with the HRP. 

Camp Coordination and Camp Management

CCCM is a cluster in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee coordination mechanism supporting people with the means to live in safe, dignified and appropriate settings. 

Central Emergency Response Fund

CERF is one of the fastest and most effective global humanitarian financing mechanisms to ensure that urgently needed humanitarian assistance reaches people caught up in crises. 

Country Office

CO refers to an OCHA Office in country led by the Head of Office (HoO). The HFU is located in the CO and the HoO ensures HFU is fully integrated and coordinated with other units of the CO.

Common Performance Framework

The CPF is a management tool that provides a set of indicators to assess how well a CBPF performs in relation to the policy objectives and operational standards set out in the CBPF Global Guidelines. 

Cash and Voucher Assistance

CVA refers to programmes and projects where cash transfers or vouchers for goods or services are directly provided to recipients (whether individuals, household or community recipients).

Due Diligence

A thorough DD review is performed to ensure that prospective partners meet all minimum requirements and that there are grounds to proceed with the capacity assessment. 

External Capacity Assessment

The ECA is an outsourced capacity assessment (CA) of Partners' capacity to a third party.

Executive Officer

The EO has the overall fiduciary responsibility for CBPFs as delegated by ERC/USG and in accordance with UN Financial Rules and Regulations. 

Emergency Relief Coordinator

The ERC holds authority over and is accountable for all CBPFs and CERFs, and makes decisions on the establishment and closure of Funds.  

Forensic Audit

OCHA can determine to commission a FA of CBPF projects impacted by allegations of fraud deemed credible enough to trigger an inquiry.

Final Financial Report

FFRs are required for all CERF and CBPF projects. The FFR covers the financial expenditures of the entire implementation period. 

Final Narrative Report

FNRs are required for all CERF and CBPF projects. The FNR covers the narrative reporting on results and achievements of the entire implementation period. 

Fund Transfer Request

The FTR is the request for funds transfer which is submitted by OCHA to the MPTF Office in the case of MPTF administered CBPFs. 

Financial Tracking System

FTS is a centralized source of curated, continuously updated, fully downloadable data and information on humanitarian funding flows.

Grant Agreement

The GA is an agreement signed by the HC, Partner and OCHA EO stipulating the responsibilities of Parties to the contract in terms of CBPF project funding granted to the Partner. 

Grant Agreement Amendment

The GAA stipulates the terms that are amended in the GA, e.g., project duration, budget amount and reporting timelines.  

Gender with Age Marker

The GAM is a self-assessment tool that helps users to design and implement inclusive programmes that respond to gender, age, and disability-related differences.  

Gender Based Violence

GBV refers to any harmful act of sexual, physical, psychological, mental, and emotional abuse that is perpetrated against a person's will and that is based on socially ascribed (i.e., gender) differences between males and females.

Grant Management System

The GMS is the system developed and maintained by OCHA to manage CERF and CBPF processes and operations. The GMS was replaced by the OneGMS in 2023.

Humanitarian Coordinator

The HC is the custodian of the CBPFs on behalf of the USG/ERC and responsible for ensuring the CBPF delivers on its key objectives and is managed in accordance with the CBPF Global Guidelines.

Humanitarian Country Team

The HCT, led and chaired by the Humanitarian Coordinator, is an inter-agency humanitarian leadership body at country level providing strategic direction for collective inter-agency humanitarian response. 

Humanitarian Financing Unit

The HFU is responsible for the daily management of all programmatic and financial aspects of the CBPF on behalf of the HC and under the supervision of the OCHA HoO, in coordination with the CBPF Section. 

Humanitarian ID

The HID is an authentication service managed by OCHA. 

Head of Office

The HoO is responsible for the operation of the CBPF in support of the HC, and its effective management according to the CBPF Global Guidelines. 

Humanitarian Programme Cycle

The HPC is a coordinated series of actions undertaken to help prepare for, manage and deliver humanitarian response. 

Humanitarian Response Plan

The HRP is prepared for a protracted or sudden onset emergency that requires international humanitarian assistance. The plan articulates the shared vision of how to respond to the assessed and expressed needs of the affected population. 

Inter-Agency Standing Committee

The IASC established by UNGA in 1991 is the highest-level humanitarian coordination forum in the UN system. The IASC formulates policy, sets priorities and mobilizes resources in response to humanitarian crisis. 

Internal Capacity Assessment

The ICA is a capacity assessment (CA) conducted directly by OCHA HFUs.

Interagency Emergency Health Kit

The IEHK is intended for use in the early phase of an emergency to meet priority health needs of people with limited or no access to health care services.  

Interim Financial Report

The IFR is an expenditure report submitted by CBPF Partners required for disbursement of project funding (where applicable) and for calendar year reporting. The IFR is also required for every CERF project in accordance with the timeline set in the Umbrella LOU between CERF and the implementing agencies.

Mental health and psychosocial support

MHPSS is used to define any type of local or outside support that aims to protect or promote psychosocial well-being and/or prevent or treat mental health condition.  

Memorandum of Understanding
Multi-Purpose Cash

MPC is a type of CVA and refers to unrestricted cash assistance provided to affected persons to cover their basic needs. 

Multi Partner Trust Fund

The MPTFs are multi-stakeholder pooled financing instruments administered by the MPTF Office.  

No Cost Extension

A NCE refers to a project amendment where the period for project implementation of a previously approved project is extended but without any change to the original amount of approved funding. 

Operations and Advocacy Division

The OAD manages OCHA country-level operations worldwide with a direct management line from OCHA HQ to OCHA COs through the HoO. 

OCHA Contribution Tracking System

The OCT is the system developed and maintained by OCHA used at HQ and country level to track donor contributions to CBPFs.  

Oversight and Compliance Unit

The OCU is located in the CBPF Section in the Pooled Fund Management Branch at OCHA HQ and is responsible for the oversight and compliance of CBPFs. 

Office of Internal Oversight Services

OIOS regularly audits OCHA operations, including CBPFs. OIOS audits cover all aspects of OCHA’s management of CBPFs and assess compliance with rules and guidelines.  

One Grant Management System

The OneGMS is the system developed and maintained by OCHA used at HQ and country level to manage OCHA Pooled Funds (CERF and CBPF) processes and operations. The OneGMS replaced the GMS in 2023.

Organizations of Persons with Disabilities

OPDs should be rooted in and committed to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and should fully respect the principles and rights that it affirms. OPDs must be led, directed and governed by persons with disabilities. A clear majority of their memberships should be persons who have disabilities. 

Proxy Capacity Assessment

The PCA is a capacity assessment (CA) carried out through proxies rather than first-hand (such as ICA and ECA). PCA uses third-party information about the partner’s capacity instead of conducting a new assessment.

Persons with disabilities

The IASC definition of persons with disabilities reads “include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others”. 

Performance Index

The PI is a key accountability tool and allows OCHA to assign an up-to-date rolling risk level to each partner. The PI considers a combination of the outcomes of the initial CA as well as the outcomes of the assessment of the partner’s performance in the implementation of CBPF-funded projects and GAs. 

Programme Officer

The PO manages the CERF projects and portfolio at HQ-level and supports HFUs with proposal development and reporting. 

Programme Support Costs

PSC are the indirect costs incurred by the Partner which cannot be traced unequivocally to specific activities, projects or programmes. 

Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

PSEA is referring to the protection against sexual exploitation and abuse committed by aid workers, including humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors against affected persons. 

Resident Coordinator

The RC is the highest-ranking representative of the UN Development System at the country level. RCs lead UN Country Teams and coordinate UN support to countries in implementing the 2030 Agenda.  

Review Committee

Review Committees are responsible for assessing the design of the project proposals and recommending for funding those which are deemed to best support the delivery of the Allocation Strategy, based on criteria outlined therein. 

Rapid Response

CERF’s Rapid Response window allows country teams to kick-start relief efforts immediately in a coordinated and prioritized response when a new crisis emerges. 

Standard Operating Procedure

SOPs are instructions aiming to promote coherence in processes and procedures. In the UN, the SOPs is commonly referred to as Delivering as One focusing on results, strengthened accountability, monitoring and evaluation, and improved outcomes. 

Strategic Review

The SR refers to the review of project proposals submitted under a CBPF allocation that passed the preliminary screening. The SR is conducted by the Review Committee who recommend projects for funding. 

Strategic Review Committee

The SRCs are replaced by the CBPF Review Committees (RC). 


Sub-Partners are organizations that receive sub-grants from primary grantees to implement a component of a project.

Technical Review 

The TR refers to the final review of proposals preliminarily recommended for funding by the HC and ensures that proposals are of the highest possible quality before final approval by the HC. 

Underfunded Emergency 

CERF’s window for Underfunded Emergencies supports underfunded and forgotten crises.

United Nations Partner Portal

The UN Secretariat and UN Agencies use the UNPP to engage with CSOs on partnership opportunities. The UNPP is designed to facilitate a harmonised, efficient and easy collaboration between the UN and its partners. 

Women Led Organizations

A WLO is defined as an organization with a humanitarian mandate/mission that is (i) governed or directed by women or; (ii) whose leadership is principally made up of women, demonstrated by 50 per cent or more occupying senior leadership positions.