Submit the Project Revision

1. Submit the Project Revision
2. Agency Response to Redraft Request

1. Submit the Project Revision  
After entering all desired revisions, to submit the completed draft to the Country Office/ Resident Coordinator Office,
the Agency Focal Point may click the [Continue=>] button above the Project Revision draft.

Please note: the button is accessible while on the Project Revision tabs (to the right of the Tracking tab), but not
while on the Revision Request tabs.

In the page that opens, to continue with the submission process, from the task options, the Agency Focal Point may
select the [Submit to OCHA/RCO] button.

The following page will ask the Agency Focal Point if they would like to confirm changing the status of the revision
from Draft to Under Review

The Agency Focal Point may additionally opt to leave a comment. To finalize the action, the Agency Focal Point may
click the [Save & Finish] button.

A confirmation message will indicate that the submission was successfully made. The status should now display as
Revision Under Country Office Review pending approval from the Country Office and/or CERF HQ.

2. Agency Response to Redraft Request 
If after Agency submission of a Project Revision, additional clarifications are requested by the Country Focal Point
or CERF Secretariat, the Agency Focal Point will find the Revision Redraft task under the Revision Overview tab
on the right side of their homepage, with all revision-related tasks.

After updating the revision, as outlined by reviewer comments and feedback, the Agency Focal Point may resubmit the
redrafted Project Revision for review to the Country Office/RCO.

The review process following an Agency’s submission of redraft, is similar to the initial Project Revision review and will be  pending approval from the Country Office and/or CERF HQ.