Grant Agreement

I) What is the Grant Agreement
II) When to prepare the Grant Agreement (HFU)

I) What is the Grant Agreement

The OCHA Grant Agreement (GA) is the binding document between the Implementing Partner and OCHA specifying the terms and conditions applicable to the approved project (project duration, budget, activities and logical framework, work plan, affected persons information, reporting timelines etc.).

Partners commit to comply with all the requirements defined in the GA. Some requirements are directly linked to the Partner’s Risk Level and the CBPF’s Operational Modalities. Grant Agreements may be modified in a Grant Agreement Amendment to accommodate necessary changes in projects in case of project revision. 

Grant Agreements with UN agencies, NGOs, and Red Cross and Red Crescent Movements are prepared by OCHA Country Offices (by the Humanitarian Financing Unit). Grant agreements are signed by the HC and counter signed by the authorized representative of the partner as recorded in the Due Diligence module of the OneGMS. Grant agreements are then sent to OCHA HQ/FCS for final approval and signature by EO (or a duly delegated officer). Grant Agreements must be submitted to OCHA HQ/FCS by the fund manager through the OneGMS.

The use of the OneGMS is the pre-requisite for implementing the GA process described below. The OneGMS enables the HFU to generate the GA and facilitates the GA signature process. Information entered in the GA derives directly from information inputted in the OneGMS.

II) When to prepare the Grant Agreement (HFU)

The Grant Agreement should be prepared when the project workflow reaches “Under GA Preparation” phase.