Project Recommendation approval, endorsement and confirmation

I)  What is a project recommendation
II) Project recommendation workflow
III) What are the project email and letter

I)  What is a project recommendation

After the Finance Officer has completed the final budget review, the Programme Officer will decide whether a project is approved or rejected. This task is at project level, and the PO must provide a recommendation for each project of an allocation. To do so, the PO will have to generate the approval or rejection letter, draft the approval or rejection email that will be sent to the Agency and send their recommendation to the Window Lead.  

In turn, the Window Lead can either endorse the PO’s recommendation and forward it to the Chief of CERF or reject it and send it back to the PO. If the Chief of CERF approves the recommendation, they will send it to the ERC/OUSG for final confirmation.  

It is only after the ERC’s confirmation that a new workflow will be triggered for the Programme Assistant to send the project Letter to the Agency to notify them of CERF’s decision. If you wish to read more on this subsequent workflow, please click here.

II) Project recommendation workflow


III) What are the project email and letter

The project email will be sent to the Agency by the CERF Programme Assistant after the project recommendation is approved by the ERC/OUSG. It informs the Agency of CERF’s decision regarding its project proposal. It can be a rejection or approval email. If the project proposal is approved, the email will contain the project letter, the project document (i.e., a PDF document of the full project proposal), the project’s implementation period, and information on and the deadline of the narrative and financial reports. 

The project letter attached to the email states CERF’s final decision on the project proposal. If the project is approved the total amount granted by CERF will be indicated. The project letter must be signed by the Agency and returned to CERF in order to trigger the disbursement. 

To read more on the project recommendation tasks, please click on the following links: 

Generate project documents and email to Agency and send the recommendation documents to the Window Lead
Window Lead: endorse project recommendation 
Chief of CERF: approve project recommendation 
ERC-OUSG: confirm project recommendation