Project Revision: when and how to update the Timelines?

I)  When to update the Timelines during the revision process
II) How to update the Timelines during the revision process
    1) The Timelines tab of the revision module
    2) Reporting and monitoring changes
         OneGMS Focus: how to waive an instance required by the new applicable Operational Modalities
         OneGMS Focus: the revised budget or duration exceeds the Operational Modalities' thresholds
    3) Disbursement tranches automatics changes

I)  When to update the Timelines during the revision process

A Project Revision might trigger the need to create additional instances in the project’s Timelines in the two following cases:

  1. A No Cost Extension including a change of Operational Modalities; OR
  2. A Budget extension including a change of Operational Modalities.

A Timelines’ update is required if the duration or budget extension changes the applicable operational modalities linked to the project. The changes will imply either additional reporting/monitoring instances, a change in the disbursement tranches, or both. In the case of a NCE, the due dates of the final reports should always be updated in the Timelines tab of the project prior to the GAA generation.

These are the only cases when a Timelines’ update will be necessary. If the project revision does not include one or both of the above scenarios, you can proceed with the revision without updating the Timelines.
If you are faced with one or both of these cases, you should update the project’s Timelines before generating the Grant Agreement Amendment, when the revision workflow reaches: ‘Grant Agreement Amendment Preparation’.

The revision module is designed to help you with the project Timelines’ update. If the project revision includes a change of modalities as described above, you will see in the Revision module (not the revision request) a new tab: Timelines.

*Please note, this Timelines’ tab of the revision module will only appear when the revision reaches the stage ‘GA Amendment Preparation’ and ONLY if  the Revision includes a Budget and/or a Duration extension.

II) How to update the Timelines during the revision process

    1) The Timelines tab of the revision module

The Timelines’ tab of the revision module displays all the required assurances updates that are necessary, notably the reporting/monitoring instances and/or the disbursement tranches (when necessary).
You can notice that the system displays both the current Timelines’ set up (in yellow), as well as the required changes after the revision (in green).

*Please note that at this stage, the Revision is still ongoing, and the project’s data has not yet been overwritten. Therefore, if the revision triggered a change of applicable operational modalities, it will not be displayed in the Timelines’ tab of the project at this stage. The Operational Modalities requirements and the new OM ID line will be automatically updated in the Timelines’ tab of the project when the project is overwritten with the revision.

Please note that it is not mandatory for the HFU to make the timelines OM compliant as per the revision OM requirement. We will not restrict user from generating grant agreement amendment or overwrite revision in case the revision OM requirement is not satisfied. 

    2) Reporting and monitoring changes

If the project revision triggered a change of the operational modality line and the need for additional reporting/monitoring instances, the system will show the required changes in the ‘Revised Operation Modality’ section of the Revision’s Timelines’ tab.

The additional required instances are displayed in the ‘Remarks’ column of the Timelines’ tab of the Revision module.
To comply with the new operational modalities that will be applicable to the revised version of the project, The HFU is required to create the new instances in the Timelines’ tab of the project. 

*Please note, if there are no remarks, and the ‘Remarks’ column is blank, it means that the budget/duration extension did not trigger a change in the modalities, and that there are no additional instances to create (see screenshot below). You can continue with the Revision process without updating the Timelines.

IMPORTANT: Before generating the GAA, do not forget to change the due dates of the final reports if the revision includes a NCE.

If there are remarks, click on [Open Timelines] to access the Project’s Timelines’ tab and to create the additional instances.

In the Timelines’ tab of the project, create the necessary instances as per the instructions. To learn how to create an instance, please refer to this article
Do not forget to click on [Save the timelines] in the section to save your changes.

At this stage, the created instances are not labeled OM Compliant. They will be labeled OM Compliant when the project is overwritten with the revision and the new OM requirements are linked. 

(In our example, 2 additional Progress Narrative reports are required as per the revised OM. Hence, we created these two additional reports in the Timelines’ tab of the project.)

After saving the created instances, you can go back to the Timelines’ tab of the revision. If you refresh the page, you will see that the notifications of missing instances are gone.

(In our example, we created the 2 Progress reports in the Project Timelines’ tab as required, hence the notification is gone. We still need to create the additional Monitoring instance, by following the same process.)

*Please note, it is not necessary to re-authorize the Project Timelines during or after a Revision, as, if the HFU followed the aforementioned process, the Timelines will remain authorized.
You can see below two screenshots of the project’s timelines’ tab, corresponding to before/after the Revision Overwrite.


The above screenshot shows The Timelines’ tab of the project with the additional required instances created by the HFU, before the project is overwritten with the revision. Notice how the instances are not marked as OM compliant yet.


The newly added instances now show as OM compliant, the linked OM ID has been updated and the Timelines automatically remain authorized.

OneGMS Focus: how to waive an instance required by the new applicable Operational Modality?

If you do not wish to create an additional instance as requested by the OM that will apply to the revised version of the project, but wish to waive it instead,

  1. Do not create the required instance in the Timelines’ tab of the project,
  2. Proceed with the generation of the GAA and signature process,
  3. And overwrite the project with the revision.

When the project is overwritten, go to the Timelines’ tab of the project. You will see that the Timelines status became un-authorized, because of the discrepancy caused by the missing OM Compliant instance. There will also be an error icon in the ‘Operation Modality’ section, indicating that the instance you purposefully did not create during the GAA preparation stage of the revision is missing.

The Fund Manager can then go to the instance’s section, add a waiver and re-authorize the Timelines. Please refer to this article to learn how to add a waiver, and this article to learn how to re-authorize the Timelines.


OneGMS Focus : the revised budget or duration exceeds the Operational Modalities’ thresholds?

There are cases where the revised budget or duration exceeds all thresholds set by the Operational Modalities. In these cases, the system will automatically suggest the most relevant operational modality line closest to the project’s newly revised characteristics. This new suggested OM Id line will be reflected in the Timelines tab of the revision.

In order to justify why the revised project duration or budget is now out of range, the Fund Manager will have to provide a waiver in the Timelines tab of the revision. To do so, click on the [click here] link in the Remarks column, add the waiver, and click on [Save].  Once the waiver has been provided, the system will automatically validate the suggested new OM Id line.

When the project is overwritten, the waiver will then appear in the updated Timelines’ tab of the project.

When all additional instances have been created in the Timelines tab of the project, you can generate the Grant Agreement Amendment and continue the Revision process. The OM compliance of the project will automatically be updated as described at the end of the Revision process, upon clicking on [Overwrite].

    3) Disbursement tranches automatics changes

If the project revision includes a budget extension, there will be a need to adjust the disbursement tranches. The system will automatically calculate the new disbursement tranches’ amounts based on the revised budget.

There is no action required from your side, as the system will automatically update the disbursement tranches of the project in the project’s Timelines’ tab when the revision is overwritten.