COVID-19 Allocations

This thematic visualisation is accessible from the header icon found in the CBPF Data Hub home page.  

the COVID-19 header is the first one from the left.

The COVID-19 Allocations visualisation is a set of two visuals providing real-time information on CERF and CBPF allocations responding to the 2019 COVID Pandemic. It is composed of the Distribution of Allocations map and the Allocations Timeline. 

 The COVID-19 Allocations map is an interactive map displaying in real-time all CERF and CBPF allocations responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It is public and allows users not only to visualise at a glance the global and in-country situation but also to extract projects’ raw data as Excel sheets. 

The Allocations Timeline displays the key dates and milestones related to OCHA's response to the pandemic, including CERF and CBPF allocations. 

To learn more about this visualisation, you can refer to our dedicated article on the Help Portal or watch this tutorial video