Country Office

OCHA Country Offices (CO) provide guidance and support to the HC and Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) to advise on rules and procedures of the CERF, facilitate inter-cluster coordination to organize joint needs assessments, provide information on funding status of sectors and specific projects during the prioritization of needs and the related projects. 

The CO acts as focal point for compiling information and preparing an application for CERF funding, reviewing draft project proposals and liaising with the CERF secretariat to ensure revision of applications as per the comments for time-efficient project approval.   

The CO regroups three roles:  

  • The Country Office focal point: drafts the initial strategy of the allocation and sends it to the RC/HC to review. They support the RC/HC with managing all aspects of the CERF process.
  • The Resident Coordinator / Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC): is the chief of the humanitarian response and works with Country Office focal points. They lead and manage the CERF submission process and ensure the strategic use of CERF funds through rigorous prioritization. They have the authority to include/exclude activities/projects in the submission package. 
  • OCHA RCO (Regional Country Office) Country Leadership: is at the top of the hierarchy and has a droit de regard – right to examine. They have access to the OneGMS and can access all projects and allocations.