How to access the partner profile
The partner profile is located in the CBPF Partner Portal.
To access the CBPF Partner Portal, go to : homepage on the OneGMS -> Report -> CBPF Partner Portal.
Once on the Partner Portal, go to Partner Profile -> Search Partner Profile

II)  The partner profile search engine

     1) Search engine

Below is the Partner Profile Search Engine. Fill in the different fields according to your search needs and click on [Search].
Field Description:
  • Partner Name: Enter the name of the partner which profile you wish to see.
  • Acronym: Enter the acronym of the partner which profile you wish to see.
  • Partner Type: Select from the drop-down list the type of partner which profile you wish to see. 
  • Pooled Fund: Select from the drop-down list the wanted Humanitarian Pooled Fund.
  • Capacity Assessment Risk (CA Risk): Select from the drop-down list the capacity assessment risk of the partner(s) you wish to see 
  • Partner Risk: Select from the drop-down list the risk associated to the partner(s) you wish to see. 
  1. The drop-down lists enable the user to select all options at once. To select all options, tick the box ‘Select all'.

2. The drop-down lists themselves include a search engine. For instance, in the Partner Type field, users can type in the type of implementing/sub-implementing partners they are looking for and the system automatically selects the matching options. 

To cancel the search in the drop-down list, click on the cross on the right side of the text entry field.

Please note: users must enter at least one research criteria. Leaving all fields blank will not trigger the search and the following error message will appear. 

Upon clicking on search, the system selects the partners that match the inputted search parameters. A list of according Direct (implementing) and Indirect (sub-implementing) partners appears below the search bar.
From this list of matching partners, select one or several partners which profile you wish to see. To do so, tick the box(es) on the left-hand side of the corresponding line(s) and click on [View Profile]. 
Please note: selecting one partner will allow the user to access an individual profile, with all information linked to the partner and its projects. In addition, the system also enables the user to select multiple partners and access their profiles at once, allowing a clear comparison between partners. To know more about multiple partners’ profile, please see the Multiple Partners section of this article. 
To see the profile of all matching partners generated by the system according to the inputted search parameters, tick the box located at the top of the list, on the left of ‘Acronym’ and click on [View Profile].
The system enables the user to select and access the profiles of multiple partners, in different humanitarian funds, of different types and risks. 
All selected partners in the search engine will appear side by side in the partners’ profile page, allowing an easy comparison (see visual example below).
     1) Print
If you wish to print the selected partner’s profile, click on the browser icon  on the right hand side of the profile page. 
The profile will be generated in another tab of the user’s browser. Users can then save the data as an image or print the profile by doing a right click on the newly opened page. Users can also share the data using the link of the newly opened page. 
Please note: unlike the Excel feature this feature works on a page-by-page basis. Clicking on this icon will open a page displaying the data of the tab currently opened. 
     2) Excel
The system enables the users to download the raw data (without the visualizations) as an excel sheet. Click on the Excel icon  on the right-hand side of the profile page to download all data included in the different tabs of the partner profile. 
Generating a working Excel document of all partners: a complete list of eligible partners of the Fund, with due diligence and projects’ associated data.
Step 1: In the search engine, select only eligible partners
In the partner risk drop down list, select High, Medium and Low by ticking the according boxes.
Please note: you can also use it in conjunction with the partner type drop down list to select only the type of partner you are interested in. For example, you might want to exclude UN Agencies for a specific search.
Step 2: Click on [Search].
Step 3: Tick the box on the left-hand side of ‘Acronym’ to select all matching partners, and click on [View Profile].
Step 4: On the Partners’ Profile page, click on the Excel icon  to download all the partners’ data in one excel document. 
Step 5: The Excel file should have been downloaded and saved in the ‘Downloads’ folder of the user’s computer.