CBPF Data Hub

 What is the CBPF Data Hub

Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) are multi-donor humanitarian financing instruments established by the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC). CBPFs allocate funding based on identified humanitarian needs and priorities at the country level in line with the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).

The CBPF Data Hub is a tool that displays the latest CBPF allocation and contribution data in a meaningful and useful way which helps users to analyse the funding process with a consolidated view. All CBPF data is live and publicly available for everyone to use and download. You can access the CBPF Data Hub at this address: https://cbpf.data.unocha.org/

The CBPF Data Hub illustrates data trends through eye-friendly, analytical, and thematic visualizations. This information management platform is structured in different sections. Please click on the visual's title below to access its overview.

You can find more information from our 2 pager on the CBPF Data Hub, available HERE.
The CBPF Data Hub also features a useful “Data Explorer” page and tooltips that allow for the extraction of relevant data. For more information on these two features, please continue reading this article.

Share / Bookmark Share tooltip
Share: After customizing the visualization chart, users can share the results on the communication channel of their choice. The Share icon generates a link of the personalized visual, which redirects to a webpage displaying the customized chart. Click on [share] to copy the link and paste it on social media or any communication channel.

Bookmark: Users can paste the Share link on the navigation bar of their browser and save the linked webpage as a bookmark.

Play Play tooltip
Play launches an animation of the data visualization’s timeline, enabling users to watch how the data trends evolve throughout the years.

Image Image tooltip
Image enables the users to download the customized data visual onto their computers as a PDF or PNG file.

.CSV .csv tooltip
.CSV enables users to download the raw CBPF data linked to the visualization. Raw data will be downloaded onto the user’s desktop as an excel file.

Help help tooltip
The Help icon is a short explanation of the rationale behind the data visualization as well as its customization possibilities. It also provides the user with the option to be redirected to the dedicated Help Portal article.

The Data Explorer

The Data Explorer provides a list of full data snapshots of all CBPF projects. To access the Data Explorer, go to the CBPF Data Hub homepage and click on [DATA EXPLORER].

The data explorer icon is on the top right of the CBPF Data Hub page

The Data Explorer will allow you to download some CBPF raw data as .csv documents on your computer.

Click on the arrow to see the drop-down list of pooled funds and select the country to display its data. Click on the [Download] icon to download an excel document that includes the data you are interested in. The Data Explorer provides APIs with 20+ data types, ranging from CBPF project summaries, to reporting data and contributions by pooled fund. The description of each data type is provided in the CBPF DATA EXPLORER page.

The Data Explorer page