Create and manage financial report instance in the timeline (HFU)

The following information is valid for all types of financial reports.

The creation of Financial reports’ instances should be executed by the HFU at the Timelines development stage, when the project proposal is under ‘Budget Cleared’, and before the preparation of the Grant Agreement. This is required as all reporting requirements are listed in the Grant Agreement’s Annex B.

The HFU must enter the reporting and monitoring requirements in the Timelines’ tab of the project, and validate the Timelines. Once the timelines have been validated, the instances will automatically be activated upon the entered ‘Active Date’. You can also manually activate the instance.

Once activated, the reporting template will be created and accessible to the Partner.
You can still edit, create, deactivate and delete reporting instances after the Timelines’ validation, however certain rules apply to these actions.

If you wish to know more about the Timelines, creating and managing the financial reporting instances, please click on the content of your choice:

  • Full Timelines’ validation article.
  • How to create an instance in the Timelines’ tab of the project;
  • How to edit an inactive instance’s type and dates post-validation;
  • How to activate an inactive instance post -validation;
  • How to deactivate an active instance post-validation;
  • How to delete an instance post-validation;