Create an FTR Report

I)  Create an FTR Report
II) Access an FTR that has already been created
    OneGMS Focus : What are the FTR error icons and how to solve them?

I)  Create an FTR Report

Once a project’s budget in an MPTF fund has been cleared, the HFU can follow this navigation to generate an FTR report:

Navigation: Report > Report > FTR Report

Once on the FTR Report page, you can apply filters to generate a list of projects for which you wish to generate an FTR. After applying the filters, click on [Filter] to generate the list of related projects.
A description of filters is available below the screenshot.

Filters’ description:

Allocation type (mandatory field) : select from the drop-down list the allocation by ticking its checkbox. You can select multiple allocations.
Organization: Select from the drop-down list the Organization by ticking its checkbox. You can select multiple organizations.
Status: Select the project’s status from the drop-down list.
Cluster: Select a cluster from the drop-down list. You can select multiple clusters
Include Fully Paid projects: Tick this box if the project for which you want to generate an FTR has been fully funded already. This option can be useful in case you wish to retrieve an FTR that has already been created, completed and funded.

After applying the filters, click on [Filter] to generate the list of related projects.

To generate the FTR Report, select the wanted projects by ticking its checkbox and click on [create FTR].

Restrictions apply to the generation of FTRs as stated below:

Those FTRs will be shown in grey color and won’t be available for selection. The system will prevent you from creating an FTR for the fully paid projects.

Quick Note -  One FTR can include several projects, which you can select by ticking their boxes. This will generate one FTR Report for several projects.
To select all projects from the list, tick the box in the header of this page’s table.

ATTENTION: The generated FTR’s page will not be automatically displayed by the system upon clicking on [create FTR]. To access the generated FTR, you need to click on the hyperlink that was created, and which is accessible in the column : “FTR #(s)/FTR Status/Value linked” of the project(s)’ line(s). (for screenshot, please refer to section below).

II) Access an FTR that has already been created

To retrieve the created FTR, you can use either of these two options:

The FTR Overview tool: 
The FTR Overview in the GMS is a page dedicated to retrieve the created FTRs and export the FTR data.

To learn all there is to know about this tool, please go to this specific article of the Help Portal. 

The ‘Manage FTR’ page : 
To retrieve an FTR, apply filters and click on [Filter]. Make sure to select the tick box “Include Fully Paid Projects” in case you wish to look for an FTR that has already been processed. Then, click on the FTR hyperlink located in the column “FTR #(s)/FTR Status/Value linked”.

Quick note- You can download the project proposal(s) as a PDF, a HTML or a word document by selecting the projects (ticking their boxes) and clicking on the format of your choice. You can decide to include the comments in this print-out version.

OneGMS Focus : What are the FTR error icons and how to solve them?

If you see an error icon instead of a checkbox, please hover over the error icon to display the error message, preventing from selecting the project and from generating an FTR report.

The following errors can be displayed, you will find alongside the solution to solve them.

  • The project is not BUDGET cleared or not authorized. Please ensure that project is budget cleared and authorized prior to FTR processing.

To be listed as a selectable project, the project must have passed the ‘budget cleared’ status, and must have its information authorized, i.e. must have a green authorization checkbox (with authorized dates, signatory and bank info). To learn more on how to authorize a project, please read this guidance on the Help Portal.

  • Operation Modality for the project is not authorized. Project cannot be added to FTR.

To be listed as a selectable project, the project must have an authorized Timelines’ tab. To learn more about the timelines and how to authorize them, please refer to the this article

  • Fraud management: conservative measures

If the Partner is under fraud investigation, the Oversight and Compliance team might have blocked the generation of FTR reports for the partner. In this case, you will not be able to select the project to generate an FTR report.