Managing the timelines’ waiver after validation 

I) Edit a waiver (Fund Manager/Programme Officer)
II) Delete a waiver (Fund Manager)
III) Re-authorize the Timelines (Fund Manager/Programme Officer)

I) Edit a waiver (Fund Manager/Programme Officer)

User role: Fund Manager/Programme Officer Business roles only

It is possible for the Fund Manager and the Programme Officer business roles to edit the inserted waivers.
To edit a waiver, click on the yellow square near the section’s title. In the pop-up window, click on the edit icon. Edit the information, then click on [Save].

II) Delete a waiver (Fund Manager)

User role: Fund Manager Business role only

To delete a waiver, the Fund Manager must click on the yellow square near the section’s title. In the pop-up window click on the red cross. Then, insert the reason why they wish to delete this waiver, and click on [Confirm].

The system will keep a trace of all deleted waivers. To access the deleted waivers’ history log, click on this gray icon next to the section’s title.

Please be aware that deleting a waiver and saving the section will unauthorize the Timelines and an error icon will appear next to the missing instance type which waiver you just deleted.
In this case, you will be requested to either create the missing instance, or add a new waiver, before re-authorizing the Timelines.

III) Re-authorize the Timelines (Fund Manager/Programme Officer)

User role: Fund Manager/Programme Officer business roles only

After editing the Timelines, you might need to re-authorize them.

This happens when you delete/remove an OM Compliant instance or a linked waiver. In this case, the system will have automatically shifted the Timelines from ‘Authorized’ status to ‘Under Re-Authorization’.

First, set the Timelines right by creating the missing OM required instances or providing waivers. Then, when the Operation Modality top section is green, and there are no error icons, check whether the Timelines have been re-authorized automatically by the system.

If not, you can tick the ‘I confirm and authorize the Operational Modality generated below’ box, click on [Save], OR click on [Authorize Timelines].