
I)   What is the Timelines tab of a project
II)  Timelines workflow
III) The link between the Timelines and the Operational Modalities
OneGMS Focus: WHO can do WHAT in the Timelines' tab?

I) What is the Timelines tab of a project

The Timelines tab of a project determines the different assurance mechanisms and requirements that will be applied to the project during its implementation phase. Timelines are set and validated at Budget Clearance stage and are reflected in Annex B of the Grant Agreement.

The Timelines tab includes:

  • Reporting instances :
    • Interim Financial Report
    • Final Financial Report
    • Progress Narrative Report
    • Final Narrative Report​​
  • Monitoring instances:
    • Financial Spot Check (FSC)
    • Field Visit
    • Remote Call
    • Web-based survey
    • Third Party
    • Peer Monitoring
    • Ad hoc visit
The above instances must be created and activated by the HFU for each project through the Timelines Tab of the Project , according to the Partner’s risk level and the project’s characteristics as set by the CBPF’s Operational Modalities.
The Timelines configuration is based on the Operational Modalities validated by the Advisory Board and inputted in the GMS. To access the Operational Modalities in the GMS, please go to System Setup -> Configuration Setup -> Operation Modality Configuration.

The below screenshot illustrates the Operational Modalities module. Click on [view] of one of the Template lines to access the detailed modalities.
The detailed operational modalities list the reporting and monitoring requirements according to the projects’ characteristics.

When the HFU opens the Timelines tab of the project’s , the first section, entitled ‘Operation Modality Details’ captures the assurance requirements that will be applied to the project, as entered and saved in the Operational Modality module on GMS. It also indicates the Operational Modality line linked to the project under the green box: Linked OM ID. The first part of the code represents the OM Template Code, and the second part of the code represents the operational modality line inside the template.

If the Operation Modality Details do not show any Linked OM Id to the Timelines, it means that either the duration or the budget of the project are out of range with respect to the CBPF operational modalities. To learn more about this case, please refer to this article

Users can also hover over the information icon  of this green box to know the title of the Operational Modality template.

The OM ID and the template’s name provided enables the users to check the modality line in the Operation Modality module of GMS (in our case example, the project is linked to OM ID 914 of the Template TUR004 or ‘Operation Modality – Turkey – 2019’).
The required instances (disbursement tranches, reporting and monitoring) specified in the OM are captured under the ‘Operation Modality Details’ section of the Timelines’ tab.
Please note: we are currently updating this tab. As of today, only the Progress Narrative report and the monitoring instances are linked this way. 

OneGMS Focus: WHO can do WHAT in the Timelines' tab?

For accountability reasons, only specific HFU users have full editing rights on this tab.

While any HFU user can create/activate an instance or edit the due dates in the Timelines tab, all actions related to waivers and authorizing the Timelines are restricted to specific GMS Business Roles: Fund Manager and the GMS Programme Officer.

All HFU staff can, at any time in the Timelines tab:

  • Add a new instance;
  • Activate an instance;
  • Edit the due date of an instance;
  • Deactivate an instance;
  • Edit the active date of an instance;
  • Edit the instance type of an instance.

The Fund Manager is accountable for all waivers and Timelines saved in the system.

Therefore, the Fund Manager can, at any time in the Timelines tab, in addition to the basic HFU system rights:

  • Add waivers for missing OM-compliant instances;
  • Delete an OM compliant instance by providing a waiver;
  • Add waivers to the top section if the linked OM line has not been identified by the GMS (in case the duration and/or budget of the project exceeds the maximum set by the operational modalities),
  • Edit or delete a waiver;
  • Mark/Unmark the OM Compliant checkbox of report/monitoring instances;
  • Authorize the Timelines.

The HFU Programme Officer Business Role can, at any time in the Timelines tab, in addition to the HFU basic system rights:

  • Edit a waiver;
  • Mark/Unmark the OM Compliant checkbox of report/monitoring instances;
  • Authorize the Timelines.

Only the Fund Manager and Programme Officer business roles can authorize/re-authorize the Timelines on GMS.