Global Task List

Navigation: Allocations>Global Task List

Purpose: Global Task list provides a common platform for the user to access the tasks associated with other pooled funds for which the user has been provided rights to.


  • If an user access the Global Task list with other roles other than that of an Administrator, the user will be able to see a task list of projects pending in other pooled funds depending on what configuration for the user account has been done in the External Pooled fund.

Please note: only a OneGMS Admin will be able to view and access the Global Task list.

  • Select Pooled Fund (drop down box): Lists all the pooled funds available in the GMS system.
  • Select Role (drop down box): Lists the user role.
  • If the check mark in the check box Exclude Configured Statuses is unchecked it will diplay items which have been set by the Admin to be excluded from the list. By default, the checkbox is checked.For e.g. If the Admin has excluded projects having status ‘Project Closed’, then projects having this status will be displayed on unchecking the check box.

Click on the Search button to generate the Global Task List.