Work Plan

The ‘Work Plan’ page allows the user to visualize the breakdown of the implementation of project activities by month, throughout the duration of the project.
6. Work Plan OneGMS Work Plan The Project Months row will reflect the number of months defined by the user in the ‘Overview’ tab. The user needs to tick the month(s) during which each activity will be carried out according to the information provided in the ‘Log Frame’ tab.
At the project-drafting stage—while the dates are not yet confirmed—the months are shown as numbers, unless an early start date was requested.

Months with no project activities will display as red. When you confirm that a project activity will be implemented in a month, the month will turn green.
For a project proposal to be valid, all months must be green. i.e. at least one project activity needs to be implemented in every month of the overall project implementation period.

OneGMS Work Plan Missing Month

If at any stage of project-drafting, you add a Sub-implementing partner on the ‘Subgrants’ page, the Sub-IP’s activities will be reflected on this page,
on the appropriate project activity line(s), with the ‘handshake’ icon ().

Please note: When you amend a project’s activities in the ‘Log Frame’ page, the ‘Work Plan’ page will automatically be updated.