
17. Implementation and Coordination Arrangements

The user will address questions relating to project implementation and coordination considerations.

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17. Implementation and Coordination Arrangements 

17.1 Coordination Summary * : Explain how your project will complement other CERF/CBPF funded projects, and how you will coordinate with other stakeholders at sector/cluster and at inter-sector/cluster levels.

17.2 Implementation Summary * : State if your organization has sufficient staff capacity in place to implement the project, or would you need to recruit new staff? If so, how long do you estimate this will take? What procurement, transport and delivery arrangements are in place to ensure you can deliver the planned assistance within the implementation period? What is the timeline for contractual services for activities such as cash transfer programming, training, and similar questions.

You can also list here any additional information on planned subgrants to implementing partners to complement the information provided in the budget overview and the implementing partner module. Briefly outline planned roles and responsibilities of implementing partners that are not yet identified.

17.3 Access * : Describe your organization’s operational presence and access to project locations.

17.4 Risk Management * : Explain how risks to the project/program implementation are identified, managed, and mitigated including any operational security, financial, personnel management or other relevant risks.

17.5 Exit Strategy and Sustainability * : Describe your exit strategy and closure steps for the project or program, and an assessment of the sustainability of the results.