Sign and send back/upload the project letter (Agency)

After the ERC’s final approval, the Programme Assistant has sent you the project email and letter. If the project proposal was rejected, no further action is required from your side. However, if the project proposal was approved, the Agency needs to counter sign the project letter. Then the Agency can either upload the counter signed letter on the OneGMS, send it back to CERF HQ by email or do both. If the Agency does not upload the project letter on the OneGMS, the CERF Finance Assistant will have to upload it on the system. Only after the letter is uploaded and verified will CERF Finance be able to trigger the disbursement. 

This article explains how to upload the counter signed letter in the system.  

After you receive the Project Letter via email, sign it and scan it. To upload the counter signed project letter, go to your home page and click on this icon . to open the task page.  


Then click on [Upload Counter Signed Letter]


Click on [Choose File] to select a file from your computer and tick the box ‘Please confirm the upload document is counter-signed letter. Then click on [Save & Finish] to save the document in the system.
