
12. Localization
13. Protection
14. Gender Equality
15. Persons With Disabilities

The 'Programming' page tracks cross-cutting themes and the effectiveness of humanitarian programming. 
Themes include localization, protection, gender equality, and persons with disabilities. 

Please note: If a project is single-cluster/single-sector, serving the ‘Coordination of Common Services’ (CCS, “Common Services” in OneGMS) effort, the ‘Programming’ tab will be disabled. 

12. Localization 
12.1 Localization *: Here you can explain how your project, at the draft stage, aims to empower local actors to serve in the humanitarian response. 

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Localization

13. Protection  
13.1 Protection Mainstreaming and Integration *:

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Protection Mainstreaming and Integration

Protection mainstreaming is an imperative for all humanitarian actors engaged in humanitarian response and ensures a protection lens is incorporated into operations. Protection integration involves achieving protection objectives through the programming of other sector-specific responses (i.e., beyond the protection sector response) to achieve protection outcomes. For further guidance, you may refer to the Interagency Standing Committee on  protection mainstreaming in humanitarian action at the Protection Cluster website.

13.2 Protection Budget Value

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Protection Budget Value

Enter a percentage estimate for planned expenditure on protection activities within that sector, not counting protection mainstreaming activities. 
Include the full range of protection activities in your consideration (GBV, child protection, etc).

If a sector activity has no targeted protection component, you may enter ‘0’ and explain your response to the next question. If your project is a dedicated Protection cluster project, please enter 100%. 

Field descriptions: 

  • Sector/Cluster: displays all the sectors assigned for the project. 
  • Sector Budget: displays the budget allocated to each sector according to the information provided the ‘Budget’ tab. 
  • Protection Budget Percentage: enter the percentage of funding that will be allocated to protection activities in each sector. For the protection sector, the default value is 100%. If there are no protection activities for the sector, you can enter 0%. 
  • Protection Budget Value: automatically displays the budget value for each sector based on the ratio provided in the ‘Protection Budget Percentage’ column. 
  • Protection People Targeted: enter the number of people targeted with the funding requested from OCHA. It should be based on the percentage given in the ‘Protection Budget Percentage’ column and the ‘People Targeted’ tab. If there are no protection activities for the sector, you can enter 0.  

Please note: when the ‘Protection Budget Percentage’ is higher than 0%, the number of people targeted should never be 0. However, the user can enter 0% for the ‘Protection Budget Percentage’ and add a small number of people targeted. 

13.3 Protection Budget Value Estimation Approach * :

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Protection Budget Value Estimation Approach

Explain your approach to the budget calculation for example, an overview of the costing model or any assumptions made in estimating the protection budget value, 
or the number of people targeted.

If applicable, you can also provide a brief description of the protection activities or services included in the project, that are funded through other funding sources. 

13.4 Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Programming Marker * :

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Programming Marker

Here you can select a response to the question from the dropdown menu options, addressing whether GBV protection (including prevention, risk mitigation and response) 
has been considered in the project design?

Please note: Depending on your response to the drop down questions in 13.4, the system follows up with a series of different conditional follow-up questions 
for sub-categories 13.5 through 13.9.

The below explanations for sub-categories 13.5 through 13.9 expand on this.

The Dropdown Response Options:

  • Yes, GBV protection is the main objective: Select this response if all project activities directly serve GBV protection outcomes. If GBV protection is the main objective of the project, the system will ask you to please consider adding it as a cluster/sector.
  • Yes, targeted GBV protection programming is a component (but not the main objective): Select this response if some of the project activities/project components directly seek to affect GBV protection outcomes.
  • Yes, GBV protection is mainstreamed (but no targeted programming): Select this response if protection from GBV is considered within the operational approach, but no GBV protection outcomes are directly pursued. However indirect GBV protection objectives may be served by the project.
  • No, GBV protection is not a component: Select this response if protection from GBV is not considered by the project. This mostly applies to Common Services projects.

If GBV protection is the main objective of the project, please consider adding it as a cluster/sector.

13.5 Considerations for Protection from Gender-Based Violence * :

If GBV is a consideration in the project, (including if 1. GBV is the main objective of the project, or if  2. targeted GBV is a part of the project though not the main objective, or if 3. GBV is a mainstreamed but not a targeted part of the project), you will be asked to explain how GBV protection (including prevention, risk mitigation and response) was considered in the project design.

If GBV is not a consideration in the project, (i.e. GBV protection is not a component of the project) explain why GBV protection (including prevention, risk mitigation and response) was not considered in the project design.

Please note: If GBV is not targeted but rather mainstreamed in your activities, or if GBV is not a component of your project, after this question in sub-category 13.5, the form will take you directly to the question in sub-category 13.10. You may click here for guidance on 13.10 if GBV is not part of your project.

The other affirmative responses, indcating that GBV protection is a targeted objective, will expand the form to show the questions from sub-categories 13.6 through 13.9 with their respective questions.

13.6 Gender-Based Violence Budget Value * : 

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Provide an estimated percentage of budget per sector activity of your project, dedicated to targeted GBV protection activities. (Please do not include mainstreaming activities).

Field descriptions:

  • Sector/Cluster: displays all the sectors assigned for the project.
  • Sector Budget: displays the budget allocated to each sector according to the information provided in the ‘Budget’ tab.
  • GBV Budget Percentage: enter the percentage of funding that will be allocated to protection from GBV activities for each sector. For the GBV sector, the default value is 100%. 
  • GBV Budget Value: automatically displays the budget value for each sector based on the ratio provided in the ‘GBV Budget Percentage’ column. 
    Please note: the GBV Budget Value should also be included in the overall protection budget value provided in the question 13.2. 
  • GBV People Targeted: enter the number of people targeted with the funding requested from OCHA. If there is a protection sector/cluster, the number of people targeted will automatically be displayed according to the data provided in the ‘People Targeted’ tab.

Please note: GBV budget values entered in this sub-category should fall within the overall protection budget value, that you provided in sub-category 13.2.

13.7 Gender-Based Violence Budget Value Estimation Approach * :
Explain your reasoning for the percentage(s) figures provided in 13.6. For example you can give an overview of the costing model, or include any assumptions made in estimating the GBV budget value, or in the number of people targeted.

If applicable, please also provide a brief description of the protection activities or services included in the project, but funded through external funding sources (i.e., excluding this grant request).

13.8 Target GBV Funding for Women-led Organizations (WLO) * :: Enter the target percentage of GBV funding for Women-led Organizations (WLO).

Please note: Based on the OCHA Gender Action Plan 2021-2025, priority 1, CERF has committed to strengthen funding for GBV protection implemented through WLOs and women’s rights organizations (WRO). To ensure meaningful output, CERF intends to have at least 30% of its GBV funding under each project budget channeled to WLOs and WROs (women’s rights organizations). 

You may refer to the IASC's latest definition for WLOs

13.9 Explanation of Women-led Organizations (WLO) *: Here you can explain the reasons for your response to 13.8 on WLO. If your target GBV for WLO percentage response was 0%, you will be asked to explain your choice of GBV implementing partners, and why you are unable to meet the target. If your target GBV for WLO percentage is greater than 0%, you will be asked to explain and expand on how WLOs will be involved in GBV protection (including in the prevention, risk mitigation and response). 

13.10 Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), Participation and Inclusion in Project Planning and Design *: Describe how you involved crisis-affected people, as well as persons from marginalized groups, in the planning design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project. Explain how you will take their feedback into account and adapt programming. 

13.11 AAP, Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms *: Describe your mechanisms to collect feedback from the people you are assisting across groups. Explain how access and confidentiality are ensured, and what options exist for closing the feedback loop throughout the programme cycle. Explain considerations for partnering with other organizations, and for responding to community feedback jointly, and explain your joint complaints and feedback mechanisms. 

13.12 Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) * : Explain what mechanisms are in place to record and handle Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)-related complaints? Describe how they allow for confidentiality, access and follow-up.

You can find additional guidance in the UN protocol on provision of assistance to victims of PSEA

14. Gender Equality 
14.1 Gender with Age Marker (GAM) * :

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Gender and Age Marker (GAM)

An IASC Gender with Age Marker (GAM) code is mandatory for approval of CERF Projects.
Provide the code received upon completion of the IASC Gender with Age Marker questionnaire.  

If you wish to continue drafting your proposal before the GAM code and Reference are known, you can click the box to check-mark the box “GAM reference not yet available” below the fields.

Please note: 
The GAM code will be required at the final review stage. 
If the GAM Code is 0, you may click here to continue to the next section (Persons with Disabilities)

14.2 Gender Equality Programme Focus * :

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Gender Equality Programme Focus

Select an option to indicate if Gender Equality has been considered in the project design.

Field descriptions

  • Yes, Gender Equality is the main objective: all project activities directly pursue Gender Equality outcomes. 
  • Yes, targeted Gender Equality programming is a component (but not the main objective): some of the project activities/project components directly pursue Gender Equality outcomes. 
  • Yes, Gender Equality is mainstreamed (but no targeted programming): gender Equality is considered as an operational approach, but no Gender Equality outcomes are directly pursued. However, indirect Gender Equality outcomes might be obtained from the project. 
  • No, Gender Equality is not a component: gender Equality is not considered by the project (this mostly refers to Common Services projects – Logistics, Telecoms, UNHAS, etc.). 

Please note: The response to this multiple-choice question determines the line of conditional questions in sub-categories 14.3 through 14.5. 

14.3 Considerations for Gender Equality * :

If Gender Equality is an objective, component or is mainstreamed in your project, you will be asked to explain how aspects of gender and promoting Gender Equality have been factored in your project design.

If Gender Equality is not considered in your project, you will be asked to give a narrative response as to why Gender Equality was not considered in the project design. Your next step in the proposal will be in category 15.  You may click here to go to Persons with Disabilties.

14.4 Gender Equality Budget Value * :

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Gender Equality Budget Value

Where Gender Equality is the main objective or a component of the project, enter the percentage of the project that goes towards Gender Equality.

Field descriptions

  • Sector/Cluster: displays all the sectors assigned for the project.  
  • Sector Budget: automatically displays the budget allocated to each sector according to the information provided in the ‘Budget’ tab. 
  • Gender Equality Budget Percentage: enter the percentage of funding that will be allocated to Gender Equality activities for each sector. 
  • Gender Equality Budget Value: automatically displays the value of the budget allocated to Gender Equality in each sector according to the percentage entered in the previous column. Please note: the Gender Equality Budget Value should also be included in the overall protection budget value provided in the question 12.2. 
  • Gender Equality People Targeted: enter the number of people targeted with the funding requested from OCHA. If there is a protection sector, the number of people targeted will automatically be displayed according to the data provided in the ‘People Targeted’ tab.

Please ensure you include your values of your Gender Equality budget, in your response in sub-category 13.2 in overall Protection targeting.

14.5 Gender Equality Budget Value Estimation Approach * :
For projects that target Gender Equality, explain the reasons for your percentages. You can also describe Gender Equality activities in the project funded through other funding sources.

15. Persons With Disabilities 
15.1 Disability Marker * :

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Disability Marker

From the drop-down list, select whether the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities is the main objective of the project; whether it is a targeted part of the project; whether it is a mainstreamed activity; or whether it’s not a part of the project.

For guidance on mapping the OECD disability policy marker, please see page 10 of the OECD document for mapping the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities. 

Please note: Your selected response to sub-category 15.1 conditions the subsequent sequence of questions for the remainder of category 15.

15.2 Considerations for Disability Inclusion * :

If disability inclusion and empowerment is not a component of your project, please explain why it is not a consideration of your project.

If disability inclusion and empowerment is a component, please explain how the project aims to identify and reduce barriers faced by persons with disabilities, and ensure their access to, and inclusion in project activities. Does the project respond to any specific needs identified for persons with disabilities? Explain how the project addresses specific risks and promotes protection, safety, and dignity for persons with disabilities, including women, girls, other marginalized or at-risk individuals, and groups with disabilities.

15.3 Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) * : Explain if you are working with or consulting with Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) or other disability groups or networks in the design or implementation of this project.

Please note: if you have selected ‘Yes, inclusion and empowerment of persons with disability is mainstreamed (but no targeted programming)’, or ‘No, inclusion and empowerment of persons with disability is not a component’ no more questions will be displayed for this tab. Please do not forget to save your data. Otherwise, please continue to the next questions.

15.4 Persons with Disabilities Budget Value: 

OneGMS - Programming Tab - Persons with Disabilities Budget Value

This question appears if your project has targeted programming for the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
Enter the percentage of the sector activity directed towards the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities. 
The system will calculate the USD value from each sector that goes towards disability concerns from the total sector budget. The total value amounts per sector are added together, to reveal the total budget value that goes towards disability programming.

15.5 Persons with Disabilities Estimation Approach * :: For projects where disability concerns are programmed in the project, explain your approach and assumptions in estimating your disabilities budget value in the narrative field. You may include programming towards disability concerns from other funding as well.