The Organization Dashboard and multilingual video tutorials

This month's blog post will first present you with the new organization dashboard, and how to access the different video tutorials, available in different languages on YouTube and the Help Portal. Organization Dashboard  The organization dashboard is accessible following this link and provides an overview of:  1. All organizations approved in the partner portal and their eligibility status. 2. The status of partners under approval   3. Localization Marker data  As you can notice, many organizations do not have a localization marker. This is because the marker was added to the due diligence form of organizations at a later point in time. To compensate for this lack of data, we encourage you to contact us and give us the name of the organization(s) without a localization marker. We will then send back the organization(s) on the partner portal so that you can rectify it by adding the marker.    Tutorial Videos Thanks to the oPt and Venezuela funds, we were able to create tutorial videos in Arabic and Spanish in addition to English and French. Videos in the four languages are available for partners around the project proposal tabs. All videos are uploaded on our YouTube channel and help portal.  To find the desired language on YouTube, type in the search bar the language abbreviation between brackets: for French type [FR], for Spanish type [ES], for English type [EN] and for Arabic type [AR]. On the help portal, the default language for the video is English. To change the language of the video, hover over the EN button. The languages in which the video is available will be displayed. Click on the language of your choice.
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