Narrative reporting

I)   What is narrative reporting
II)  Progress narrative workflow
III) Final narrative report workflow

I)   What is narrative reporting

CBPFs require Narrative Reporting to ensure that activities carried out are on track to reach the proposed project objectives. Reports for all Implementing Partners are submitted through the OneGMS according to the template provided.

Narrative requirements are determined according to the CBPF’s Operational Modalities. All Implementing Partners (regardless of whether they are a NGO, UN Agency, or Red Cross/Red Crescent) are requested to submit a narrative report.

II)  Progress narrative workflow

1. Activation of report: the OneGMS is configured to activate automatically all reports included in the Timelines tab on the Active date. Activation can also be done manually by HFU.

2. Review of the report: upon submission of the report by the IP, the HFU carries out the review of the report. The HFU can decide to send the report to the IP for re-draft (if necessary), leaving comments in the OneGMS.

3. Approval of the report: once all comments (if any) have been addressed by the partner, HFU will approve the report. HFU does not need to sign the report and upload signed version in GMS – it is enough for HFU to click on the [approved] button in the OneGMS.

III) Final narrative report workflow

1. Activation of report: the OneGMS is configured to activate automatically all reports included in the Timelines tab on the Active date. Activation can also be done manually by HFU. The Final Narrative report is usually activated on the end date of the project and due within 2 months of that date.

2. Review of the report: upon submission of the report by the IP, the HFU carries out the review of the report. The HFU can decide to send the report to the IP for re-draft (if necessary), leaving comments in the OneGMS.

3. Approval of the report: once all comments (if any) have been addressed by the partner, HFU will approve the report. HFU does not need to sign the report and upload signed version in the OneGMS – it is enough for HFU to click the [approved] button in the OneGMS.