Fill in and Download an FTR report

I)  Fill in the FTR Report
    1) FTR Report tab

    OneGMS Focus: Adding more projects to one FTR Report
    OneGMS Focus: Multiple FTRs to one project: Partially Paid Projects, Audit FTRs, Cost Extensions

II) Download the FTR Report

I)  Fill in the FTR Report

The generated FTR report is composed of three tabs: the FTR Report tab, the document tab and the tracking tab.

    1) FTR Report tab

The HFU is required to fill in one field in the FTR Report tab: the ‘Amount to pay’ field. Please note that you cannot enter an amount above the total cost of the Project. However, you can insert a lesser amount. (To learn more about partially paid projects, please refer to this section of this article).

Do not forget to click on [Save and Stay].

The other fields will have to be filled in by MPTF and CBPF Finance (for non-UN projects)

OneGMS Focus: Adding more projects to one FTR Report

*Please note, you can add more projects to an FTR Report under ‘draft mode’. Once it is submitted to CBPF Finance or MPTF, it is no longer possible to add projects.

To add more projects to the FTR Report, go to the FTR Report tab, and click on [Add Projects].

In the pop-up window:
1 - Filter the projects,
2- Select the project(s) you want to add,
3- Click on [add projects].


The HFU can create multiple FTRs for one project.
The most common scenarios for this situation to occur are:

  • The Partner revised the project and was granted a Cost Extension, or
  • That additional Audit Costs are linked to the project.

In these kinds of situations, the projects are not fully funded, and are hence partially paid. For partially paid projects, the HFU must create another FTR.

The system will inform you that the project is partially paid with an information icon under the field ‘Amount to pay’. Hover over this information icon to see the following message:

“This project is partially paid in other FTR(s) and the total amount already paid is XXX.”

You will then need to subtract the amount indicated in the information message to the amount shown under “Total cost to Project” to get the correct figure that should be inserted in the field : ‘Amount to pay’. You can then follow the usual process to submit the FTR.

In the example above, the project was already linked to another FTR, and US$ 620,255.33 had already been paid for that project. Therefore, to fully fund this project, you need to calculate the following:

Amount to Pay (i.e. rest to pay to fully fund the project cost) = Total Cost to Project – Amount already paid (i.e. amount in information icon)

In our example the HFU must insert: 620,875.32 - 620,215.33 = 659.99

Please note, as can be seen in the screenshot below, if you see that the amount indicated in the info message is “0.00”, it means that the project has been added to another FTR which has not yet been processed. Please check that it is not an unnecessary duplicate. You can check the other project’s FTR by using the filters in the FTR Report page.

II) Download the FTR Report

Once all the projects are added to the FTR report with their respective “Amount to pay” fields, you can proceed with downloading the FTR report in PDF format. To do so, click on the orange [Download FTR Report] button at the top of the tab. In the pop-up window, select the report date, and click on [Download FTR Report].