FTR Report

A Fund Transfer Request (FTR) must be created by the HFU staff of MPTF funds to request the transfer of funds from MPTF to OCHA (for non-UN projects) or to the UN agency designated to receive funding (for UN projects). The FTR must be created after the project’s budget has been cleared by CBPF Finance.

Please note: the FTR report must be generated for all projects under MPTF funds only. As shown in the below flowchart, in the case of UN agency projects, there is no Grant Agreement generated. The project will be automatically pushed to ‘Under Implementation and Reporting’ upon the processing of the FTR by MPTF.  

The FTR specific workflow can be found below : 

This article provides a step-by-step guidance on how to process an FTR.

Please find below a summary of all the FTR steps, along with the according user role, depending on the Organization type: 

For NGOs/Red Cross-Red Crescent Societies:

In order to configure and complete the FTR for non-UN projects, you will need to follow the below steps (for HFUs):

  1.  Create the FTR report on the GMS
  2.  Configure the projects and respective “Amount to Pay” in the FTR Report tab
  3.  Download the FTR report as a PDF from the FTR report tab
  4.  Generate the Allocation Letter from the Allocation Letter module
  5.  Sign the FTR report and Allocation Letter by the HC
  6.  Upload the signed FTR report and Allocation Letter in the Documents tab of the FTR module
  7.  Submit the FTR to CBPF Finance
  8.  Submit the FTR to MPTF (done by CBPF Finance)
  9.  Process the FTR (done by MPTF)

For UN projects:

In order to configure and complete the FTR for UN projects, you will need to follow the below steps:

  1.  Create the FTR report on the GMS
  2.  Configure the projects and respective “Amount to Pay” in the FTR Report tab
  3.  Download the FTR report as a PDF from the FTR report tab
  4.  Generate the Allocation Letter from the Allocation Letter module
  5.  Sign the FTR report and Allocation Letter by the HC
  6.  Sign the Allocation Letter by the UN agency representative
  7.  Upload the signed FTR report and Allocation Letter in the Documents tab of the FTR module
  8.  Submit the FTR to MPTF
  9.  Process the FTR (done by MPTF)