Approve the project revision

I)    Approve the project revision
II)   Generate a Grant Agreement Amendment
      GMS Focus : Project Timelines' update

III)  Request HC approval without Grant Agreement Amendment
      1) Review and approved the project revision
      2) Overwrite the project proposal
IV) Approve the project revision without HC approval and Grant Agreement Amendment

I)    Approve the project revision

After you have clicked on [Project Revision Reviewed and Cleared] you will have to assess the revision’s global performance. Answer the question, provide more details in the comment section and click on [Next]

You can leave a comment pertaining to this action and click on [Save & Finish]


After approval by the HFU, a decision on the correct next step needs to be taken. First reopen the project revision and click on [Continue]


From your task page, you will have to choose between these three options, depending on the changes made to the project proposal.  


Revision approved – Prepare GA amendment: you need to prepare a GAA if the project revision includes: 

  • A change in the Project duration/end date.
  • A budget variance of more than 20% of the budget categories.
  • A change in the bank account to be used for disbursement of funds. 
  • An increase in the total project budget.
  • The addition of a new budget line above the 20% parameter for any budget category. 
  • Any change in the sub-partners. 

Send project revision to HC for approval (no GA amendment needed): you are NOT required to generate a Grant Agreement Amendment for the following changes: 

  • Creation of a new budget line not exceeding 20% of the budget category, PROVIDED that the total budget is not exceeded. 
  • Change of project location, UNLESS the entire project area has been changed; 
  • Change in number of beneficiaries, UNLESS this changes the nature of the project; 
  • ​​​​​​​Change in approved project activity, UNLESS this changes the project objective and key result. 

However, you can still request the approval of the HC 

Project revision approved by the HFU without HC approval (no GA amendment needed): you can also approve the project revision without the HC approval and without GAA. The same conditions apply: 

  • Creation of a new budget line not exceeding 20%of the budget category, PROVIDED that the total budget is not exceeded. 
  • Change of project location, UNLESS the entire project area has been changed; 
  • Change in number of beneficiaries, UNLESS this changes the nature of the project; 
  • ​​​​​​​Change in approved project activity, UNLESS this changes the project objective and key result. 

II)   Generate a Grant Agreement Amendment

If the project revision requires a GAA, it will follow the following workflow: 


GMS Focus : Project Timelines' update  

A Project Revision might trigger the need to create additional instances in the project’s Timelines in the two following cases: 

  • A No Cost Extension including a change of Operational Modalities; OR
  • ​​​​​​​A Budget extension including a change of Operational Modalities. 

If the project revision does not include any of these scenarios, you can proceed with the revision without updating the Timelines. 

A Timelines’ update is required if the duration or budget extension changes the applicable operational modalities linked to the project. The changes will imply either additional reporting/monitoring instances, a change in the disbursement tranches, or both. You should update the project’s Timelines before generating the Grant Agreement Amendment, when the revision workflow reaches: ‘Grant Agreement Amendment Preparation’. The 'Timelines' tab of the revision module is designed to help you with this update. 

In the case of a NCE, the due dates of the final reports should always be updated in the Timelines tab of the project prior to the GAA generation. 

To learn more on how to update the Timelines, PRIOR TO GENERATING THE GAA, please refer to this article of the Help Portal. 

When the project Timelines have been updated (if necessary), you can proceed with generating the GAA. Please click here to learn how to generate the GAA and here to learn about the GAA signature process. 

Once the GAA is signed by all parties, the project revision is automatically approved by the OneGMS. The HFU can open the project revision, click on [Continue] to open the task page and click on the [Overwrite] button. 

Once the Project is overwritten, there is no way of reversing the project revision, and the revision data becomes part of the project proposal. This process cannot be undone; therefore, the Overwrite button must be clicked with utmost care. 

III)  Request HC approval without Grant Agreement Amendment

In that case, the project revision will follow this workflow. 


      1) Review and approved the project revision 

You can open the revision request from your home page in the ‘Revision Task List’ section. To open it, click on the date.  


You will have read only access. Once reviewed, click on [Continue].  


The task page displays all the tasks you can perform at this stage of the revision process.   


  • Project revision approved: click here if you approve the project revision. However, you will still have to go back and overwrite the project proposal.
  • ​​​​​​​Send back: click here if you do not approve the project proposal and wish to send it back.  

You can then leave a comment pertaining to this action and click on [Save & Finish]


      2) Overwrite the project proposal

Once the HC has approved the project revision, open the project revision form and click on [Overwrite]. 

Once the Project is overwritten, there is no way of reversing the project revision, and the revision data becomes part of the project proposal. 


IV) Approve the project revision without HC approval and Grant Agreement Amendment

If you approve the project revision without HC approval and GAA, the project revision will follow this workflow.  


You can open the project revision form and click on [Overwrite].

Once the Project is overwritten, there is no way of reversing the project revision, and the revision data becomes part of the project proposal. 
