Standard Allocation: after the Strategic Review of the CC, move forward with the process

I) How to move forward with the process after the Strategic Review by CC (HFU, HC)
   1) HC Endorsement (HC)
       a) SR Rejected (HFU)
       b) HC Considered (HFU)

I) How to move forward with the process after the Strategic Review by CC (HFU, HC)

Once the Cluster Coordinator has reviewed the project proposal, the project appears in the HFU’s Project Task list as ‘SR Assessed’. Click on the link to access the project proposal, and then on [Continue] to open the task page.


At this stage, the HFU can choose to: 

  • [Send to RB Review]: click here to ask for Board Review if relevant in your fund and allocation parameters.
  • [Send to HC Endorsement]: click here to request HC Endorsement.


   1) HC Endorsement

After the Review Board Review, you can go back to the task page to send the project to HC Endorsement.


The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) will be notified by email that a project has been sent to their review and endorsement. The HC must assess all project proposals once the Strategic Review has been completed.  

To access the project, the HC can click on its link in the ‘Project Task List’ of their homepage.


After the review of the cluster’s recommendations and comments, you can click on [Continue] to open the task page.


At this stage, the HC can: 

  • [SR Rejected]: click here to reject the project proposal during the Strategic Review stage. The HFU will then notify the IP of this decision.
  • [HC Considered|: click here to endorse the project proposal. The project proposal workflow can move forward. 


       a) SR Rejected (HFU)

If the HC rejects the project, the HFU can then notify the organisation by clicking on [Notify IP of rejection] from the task page.


       b) HC Considered (HFU)

Before HFUs move the project proposal forward, they have to send it to the Advisory Board for information. The Advisory Board has 24/48 hours to send comments/objections (if any). 

Once the HC has endorsed the project and the Advisory Board provided its comment, the HFU needs to open the project and the task list.


From there, the HFU can choose one of the following options: 

  • [Send to IP for Re-draft]: depending on the HC’s comments, click here to send the project proposal to the IP for re-draft. Once the IP has finished their re-draft, the project proposal will go back to the “HC Endorsed” stage.
  • [Project withdrawn]: click here to withdraw the project if the IP expressed their wish to withdraw the project.
  • [Send to Cluster Coordinator for TR]: click here to move forward with the project workflow and start the Technical Review stage.
  • [Send back to HC for final decision]: click here to send the project back to the Humanitarian Coordinator. The project will be under the status “Under HC Endorsement”.