Strategic Review

What are pre-strategic and strategic reviews ?

The Pre-Strategic Review is an optional first step after project proposal submission by the partner. It is not meant to be a comprehensive review of the project, which the HFU will carry out during later Review stages. Pre-Strategic Review is instead meant to ensure that the proposal is duly filled out and is ready for Strategic Review. HFU should not send back to the partner with substantive comments at this stage but should only send back if key sections are not duly filled out, or if information is incomplete or not in compliance with the allocation paper.

The Strategic Review aims at identifying and prioritising project proposals considered best suited to address the needs identified in the allocation paper. The pre-selection of projects is intended to stimulate efficiency and allow for a rapid process that correctly targets identified needs.

Parties involved in the Strategic Review

CLUSTER COORDINATOR (CC) - The Cluster Coordinator(s) will support CBPFs at the strategic level, by ensuring that there are linkages between the fund, the HRP and cluster strategies. The Cluster Coordinator has a key role in the Strategic Review, as they are the main evaluator, and have the responsibility to save the results in the Partner’s project scorecard and recommend (or not) the project.  

HFU - Under SR the role of HFU is to facilitate the review and, if necessary, to fill out the scorecards on behalf of the CC. Following the Clusters’ review, the HFU sends the project proposal to either the Humanitarian Coordinator for endorsement, or, if relevant, to the Review Board. 

REVIEW BOARD (RB) (Only for Standard Allocations - optional) - The review committee participates in the strategic review and selection of a shortlist of project proposals after Cluster Review. 
Please Note: not all funds have a review board. Also, review boards do not have access to the OneGMS as such, and do not fill out scorecards.  

THE HUMANITARIAN COORDINATOR (HC) (Only for Standard Allocations) – In a standard allocation, the first HC endorsement happens after the projects are reviewed and scored by the cluster coordinators. The HC then has the possibility to either discard the project proposal or endorse it and send it to the Technical Review stage.

Strategic Review Workflow – Standard Allocation


Strategic Review Workflow – Reserve Allocation