
I)   What is disbursement
II)  When is the Disbursement triggered
III) Disbursement workflow

I)   What is disbursement

Once the counter signed project letter has been uploaded on the OneGMS and verified, the disbursement process can start. Disbursement is the transfer of the full/partial amount from the UN bank account to the Agency’s bank account, for a specific approved project. The amount granted will be clearly stipulated in the project letter. 


II)  When is the Disbursement triggered

Grants will be disbursed as soon as possible following the CERF Secretariat’s receipt of the Project Letter signed by the Agency for which the ERC has approved a project. 


III) Disbursement workflow 

Disbursement follows specific steps. First, the Finance team must create an obligation by entering UMOJA references and a payment request. Then CERF Finance can submit the disbursement to the accounts. Finally, once the accounts team has confirmed the disbursement, the Finance Officer can confirm the disbursement by registering the disbursement date.