Managing the timelines’ instances after validation 

I)   Activate an instance
II)  Edit an inactive instance's type and dates
III) Deactivate an instance
IV) Delete an instance
     1) Delete a non-OM Compliant instance
     2) Delete an OM Compliant instance (Fund Manager)
V) Change the OM Compliant status of an instance (Fund Manager/Programme Officer)

I) Activate an instance

User role: All HFU staff

The Timelines’ reporting and monitoring instances are automatically activated by the system at the date saved in the ‘Active date’ field.
You can also click on [Activate] to activate the instance. This action will override the active date previously saved, and the instance will be active immediately.

Once the report is activated, click on [Save].

II) Edit an inactive instance's type and dates

User role: All HFU staff

*Please note, it is not possible to edit the type or active date of an active instance. To do so, the HFU should first deactivate the instance, and only then edit the instance’s type or active date.

You can edit the type, the active and due dates of INACTIVE instances, even if they are labelled OM Compliant.

In the case of an inactive OM Compliant instance, the HFU will only be able to change the type within the same category.

For example, user will be able to change the report type of a “Final Financial Report” to “Category Final Financial Report”. However, user will not be able to change report type from “Final Financial Report” to “Interim Financial Report” as it would cause conflict in the OM.

After editing the instance, do not forget to click on [Save (instance) Timelines].

III) Deactivate an instance

User role: all HFU staff

HFU staff can deactivate an active instance, even labelled OM Compliant, by clicking on the  icon. By clicking on this icon, all data linked to this active instance will be deleted from the GMS. Please press this button with utmost care as all data saved in this instance will be erased.

Don’t forget to click on the [Save] button of the amended section to save your changes.
*Please note, you cannot deactivate an instance that has been approved.

IV) Delete an instance

     1) Delete a non-OM Compliant instance

User role: all HFU staff

To delete a non-OM Compliant instance, even if it is active, click on the red cross at the right-hand side of the instance’s line.

*Please note that it is not possible to delete an Approved instance.
This action does not require a re-validation of the Timelines.

Do not forget to click on [Save] after deleting the instance. 

     2) Delete an OM Compliant instance (Fund Manager)

User Role: Fund Manager only

The Fund Manager has the possibility to delete an OM Compliant instance, even if active, provided he/she inserts a waiver justifying this action. To do so click on the red cross at the right-hand side of the instance’s line, then add the corresponding waiver and click on [Save].

In this case, the Timelines will need to be re-authorized. Please refer to this article

*Please note that it is not possible to delete an Approved instance.

Field Description:

  • Reason for Cancellation: Please select one reason for cancellation from the drop-down list.
  • Comments for cancellation: Please insert your comments and explanation regarding the cancellation of the instance.
  • Upload Supporting documents (optional): Users can upload justification documents if needed.


V) Change the OM Compliant status of an instance (Fund Manager/Programme Officer)

User Role: Fund Manager/Programme Officer business roles only

A feature has been introduced on GMS to allow the Fund Manager or Programme Officer business to delete an incorrect instance without necessarily inserting a waiver.
To do so, the Fund Manager or Programme Officer have the possibility to change the OM Compliant status of reports/monitoring instances by ticking and unticking the OM Compliance green check.

*Please note, it is not possible to tick/untick the green checkboxes of approved instances. Only instances that have not yet been approved can be marked/unmarked OM Compliant.
After ticking/unticking the box, click on the [Save] button of the amended section.

Once an instance is no longer OM Compliant, it is possible to delete it without adding a waiver.

Please be aware that if you untick an OM Compliant instance and save the section without adding a new instance, the system will pick up the fact that the Timelines are missing an OM Compliant instance.

Hence, the Timelines will be unauthorized and an error icon will appear in the Operational Modality top section.

In order to fill the OM requirements, you will have to either create a new instance, that would be replacing the unmarked one, OR mark another similar instance as OM Compliant in replacement. Once the Timelines match the Operational modality requirements, the system will automatically re-authorize the Timelines.