Strategic Review Committee scorecard

What is the Strategic Review Committee scorecard? 

The Strategic Review (SR) aims at identifying and prioritising project proposals considered best suited to address the priorities and needs identified in the allocation strategy paper.  

During the Strategic Review, the Strategic Review Committee reviews and scores project proposals based on a Strategic Review Scorecard. The scoring of projects must take place on the OneGMS through the completion of the SRC scorecard. This SRC scorecard must be created by the HFU during each allocation’s configuration process.   

This thread of articles will focus on the creation and management of the Strategic Review scorecard. To learn more about how to conduct a Strategic Review and fill the scorecard for each project, please refer to this article of the Help Portal. 

When should you create a new strategic review scorecard? 

During the allocation configuration stage, the HFU is required to link the new allocation to its corresponding Strategic Review scorecard. Consequently, it is primordial for the HFU to CREATE a unique SRC scorecard before creating an allocation on the OneGMS. This unique SRC scorecard can be edited after the launch of the allocation and up until the scoring of projects.  


  • Each allocation should have one unique SRC scorecard.
  • Upon scoring a project under a specific scorecard, the scorecard becomes non-editable. If you notice an error in your scorecard, make sure not to save any score and go to the SRC management module to edit it before going back to the scoring of projects.    

To read more on each step of the creation and management of the Strategic Review scorecard, please click on the following links:

Manage and create a new SRC scorecard on the OneGMS
Populate the scorecard’s template
How to add, edit and delete recommendations
Associate a colour code to the scorecard’s results 
View projects linked to the scorecard and export the scorecard