How to manage the Due Diligence document templates?

How to manage the Due Diligence document templates? GMS Quick Tip
I. What is the 'Manage Due Diligence' page of the GMS? II. How to access this page on the GMS? III. How to add a Document's template in the Due Diligence form       a. GMS Focus: Select the Due Diligence Form tab the template will be linked to        b. GMS Focus: Difference between mandatory and additional documents  I. What is the 'Manage Due Diligence' page of the GMS? The Due Diligence Template Management page of the GMS allows HFU officers to edit and upload the Due Diligence templates found in the documents’ tab of the Due Diligence that Partners must fill out and submit during their eligibility process.  From the Due Diligence Template Management page, the HFU can:  1. Upload the templates of the documents the Partners will have to download, fill in and re-upload on multiple tabs of the Due Diligence. 2. Create the categories that will be listed when users want to upload a document in their Due Diligence.  II. How to access this page on the GMS?  System Setup > Due Diligence > Manage Due Diligence Templates  III. How to add a Document’s template in the Due Diligence form  To add a new document’s template to the Due Diligence, click on [Add Template]. Fill in the fields (a description of all fields is provided HERE) upload the document from your desktop and click on [Save]. Upon clicking on [Save] you can see the added template in the list. Upon clicking on [Save], and if ticked as ‘active’, the document is added to the list of templates in the Due Diligence module, hence visible to the Partner.           a. GMS Focus: Select the Due Diligence Form tab the template will be linked to  To configure in which tab of the Due Diligence form (application form, documents, bank info) the document template or category will be applied, you will need to pay particular attention to this filter:  ‘Document Group’ Document Group:  Select from the drop-down list the category of document the template belongs to.  Application Form: Select this option for the templates that should be saved in the ‘Application form’ tab of the Due Diligence form. This will create a category in the drop-down list in the ‘List of active signatories’ field. Application Form Document: Select this option for the templates that should be saved in the ‘Due Diligence Document’ tab of the Due Diligence form. Bank Info: Select this option for the templates that should be saved in the ‘Bank Info’ tab of the Due Diligence form.      b. GMS Focus: Difference between mandatory and additional documents  When adding a document’s template, you need to choose whether this document is mandatory or not. You can do so by ticking, or leaving unticked, the checkbox ‘is mandatory’.  Is mandatory: tick this box if the template you are adding is a mandatory document that the partner will have to download, fill in and submit during the Due Diligence process.  If not ticked, the document’s template will be visible in the ‘Additional documents’ section of the Due Diligence Documents’ tab.  Is mandatory for UN Agency: tick this box if the document’s template is mandatory for UN Agencies ONLY.  If you tick this box, the NGO and Red Cross/Red Crescent society partners will NOT see the template in their list. In our example below, the template was saved under the category ‘Application Form Document’ as mandatory.  Hence it appears in the Required documents section in the Due Diligence document tab.  If we had left the ‘is mandatory’ box unticked, the template’s title would have been displayed in the additional document’s drop-down list. For more information on the use of the Due Diligence Template Management module, visit our dedicated guidance article on our Help Portal at this link.  
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How to extract Audit data in the GMS

What is the Audit Report and where to access it in the GMS? How to generate an Audit Report (filters)? What is included in the Audit Report extract?   What is the Audit Report and where to access it in the GMS? The GMS allows the users to download all audit data as a working Excel document where multiple partners can be selected. For more information on the project audit, please see the dedicated article on Project Audit on the Help Portal.  To generate such a document, go to report > report > Audit report  2. How to generate an Audit Report (filters)?  In the Audit Report page, enter your research requirements using the filter options, and click on [export to excel]. If you click on [export to excel] without applying filters, you will generate a full dump of all audit reports of the Pooled Funds in which you are registered. A description of the filters is available below the screenshot. Filters description: Pooled Fund: Select from the drop-down list the Pooled Fund. You will only be able to select the Pooled Fund(s) in which you are registered. Allocation year: select from the drop-down list the allocation year by ticking its checkbox. You can select multiple allocations. Partner type: Select from the drop-down list the Organization type by ticking its checkbox. You can select multiple organizations. Partner: Select from the drop-down list the Organization by ticking its checkbox. You can select multiple organizations. Then, click on [export to excel]. The excel will be downloaded in your computer, by default in the ‘Downloads’ folder, except if you configured it differently.         3. What is included in the Audit Report extract?  The Audit Report excel extract is broken down into two tabs: the Audit Report sheet, which will display all the information relevant to the audit findings and recommendations, and the Audit Closure Report sheet, which will provide an overview of all the key dates of the project instances.  Field Description (Audit Report sheet): Fund Name Organization Name Project Code Audit completion Date Eligible Expenditure (as per the audit report) Recommendation and findings (including its type and risk level) Justifications and implementing partner’s responses Field Description (Audit Closure Report sheet): Fund Name Project Code Partner Due Diligence and Capacity Assessment status Project submission, signature dates Tranches disbursement amounts and dates Financial and Narrative reports submission date Audit activation and actual completion dates  
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The Pooled Funds Data Hub's new Features!

                                                                            For better visualization and access to the data, the Pooled Funds Data Hub has been updated to include the new features in the Contributions – BY CERF/CBPF section! The Contributions are displayed in a bar chart according to the mechanism: either CERF (in yellow) and CBPF (in red). You can filter the data by selecting years from the timeline, or choose between the pledge and paid options. You can hover over a bar to view the donors’ names and contributions’ amounts: If several years are selected, you can use the arrows to navigate through the years. The latest addition to this visual is the cumulative total curves: These curves (in yellow for CERF data, in red for CBPF data) indicate the cumulative total by month (if you selected a year in the filters) or by year (by default view / if you selected several years in the filter). You can hover over the curves to see the total amount.                                                                                         GMS Focus : The CUMULATIVE total amounts This newest feature, the cumulative total curves, displays the accumulated contributions throughout the months (for one selected year) or the years (if several years are selected). This means that the dots, and the pop ups, display the total contributions UP TO the selected element. For instance, in the example below, the CBPF contributions from January 2019 to October 2019 is US$726,876,969. However, the contributions received in October 2019 alone is displayed in the bar chart, and is roughly US$59 million  (indicated by the green circle in the screenshot below) This also means that if there are no contributions received in a specific month, the curve will remain parallel to the x axis, instead of going down to zero (see screenshot below for example). The pop up will hence indicate the total contributions up to the selected period.    
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Disbursement Process Report

What is the Disbursement Process Report on GMS? How to access the Disbursement Process Report? How to generate the Report How to read the Report   What is the Disbursement Process Report on GMS?  The Disbursement Process Report provides users with an extensive overview of Disbursement data of all – or filtered, projects. It includes the average number of days it took the CBPF finance team to process the disbursement tranches, as well as the dates and disbursements’ amounts. The report comes with two different scales, not accessible by all user roles: the Global Disbursement Process Report, and the Fund Disbursement Process Report. Both Global and CBPF disbursement process report modules provide the same functionality, the only difference is the scale of the data provided. While the CBPF disbursement process report shows the data only for one specific country, the Global report allows for the selection of several countries (all countries that a user has access to in GMS will show in the filter option for Global Disbursement Process report). The Global module is only available for CBPF Finance and CBPF Programme units on GMS (HQ teams).    How to access the Disbursement Process Report?  Users can access the Disbursement Process Report through the Milestones Dashboard. To access the Global Disbursement Process Report, use the Global Milestones page. To access the Fund Disbursement Process Report, use the CBPF Milestones page. By following this navigation: Report > Report > CBPF Milestones OR Global Milestones. You can also access the Milestones from the Quick Access  menu. Go to the second tab of the Milestones: the Dashboard tab. To access the Disbursement Process Report, click on [Disbursement Process Report].   III. How to generate the report  To generate the Disbursement Process Report, apply filters if needed, then click on [filter]. An interesting feature in this module is the possibility to filter the data by excluding specific days!! For instance, excluding weekends would yield a report that only includes working days (refer to screenshot above). To access a detailed guidance on the filtering possibilities, as well as all elements included in the report, please refer to this article of the Help Portal for the Global DIsbursement Process Report, and here for the Fund DIsbursement Process Report.   IV. How to read this Report?  Number of days per project (including total average per project): (The data displayed below is drawn from the training GMS and does not reflect the actual figures - this is dummy data) Total average: (The data displayed below is drawn from the training GMS and does not reflect the actual figures - this is dummy data)  
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