How to manage the Due Diligence document templates? GMS Quick Tip

How to manage the Due Diligence document templates?

POSTED BY Yasmina Nousseir | 24 Feb 2022 | GMS Quick Tip

I. What is the 'Manage Due Diligence' page of the GMS?
II. How to access this page on the GMS?
III. How to add a Document's template in the Due Diligence form

      a. GMS Focus: Select the Due Diligence Form tab the template will be linked to 
      b. GMS Focus: Difference between mandatory and additional documents 

I. What is the 'Manage Due Diligence' page of the GMS?

The Due Diligence Template Management page of the GMS allows HFU officers to edit and upload the Due Diligence templates found in the documents’ tab of the Due Diligence that Partners must fill out and submit during their eligibility process. 

From the Due Diligence Template Management page, the HFU can: 
1. Upload the templates of the documents the Partners will have to download, fill in and re-upload on multiple tabs of the Due Diligence.
2. Create the categories that will be listed when users want to upload a document in their Due Diligence. 

II. How to access this page on the GMS? 

System Setup > Due Diligence > Manage Due Diligence Templates 
To access the Manage Due diligence Templates, click on system setup, then due diligence and manage due diligence templates.

III. How to add a Document’s template in the Due Diligence form 

To add a new document’s template to the Due Diligence, click on [Add Template].
On the Due Diligence tab, click on add template on the top left of the page to add a new document's template

Fill in the fields (a description of all fields is provided HERE) upload the document from your desktop and click on [Save].
On the due diligence templates tab, once you have filled in the fields, click on save on the bottom left

Upon clicking on [Save] you can see the added template in the list.
The Due Diligence Document templates tab

Upon clicking on [Save], and if ticked as ‘active’, the document is added to the list of templates in the Due Diligence module, hence visible to the Partner. 

         a. GMS Focus: Select the Due Diligence Form tab the template will be linked to 

To configure in which tab of the Due Diligence form (application form, documents, bank info) the document template or category will be applied, you will need to pay particular attention to this filter: 

‘Document Group’
The Document Group drop-down list.

Document Group:  Select from the drop-down list the category of document the template belongs to. 

Application Form:Select this option for the templates that should be saved in the ‘Application form’ tab of the Due Diligence form. This will create a category in the drop-down list in the ‘List of active signatories’ field.
The Application Template Form drop-down list displays template categories the partner can choose from to upload documents from. They are configured in the Due Diligence Template Management page.

Application Form Document: Select this option for the templates that should be saved in the ‘Due Diligence Document’ tab of the Due Diligence form.
The Due Diligence Document tab

Bank Info:Select this option for the templates that should be saved in the ‘Bank Info’ tab of the Due Diligence form.
The Bank Info tab. When configured, the Bak Statement button on the left-hand side of the page allows partners to download a bank statement template and re-upload it on this tab.

     b. GMS Focus: Difference between mandatory and additional documents 

When adding a document’s template, you need to choose whether this document is mandatory or not. You can do so by ticking, or leaving unticked, the checkbox ‘is mandatory’. 
Is mandatory: tick this box if the template you are adding is a mandatory document that the partner will have to download, fill in and submit during the Due Diligence process.  If not ticked, the document’s template will be visible in the ‘Additional documents’ section of the Due Diligence Documents’ tab. 
Is mandatory for UN Agency: tick this box if the document’s template is mandatory for UN Agencies ONLY.  If you tick this box, the NGO and Red Cross/Red Crescent society partners will NOT see the template in their list.
on the 'Due Diligence Templates' tab, there are the two checkbox 'is mandatory' and 'is mandatory for UN Agency' on the right side of the tab.

In our example below, the template was saved under the category ‘Application Form Document’ as mandatory. 
Hence it appears in the Required documents section in the Due Diligence document tab. 
If we had left the ‘is mandatory’ box unticked, the template’s title would have been displayed in the additional document’s drop-down list.
If the template was not thicked as mandatory, it will be displayed on the drop-down list on the right side of the Due Diligence Document tab.

For more information on the use of the Due Diligence Template Management module, visit our dedicated guidance article on our Help Portal at this link.