Implementation and Reporting

What is Implementation ? 

Implementation & Reporting is the sixth step of the OneGMS standard and reserve allocation workflow. The project enters this stage after the grant agreement is signed and the first disbursement is made. 



How does the OneGMS support Implementation ?Top

During the implementation and reporting phase, implementing partners work towards fulfilling their project objectives as indicated in the project proposal. Implementing partners must also report on their progress via narrative and financial reports to HFU and OCHA Headquarters and undergo monitoring instances, such as financial spot checks and in-field visits. The exact requirements may vary depending on the project caracteristics, including duration, budget, and Risk Level, according to the Fund's Operational Modalities.

Narrative Reporting describes the overall performance of the project and provides details on the achievements of the project's objectives and milestones. It measures results of the approved logical frameworks elements, and reports on the number of reached persons, the locations, and other information such as risk management and coordination.

Financial Reporting reflects expenditure incurred for project activities.

Even though the actual project implementation will take place between the start and end dates, the project will show as ‘under implementation and reporting’ in the OneGMS from the payment of the first tranche to the partner until the activation of the first final report in the system. 

Although the implementation of the project activities occurs offline, both monitoring and reporting instances are supported by the OneGMS.
  • Progress Report (intermediate Narrative Report)
  • Interim Report (intermediate Financial Report)
  • Final Narrative Report
  • Final Financial Report
  • Monitoring

Please note: all these reporting will be finalized in phase 2 roll out in Q3 2023.