Sharepoint Project

Create Project TOP

Navigation: SharePoint Project > SharePoint Project >Create Project

Purpose: GMS needs to keep a track of all fund allocation done via third-party software like SharePoint. These SharePoint projects need to be updated in the GMS system for which the SharePoint projects option has been created.

Usage: A new SharePoint Project can be created only by a GMS Admin user. To create a new project, click on the Create Project menu item present under the Create Project menu. This menu is only available to GMS Admin user.

Field Descriptions:
  • Organization (text box):  Enter the Organization name for which the sharepoint project is being created for. 
  • Cluster (drop down box):  Displays the cluster s available in the pooled fund.
  • Project Title (text box):  Enter the project title.

Click on the Save button to create the new sharepoint project.

After creation of the new sharePoint project, the project listing screen will be displayed. Select the appropriate project by clicking on the edit icon for which further details need to be updated.


The user will require to fill in the information for the following tabs.

Each tab is described below in detail. The user can add Project-level comments which would be displayed on the top right section of the page. The Tab-level comments would be displayed at the bottom of the page. The user can also enter Tab level comments using the comment icon displayed on the page. Please remember to keep saving the inputted data by clicking on the Save & Stay button or Save & Exit Project button. 

MoU DraftTOP

MoU Draft is the first status of a SharePoint Project. This tab is editable by HFU only. The HFU would be able to view the following details of the project and edit the same.

Field Description:
  • Project Title (Text box): Enter the title for the SharePoint project.
  • Sub Number (Text box): Enter the sub number.
  • Submission Date (Date dropdown box):  Enter the project submission date.
  • Original Budget (Text box): Enter the original budget allocated for the project.
  • Date of Recommendation by RB (Date dropdown box): Enter the date of recommendation by RB.
  • SharePoint project code (Text box): Enter the project code. 
  • HC Endorsement Letter Date (Date dropdown box): Enter the HC endorsement letter date.
  • Date MoU Draft Sent to ASB would be the date when the project moves from “MoU Draft” status to “MoU Clearance by ASB” status.

After updating the relevant data, click on the Submit to MoU Clearance to allow the project to move from “MoU Draft” status to “MoU Clearance by ASB” status. 

MoU ClearanceTOP

MoU Clearance tab is editable only by FCS Finance. The FCS Finance user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab.


Field Description:

  • Payee Id (Text box): Enter the payee id details.
  • Approved Budget (Text box): Enter the Approved budget for the SharePoint project.
  • MPTF Transaction Reference Number (Text box): Enter the MPTF Transaction Reference Number.
  • 1st Instalment Amount (Text box): Enter the 1st instalment amount allocated for the project.
  • Date MoU Cleared by ASB would be the date when the project moves from “MoU Clearance” status to “Counter Signed by IP” status.

If any clarification required, click on the Return to MoU Draft button to send it back to the HFU. After updating the relevant data, click on the Submit to IP for Counter Signed button to allow the project to move from “MoU Clearance” status to “Counter Signed by IP” status.

Counter Sign by IPTOP

Counter Sign by IP tab is editable only by HFU. The HFU user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. 


Field Description:

  • Date HC Signature on MoU date (Date dropdown box): Enter the date on which HC signed on the MoU.
  • Date MoU Signed by IP (Date dropdown box):  Enter the date on which the IP signed on the MoU.
  • Project End Date (Date dropdown box):  Enter the existing project end date provided for the project.
  • Project Duration (Text box): Enter the duration for the project.
  • MoU Clearance Time (in days) would be the number of days between the dates when the project moved in and out of “MoU Clearance “ status.

After updating the relevant data, click either of the buttons.

  • Submit for first Disbursement to allow the project to move from “Counter Signed by IP” status to “Disbursement 1” status.
  • Withdraw Project allows for project closure.
  • Return to MoU Clearance to redirect the project to FCS Finance for further clarification.
  • Cancel Project will cancel the project. There will be no further action taken on this project. 

Disbursement 1(Dib. 1)TOP

Disbursement 1 tab is editable only by FCS Finance. The FCS Finance user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab.


Field Description:

  • Project End Date (Date Dropdown box): Enter the project end date.
  • 1st Disbursement Due Date (Date Dropdown box): Enter the first disbursement due date.
  • OBMO/OBLA Number (Text box): Enter the OBMO/OBLA number.
  • Date OBMO/OBLA sent to UNOG (Date Dropdown box): Enter the date.
  • Date OBMO/OBLA approved by UNOG (Date Dropdown box): Enter the date.
  • PYIN/RCTP (Text box): Enter the PYIN/RCTP details.
  • Date Invoice/RCTP sent to UNOG (Date Dropdown box): Enter the date.
  • Date of Disbursement of funds from UNOG to Partner (Date Dropdown box): Enter the date.
  • Disbursement Time (in days) would be the date when the project moves from “Disbursement 1” status to “Financial Reporting / Project Extension” status.

If any clarification required, click on the Return to Counter Signature button to send it back to the HFU. After updating the relevant data, click on the Submit for Financial Reporting / Project Extension button to allow the project to move from “Disbursement 1” status to “Financial Reporting / Project Extension” status.

Financial Report/ExtensionTOP

Financial Report/Extension tab is editable only by HFU. The HFU user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. Click on the Project Extension Requested checkbox if the user wishes to extend the project end date.


Field Description:

  • Date Financial Report Received by FM (Date Dropdown box): Select the date.
  • Final Expenditure Reported By IP (Text box): Enter the final expenditure reported by Implementing Partner.
  • Date ASB Cleared NCE Request would be the date when FCS Finance clears the NCE request in the Extn. Clearance stage, if an extension to the project has been requested.

Screenshot when checkbox for Project Extension Requested is checked.


Field Description:

  • Date Project Extension Requested (Date Dropdown box): Enter date when project extension was requested.
  • Request Length Of Duration(Months) (Text box): Enter the length of extension duration in months.
  • Project End Date After NCE Approval (Date Dropdown box): Enter the new end date for project completion. 

If any clarification required, click on the Return to Disbursement button to send it back to FCS Finance. After updating the relevant data, click on the Submit for Project Extension Clearance button if an extension for the project duration has been requested else Click on the Submit for Financial Reporting clearance (UN Projects) button for UN Projects or Click on the Submit for External Audit (Non-UN Projects) button for Non-UN projects.  

Extension ClearanceTOP

Extension tab is editable only by FCS Finance. The FCS Finance user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. 

Field Description:

  • Project End Date After NCE Approval (Date Dropdown box): Enter new end date for the project.
  • Date ASB Cleared NCE Request would be the date when FCS Finance clears the NCE request. 

If any clarification required, click on the Return to Project Extension Request button to send it back to HFU. After updating the relevant data, click on the Approve Extension Request button for the extension of project.

Financial Report ClearanceTOP

Financial Report Clearance Extension tab is applicable for UN projects and is editable only by FCS Finance. The FCS Finance user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. 


Field Description:

  • Refund from Implementing partner (text box): Enter the amount to be received from the Implementing partner.
  • Date Financial Report Received by ASB would be the date when FCS Finance received the financial report. 

If any clarification required, click on the Return to Financial reporting request button to send it back to HFU. After updating the relevant data, click on the Submit for External Audit button for external audit.

External AuditTOP

External Audit tab is editable only by HFU. The HFU user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. 

Field Description:

  • Date External Audit triggered by FM (Date Dropdown box): Enter date when external audit was triggered by Fund Manager.
  • Date Draft Audit report received by FM (Date Dropdown box): Enter date when draft audit report was received by Fund Manager.
  • Date Draft Audit report cleared (Date Dropdown box): Enter date when draft audit report was cleared.
  • Date Final Audit report due (Date Dropdown box): Enter date when final audit report is due.
  • Date Final Audit received by FM (Date Dropdown box): Enter date when final audit report was received by Fund Manager.
  • Final Expenditure cleared by Audit (Text box): Enter the final expenditure cleared by Audit.
  • Final Expenditure cleared by Fund Manager (Text box): Enter the final expenditure cleared by Fund Manager.
  • FM Comments (Text box): Enter the comments of the Fund Manager.

If any clarification required, click on the Return to Financial reporting clearance button to send it back to FCS Finance. After updating the relevant data, click on the Submit External Audit to ASB button to submit the audit to FCS Finance for external auditing. 

External Audit by ASBTOP

External Audit tab is editable only by FCS Finance. The FCS Finance user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. 

Field Description:

  • Date Final Audit Received By ASB (Date Dropdown box): Enter date when final audit was received by FCS Finance.
  • Expenditure Cleared By Audit (Text box): Enter the expenditure cleared by Audit.
  • Total Expenditure Cleared By ASB (Text box): Enter the total expenditure cleared by FCS Finance.
  • Authorised Vs Audited (Text box): Enter the Authorised Vs Audited differences.
  • ASB Comment (Text box): Enter the comments of the FCS Finance.

Click on the Submit to Disbursement 2 button if any funds remaining to give to the Implementing Partner else click on the Trigger Refund from IP/Agency button to trigger any excess amount to be refunded by the IP/Agency to the pooled fund. If there is no disbursement or refund applicable, click on the Submit for Project Closure button to close the project.

Disbursement 2TOP

Disbursement 2 tab is editable only by FCS Finance. The FCS Finance user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. 

Field Description:

  • Date 2nd Installment Disbursement Due (Date dropdown box): Enter the date on which the 2nd instalment disbursement is due.
  • Actual Installment to pay (Text box): Enter the actual disbursement amount to be paid to Implementing partner.
  • 2nd Installments Disbursement Date (Date dropdown box): Enter the date on which 2nd instalment disbursement was done to IP.

If any clarification required, click on the Return to External Audit button to send it back to FCS Finance. After updating the relevant data, click on the Submit for Project Closure button to close the project.


Refund tab is editable only by FCS Finance. The FCS Finance user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. 

Field Description:

  • Refund from UN Agency/IP (Text box): Enter the amount of funds to be returned by UN Agency/IP.
  • Date Refund From IP Due (Date dropdown box): Enter the date by which the refund amount is due.
  • Date Notification To IP (Date dropdown box): Enter the date on which refund notification was sent to IP.
  • Date Refund From IP Recieved (Date dropdown box): Enter the date on which the refund from IP was received.

If any clarification required, click on the Send back to Audit button to send it back to FCS Finance. After updating the relevant data, click on the Submit for Project Closure button to close the project.


Closure tab is editable only by FCS Finance. The FCS Finance user would be able to view and edit the following details of the project in this tab. 

Field Description:

  • 6 Month Target (Text box): Enter the 6 month target achieved by the project.
  • PYIN/PYRA/JNLV #4 (Text box): Enter the PYIN/PYRA/JNLV #4  details. 
  • Bank Charges (Text box): Enter the bank charges incurred for the project.
  • PSC (Text box): Enter the PSC charges incurred for the project.
  • Audit Fees (Text box): Enter the Audit charges levied for the project.
  • Total Project Cost (Text box): Enter the total project cost. (The value initially displayed will be total disbursement plus the other costing elements mentioned on the screen which can be edited as required)

If any clarification required, click on the Return to External Audit button to send it back to FCS Finance. Click on the Return to Refund from IP or Return to 2nd Disbursement, if any refund or disbursement changes need to be made for the project. After updating the relevant data, click on the Complete Project Closure button to finalize the project closure.


Documents tab is editable only by HFU and FCS Finance. This tab enables the user to view, upload or delete documents related to the project. This tab will be visible during all the statuses of the project available before project closure.

Click on Add Document button, to upload documents for the selected SharePoint project window will appear. 

SharePoint Project TrackingTOP

SharePoint Project Tracking tab enables the user to track the SharePoint Project through its various statuses which contains details of when and what time the project had entered a particular status.

Project ListingTOP

Navigation: SharePoint Project > SharePoint Project >Project Listing

Purpose: Allows searching for migrated SharePoint projects available in the selected pooled fund based on a search criterion.

Usage: To generate SharePoint Project Listing, select one or more filters present on the left corner of the page.

The Quick filters available are

Show my Task Inbox (check box): Select the checkbox if you wish to display the Sharepoint Projects Task List containing the projects on which the user can perform action based on their current role. 

Additional filters available are

  • Select Organisation (drop down box): List of organisation names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Select Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Select Task Name(Status) (drop down box): Lists of tasks applicable for a Sharepoint project and available for the pooled fund 
  • Project Code (text box): Search a project by Project Code.

Then click the Click to filter button to generate the project listing.

Click the Clear button to reset the entire filters.

Some of the features present in the Project Listing are:

  • For each project displayed, the user can click on the action icon displayed to perform further action. On clicking the selected icon, the user would be redirected to the SharePoint project tab.
    • allows the user to perform edit actions.
    • allows the user to view the project.
  • The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export Full Dump link.