

To access Reports, go to Report > Report

The various reports to choose from, are as listed:

Annexure Report TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Annexure Report

Purpose: To generate Annexure Report


  • To generate an Annexure Report, select Cluster, Project Scoring Type, Funding Window and Status and then click the [Filter] button; Select the project's checkbox, and click on [Generate Report] button.

Field Descriptions:

  • Cluster : Cluster Type
  • Project Scoring Type: Project Scoring Type
  • Funding Window : particular Allocation Type and its Year
  • Status : Project Status

FTR Report TOP

Navigation: Report > Report >FTR Report

Purpose: To generate a Fund Transfer Request


  • To generate a FTR Report, select one or more filters from the filters section.

The filters available are:

  • Select Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund

Based upon the criteria selected above, click the Reload Filters button to load the filtering options below.

  • Organization (drop down box): List of organisation names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Status (drop down box): Lists the statuses available based on the criteria set above.
  • Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Include Fully Paid Projects: Shows the projects that have been fully disbursed and can't be selected.

Note: you can select multiple Allocation Types

Then click the Filter button to generate the FTR project listing.

Some of the features present in the FTR project listing are:

  • The projects for which FTR has already been created for 100% amount will be shown in grey colour and won’t be available for selection. Same project can be used in different FTRs by splitting the amount.
  • For projects already having FTR Number, on clicking the FTR Number, highlighted in red, the FTR Report will be displayed for further action.
  • Multiple projects from one or different allocations can be selected to create FTR.

Note: The projects that are in disbursement and past can be selected only

  • The data of the projects for which FTR has to be generated can be printed out in several formats which are PDF, WORD, and HTML. 
  • Comments made within the concept note or project proposal can be included within the printout to include the last 5, 10, 15, 20, or ALL.

MPTF interface (applicable to UNDP-managed funds only)

The GMS interface for MPTF (applicable to UNDP-managed funds only) enables to automate the allocation requests from HFUs and allows MPTF to process it by allocating funds for the requested projects. It gives MPTF direct access to the prodocs. This interface allows setting the relation among GMS project, Atlas Project and Voucher.In addition, MPTF will be capturing the payment date, which will complete the missing data in the timelines analysis of funds. 

For creating a new FTR, the projects that are in disbursement and the past can only be selected. After selecting the projects for which FTR Report has to be created, click on the Create FTR button.

Field Descriptions:
  • Report Date (drop down box):  Select the report date.
  • Contact Person (drop down box):  Enter the contact person name.
  • MA (text box):  Enter the managing agent details.
  • HC Title (text box):  Enter the Humanitarian Coordinator title.
  • HC Name (text box):  Enter the Humanitarian Coordinator’s  name.
  • HC Place (text box):  Enter the location of the Humanitarian Coordinator.

Click on the Create FTR Report button  to generate the FTR Report.Once the FTR is created, the system assigns a serial number (FTR number) which includes the fund code and year. Once an FTR number is created, Projects linked to a FTR Number cannot be linked to any other FTR number provided the amount is not split between two FTRs. FTR Number cannot be edited after generating it.


The HFU can click on the FTR number to open the FTR report, as shown below:

The features available on the FTR report interface are:

  • The HFU can download the FTR report in PDF format by clicking on the Download FTR Report button. 
  • New projects not yet assigned a FTR number can be added by clicking the Add Project button. This will open a pop up screen, which will allow to screen projects through the same filters as in the create FTR report feature (Allocation Type - Orgaization - Cluster - Status - Include Fully Paid Projects) and to add the selected projects to the FTR.
  • The HFU can make changes with the percentage of allocation of funds for a project. If percentage of allocation in not 100 per cent, then a project can be associated with multiple FTRs.

Select the projects to be added and click on the Add Project button.

  • Existing projects can be deleted by clicking the red cross at the end of each project. 
  • HFUs can optionally download, sign, and upload the signed FTR in the FTR Documents tab. The Allocation Letters will also be uploaded here. The HFU will be able to route the FTR workflow from the documents tab also. 

Once done, HFUs should click on the button Submit to MPTF to send the FTR to MPTF. 

The MPTF Officer will receive an email alert containing the unique FTR number in the subject line as well as in the email body and will be able to view the FTR in their task list, after logging into the GMS, as shown below.


The MPTF Officer can send the FTR back to HFU by clicking on the Send back to HFU with Comments button in case there are any comments before processing the FTR. Otherwise, the MPTF officer will fill up the mandatory Atlas Number, voucher number, and payment date for all of the projects and click on the FTR Completed button to process the FTR.

  • For each allocation of funds, MPTF creates one Atlas Project in their Atlas System and links it with the GMS project. 
  • Voucher is created to allocate funds to one or more than one projects. So for each voucher there can be multiple Atlas projects linked to it in Atlas system.
  • One Atlas Project can be linked to multiple vouchers.

Navigation: Report > Report > Disbursement output

Purpose: To generate a Disbursement Report


  • To generate a Disbursement Report, select Year and Cluster and then click the [Filter] button; Select the desired project's checkbox or checkboxes, and click on [Generate Report] button.

Field Descriptions:

  • Year : Desired year you want disbursement information for
  • Cluster : Cluster Type

Allocation Letter TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Allocation Letter

Purpose: To generate an Allocation Letter


  • To generate an Allocation Letter, select Allocation Type, Agency Type, Organisation, and Status, then click the [Filter] button; Select the desired project's checkbox or checkboxes, and click on [Generate Report] button. Enter Report Date, HC Contacts, Recommended date, Reference, Agency Head Name, OCHA Head details, select [Word OR PDF], then click on [Save and generate] OR [Generate] button.

Field Descriptions:

  • Allocation Type: Allocation Type
  • Agency Type: Agency Name
  • Organization: Organization Name
  • Status: Project Status


OCHA Assurance TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > OCHA Assurance

Purpose:  To generate an OCHA Assurance Actions report, which provides a consolidate data output from single/multiple pooled funds based for single/multiple allocation years. Some of the information displayed will include th total number of projects with audit status, financial reporting status, program report status, and monitoring actions status with respect to the filters set.  

Usage: To generate an OCHA Assurance report, select one or more filters from the Filters section.

Field Descriptions:

  • Pooled Funds (drop down menu): Lists all the available pooled funds. By default, the fund name which the user is currently accessing in GMS will be taken as the selected pooled funds selected value. 
  • Partners (drop down menu): List of all the partners enrolled in the Pooled funds selected.
  • Project Status (drop down menu): List of all Status available (Under Approval, Under Implemenations, Under closure, and Closed). By default, it will select all three Project Status.
  • Partner Risk Level (drop down menu): List of all the Risks available (Low, Medium, High and Ineligible).
  • Project Processed (drop down menu): Lists all the filters available for the date of projects (by default, the Project Processed will be selected):
    • Project Processed: Includes projects started, completed (reached project closure), ongoing or both started and completed during the given dates.
    • Allocation Year: Displays information on project for the selected Allocation Year (Note: project from one allocation year with actual start date or approval date from the next calendar year would be included here).
    • Disbursement Date: Displays data for projects, which disbursement has been processed during the given dates.
    • Implementation Start Date: Enables to filter projects based on project implementation date (i.e. Actual Start Date of the project).
    • Project Approval Date: Enables to filter projects based on project the project approval date (i.e. EO signature Date of the projects).
    • Project Closed Date: Enables to filter projects based on the project closure date.​

Note: the definition for each filter will be displayed in the yellow box when selecting different filters.




  • Generate report as of (drop down menu & date box): Select the option (<= 'Less than or equal to', >= 'Greater than or equal to') and date of projects for retrieval of THE data.

Note: The data will be filtered with respect to all the options selected in the filters, as per given date provided in 'Generate report as of'. E.g: If there are five allocation years shown in the drop down box, then the option will display all the five allocation years data.

Then click on the [Click to filter] button to generate the OCHA Assurance Actions report. 

Field Descriptions:

  • Process: Displays the indicators used for OCHA Assurance (which are as follows: Grant - Audit- Interim Financial Reports - Final Financial Reports - Progress Narrative Reports - Final Narrative Reports - Monitoring - Financial Sport Check).
  • OrgType: Displays for which organization type the 'Process' information is shown (UN-NGO - Red Cross/Crescent).
  • Details: Displays detailed description for each of the 'OrgType/Process' breakdowns.

Note: The columns adapt based on the Pooled Funds selected in the filters at the top. For each Pooled Fund selected the following colums will be displayed:

  • Number of Projects: Displays the total count of projects based on the filters selected and included in the fields Process/OrgType/Details.
  • Value of Projects: Displays Budgetary values for the total 'Number of Projects' shown in previous column. Budgetary values have been converted to show amount in $ millions for easier reference.
  • Percentage: Percentage value is calculated based on the value displayed in 'Number of projects'. Considering the first row in each instance as the target 100%.


  • Scroll over the information icon for a more detailed definition.
  • Values market in red are clicked. They provide additional details with respect to the information displayed.
  • The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export to Excel button to present on the right hand corner of the screen.


1. Grant

The 'Grant' data shown is purely based on the filters selected at the top.This means that the 'Total Number Projects is the total of projects selected for the above displayed Pooled Fund, for the filters selected at the top. This applies for the 'Values of Projects' and 'Percentage' fields.

Note: The 'total' includes 'UN', 'NGO' and 'Red Cross' projects. 'NGO' includes both national and international NGOs.


Example for Pooled Fund 'DRC':

  • Total projects the Pooled Fund are 51 with a total budget of $44.89 M.
  • Of these 51 projects, 8 are UN projects of budget value $15.69 M, and 43 NGO projects of budget value $84.31 M.


Click on the 'Number Of Projects' column highlighted in red to view further details. This will display the 'Grant Details' with the total count for the selected row and filters on the right.


2. Audit

Audit indicator displays the total number of projects for which audit has been required, started, completed, is ongoing or overdue.

The data is filtered on the basis of actual end date of the project plus 7 months, as per the filters set above. For a detailed description of each field, scroll over the information icon.

Field Descriptions:

  • Total Audits Required: Total number of projects due for Audit (end date plus 7 months) compared with "Generate reports as of" filter. This should include the ongoing Audit, Audit to be started, and Audit completed.
  • Completed Audits: Total number of projects audited as of the date set on the filters above.
  • Ongoing: Total of projects under Audit process (within 7 months of the end date) as of date set in filters above.
  • Audit to be initiated: Audit to be started by the Audit company, for all projects as of the date set on the filters above.
  • Overdue: Total number of projects where the audit is yet to be finalized or that has been approved after the end date has passed (end date plus 7 months), as of the date set on the filters above.

Note: Upon clicking on the highlighted red value in the 'Completed Audits' field, the breakdown will highlight Audits completed but not approved by Finance.


Example for Pooled Fund 'DRC':

  • Total Audits Required is 49.
  • Of these 49 Audits, 40 are overdue (project end date has passed and audit has not been completed) , 9 have been completed and 0 is ongoing. 


Click on the row value which is highlighted in red to view further details.


3. Reports

  • Intermediate Reports: (include both Progress Narrative Reports and Interim Financial Reports, as well as Extra Ordinary and Category Financial  Reports) the date is taken from the timeline of the projects that have been put as mandatory, as per the Operational Modalities .
  • Final Reports: (include both Final Narrative and Final Financial Reports for NGOs and Red Cross/Crescent) date considered is the project end date plus 2 months, as per the date set in the filters.Exception: For the Final Financial Reports for UN Agencies, the due date is considered as the 31 May of the year after the project end date (MPTF Fund) or the 30 June of the year after the project end date (non MPTF Fund).

For analysis purpose, the lates report available/Approved in the GMS system will be taken to calculate the reported expenditure values.

Field Descriptions:

Intermediate Reports:

  • Report due: Total of projects for which mandatory Interim Financial/Progress Narrative Reports due as per the project timeline, as of the date set in the filters.
  • Report submitted: Total of prokects for which mandatory Interim Financial/Progress Narrative Reports are submitted as per the project timeline, as of the date of the filters set above.
  • Reports approved: Interim Financial/Progress Narrative Reports approved, that have thus reached end point.
  • Reports overdue: Total of projects for which mandatory Interim Financial/Progress Narrative Reports are not submitted as per the project timeline, as of the date of the filters set above

Final Reports (except Final Financial Reports for UN Agencies):

  • Reports due: Total of projects for which mandatory Final Financial/Narrative reports due as per the project end date plus 2 months, as of the date of the filters set above.
  • Reports submitted: Total of projects for which mandatory Final Financial/Narrative reports are submitted as per the project end date plus 2 months, as of the date of the filters set above.
  • Reports approved: Final Financial/Narrative reports that have been approved, that have thus reached end point.
  • Report overdue: Total of projects for which mandatory Final Financial/Narrative Reports are not submitted as per the project end date plus 2 months, as of the filters set above.

Final Financial Reports (for UN Agencies):

  • Reports due: Total of projects for which mandatory Final Financial reports due as per the 31 May of the year after the project end date (MPTF Fund) or the 30 June of the year after the project end date (non MPTF Fund).
  • Reports submitted: Total of projects for which mandatory Final Financial reports are submitted as per the 31 May of the year after the project end date (MPTF Fund) or the 30 June of the year after the project end date (non MPTF Fund), as of the date of the filters set above.
  • Reports approved: Final Financial reports due by 31 May of the year after the project end date (MPTF Fund) or the 30 June of the year after the project end date (non MPTF Fund) that have been approved, that have thus reached end point.
  • Report overdue: Total of projects for which mandatory Final Financial Reports are not submitted as per the 31 May of the year after the project end date (MPTF Fund) or the 30 June of the year after the project end date (non MPTF Fund), as of the filters set above.


Example for Pooled Fund 'DRC':

  • The total of interim financial reports due is 428.
  • Of these 428 reports, 421 were submitted and 7 were not as per the project timeline and are thus overdue. Of the 421 reports submitted, 411 were approved, and 10 not approved as per the date set in the filters. Report submitted and Report overdue amount to total Report due.
Click on the 'Number of Projects' column value highlighted in red to view details.



Field Descriptions:

  • Total monitoring visits required in line with operational modalities: Displays the number of monitoring visits required in line with the operational modalities of the country for the projects that have reached the project end date. This might include multiple visits per project. 
  • Monitoring visits conducted on time: Total number of monitoring visits conducted on time (i.e. within the project end date) as per the monitoring end date. It may include additional monitoring visits to the ones required per the operational modalities, as well as multiple visits per project.
  • Monitoring visits conducted late: Total number of monitoring visits conducted but after the due timeframe (i.e. as per the project end date). It may include additional monitoring visits to the ones required per the operational modalities, as well as multiple visits per project.
  • Monitoring not conducted yet: Total number of monitoring visits which were not conducted within the due timeframe of the project end date.

Note: The Due Date for the monitoring is considered as the project end date, and not the due date date set in the project timelines. The monitoring end date is picked up from the monitoring report form. 


Example for pooled fund “Afghanistan”:

  •  Total Monitoring visits required in line with the operational modalities are 43.
  • Of these 43 visits, 12 were not conducted, 1 was conducted late. In this example, (43-12-1 = 30) 30 visits were conducted on time, as per Operational modality, and 0 additional visits (not required by Operational Modality) were conducted on time


Click on the row value which is highlighted in red to view further details.

Note: the number of additional visits that were conducted but not required per the Operational Modality will be highlighted in yellow.


5. Final Financial Spot Check

Field Descriptions:

  • Total spot checks visits required in line with operational modalities: Displays the number of financial spot checks required in line with the operational modalities of the country for the projects that have reached the project end date. This might include multiple visits per project.
  • Spot checks visits conducted on time: Displays the number of financial spot checks conducted on time (i.e. within the project end date) as per the monitoring end date. It may include additional financial spot checks  to the ones required per the operational modalities, as well as multiple visits per project.
  • Spot checks visits conducted late: Displays the number of financial spot checks conducted late (i.e. after the project end date) as per the monitoring end date. It may include additional financial spot checks to the ones required per the operational modalities, as well as multiple visits per project.
  • Spot checks visits not conducted: Displays the number of financial spot checks which were not conducted as per operational modalities of the country.

Example for pooled fund “Afghanistan”:

  • Total spot checks visits required in line with operational modalities are 43.
  • Of these 43, 15 visits required were not conducted, 1 was conducted late and 27 spot check visits have been conducted on time, which may include visits concluded as per the Operational Modality. In this case, (43-15-1-27 = 0). 0 visits were conducted in addition to Operational Modality.


Click on the 'Number of Projects' row value which is highlighted in red to view further details.

Note: The number of additional spot check visits that were conducted but not required per the Operational Modality will be highlighted in yellow.


Allocation Table TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Allocation Table

Purpose: To generate an Allocation Table


  • To generate an Allocation Table, select Allocation Type, Agency Type, Organisation, and Status, then click the [Filter] button; Select the desired project's checkbox or checkboxes, and click on [Generate Report] button.

Field Descriptions:

  • Allocation Type: Allocation Type
  • Agency Type: Agency Name
  • Organization: Organization Name
  • Status: Project Status

Fund Signature / Export DataTOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Fund Signature / Export Data

Purpose: To generate a Fund Signature / Export Data Report


  • To generate a Fund Signature, select Organization, Cluster, Status and Funding Window, then click the [Filter] button; Select the desired project's checkbox or checkboxes, and click on [Fund Signature] button to generate a Fund Signature Report
  • To generate a Export Data Report, select Organization, Cluster, Status and Funding Window, then click the [Filter] button; Select the desired project's checkbox or checkboxes, and click on [Export Data] button to generate a Export Data Report

Field Descriptions:

  • Organization : Organization Name
  • Cluster : Cluster Type
  • Status : Project Status
  • Funding Window : Allocation Type and its year

Narrative Report Analysis TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Narrative Report Analysis

Purpose: To generate a Narrative Report Analysis. This gives a combined analysis of the various reports and statuses of projects in a pooled fund for a specific allocation type.


  • To generate a Narrative Report Analysis, select one or more filters from the filters section.

The filters available are
  • Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund.
  • Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Organization Type (drop down box): List of Organization Type in the pooled fund.(International NGO, National NGO, Other, UN Agency
  • Report Type (drop down box): Select whether progressive or final reports are required in the filtered data.
  • Report Status (drop down box): List of report statuses currently available for the selected pooled fund. 

Then click on the Export Data button to generate the Narrative Analysis Report which will be displayed in an excel format.

The various worksheets available in the excel file are:

  • General Info 
  • Other funding sources
  • Beneficiaries
  • Implementation progress
  • Workplan
  • Logframe
  • Fund Utilization

Grant AgreementsTOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Grant Agreements

Purpose: To generate Grant Agreement / Export Project to Word document / Export Budget to Excel


  • To generate a Grant Agreement for a particular project, select the Allocation Type, Agency Type, Organization and Status, then click the [Filter] button; Select the project's checkbox, and Select the project's format (Word OR PDF) and click on [New OCHA Grant Agreement] button for an NGO Implementing Partner's project or [Grant Agreement by UN Agency] button for a UN Implementing Partner's project. Select Bank Info and click on [Save & Generate] or [Generate] button.
  • To export a Project to Word for a particular project, select the Allocation Type, Agency Type, Organization and Status then click the [Filter] button; Select the project's checkbox, and click on [Export Project to Word] button. Generated word document will appear at the lower left hand corner of the screen.
  • To export Budget to Excel for a particular project, select the Allocation Type, Agency Type, Organization and Status then click the [Filter] button; Select the project's checkbox, and click on [Export Budget to Excel] button. Generated excel document will appear at the lower left hand corner of the screen.

Field Descriptions:

  • Allocation Type : Allocation Type of the project
  • Agency Type : UN Agency OR Non-UN organisation
  • Organization : Organization Name
  • Status : Project Status

New Items to Add:

Project Admin Access

Navigation: System Setup > User Management > Project Admin Access

Purpose: To provide access rights to selected user groups

Usage: Select desired Section Name, User Group and Access Right (all required fields), once done click 'Save'. Your entry should appear below the 'Save' and 'Clear' buttons. Once an entry has been created, you can click on the 'Edit Icon under the Action column to revise the selected entry. Or the Delete Icon to delete the entry.

Field Descriptions:

  • Section Name: (Drop down menu to choose from 'Tab Lock' versus 'Activation') This pertains to the two sections of the Project Admin tab, 1. Tab Lock section and 2. Activation section. Select the section in which you wish to provide access rights to for a particular user.
  • User Group: (Drop down menu listing of the various user groups in GMS) The user group that you want to provide access rights for.
  • Access Right: (Drop down menu to choose from 'Not visible', 'View', and 'Edit') The access right being granted to the selected user group.
    • Not visible – This will give the selected user group no visibility to the section selected above within the Project Admin tab.
    • View – This will give the selected user group view-only access to see the section selected above within the Project Admin tab.
    • Edit - This will give the selected user group ability to make changes and perform actions on the section selected above within the Project Admin tab.

Non Project Admin Access

Navigation: System Setup > User Management > Non Project Admin Access

Purpose: To provide access rights to selected user groups

Usage: Select desired Section Name, User Group and Access Right (all required fields), once done click 'Save'. Your entry should appear below the 'Save' and 'Clear' buttons. Once an entry has been created, you can click on the 'Edit Icon under the Action column to revise the selected entry. Or the Delete Icon to delete the entry.

Field Descriptions:

  • Section Name: (Drop down menu to choose from 'Application Form Tab Lock') Currently this is to lock the Application Form tab in the Due Diligence module.
  • User Group: (Drop down menu listing the various user groups in GMS) The user group that you want to provide access rights for.
  • Access Right: (Drop down menu to choose from 'Not visible', 'View', and 'Edit') The access right being granted to the selected user group.
    • Not visible – This will give the selected user group no visibility to the Application Form tab in the Due Diligence module.
    • View – This will give the selected user group view-only access to the Application Form tab in the Due Diligence module.
    • Edit - This will give the selected user group ability to make changes and perform actions in the Application Form tab in the Due Diligence module.

Manage Pool Fund Monitor

Navigation: System Setup > Configuration Setup > Manage Pool Fund Monitor

Purpose: Create a Pool Fund Monitor, allowing HFU to monitor and keep track of Implementing Partner's performance in completing a project.

Usage: In the Monitor Name field, type in the name of the Pool Fund Monitor you would like to create. If you would like to make this Pool Fund Monitor active, ensure the 'Is Active' checkbox is selected, once done click 'Save Record' button. Your entry should appear below the 'Save Record' and 'Clear' buttons. Once an entry has been created, you can click on the 'Edit Icon under the Action column to revise the selected entry. Or the Delete Icon to delete the entry. If you wish to only deactivate the monitor, click on the Edit Icon, and uncheck the 'Is Active' checkbox and click on the 'Save Record' button.

Field Descriptions:

  • Monitor (textbox) Enter name of the pool fund monitor being created

The Pool Fund Monitor is located in the Timeline tab of an Implementing Partner's project proposal


Navigation: Contribution

Purpose: To enlist the pledge status of donor's contributions.


  • Enter the contribution id, select the year, indicate the donor, and and the status of pledge given. Once entered, click on 'Add Contribution.'

Field Descriptions:

  • Contribution Id: The uniquie identifier of a particular donor's pledge for a given year.
  • Year: The year that the pledge has been made for
  • Status: The pledge status of: Pipeline, Pledge or Paid
  • Donor: The country donor

Bulk Timeline Activation

Navigation: System Setup > Workflow Management > Bulk Timeline Activation

Purpose: Move multiple projects forward from project status to next project status within the project workflow OR activate a partiulcar module for multiple projects.

Usage: Enter the project status, Cluster, Report Type, Allocation Type OR Organization OR a multiple of these filtering fields to locate desired projects and press 'Get Projects' button. Desired projects should appear below. Click on the checkbox next to desired projects that you wish to perform an action (or very top checkbox to select all), then click on 'Perform Bulk Action'.

Field Descriptions:

  • Project Status:
  • Cluster:
  • Report Type:
  • Allocation Type:
  • Organization:

Bulk Task Release

Navigation: System Setup > Workflow Management > Bulk Task Release

Purpose: Unlock a task that have been locked by a user. In the scenario that a team member has taken on a GMS task assignment, and is away and has not completed the task. The Bulk Task Release can be utilised to release the assignment from the absent team member, so the task can be appointed to someone else on the team.

Usage: Select the Instance Type and Allocation Type (required fields), and Instance Status, Cluster, Organization (optional fields) then press the 'Get Locked Task' button. Once task is located, select the task you wish to unlock and click on the 'Release Selected Task' button.

Field Descriptions:

  • Instance Type:
  • Allocation Type:
  • Instance Status:
  • Cluster:
  • Organization:

This is how an assigned task will look

Once a task has been released, it will be made available for task assignment

Call for Proposals - Create New Project

Navigation: Allocation > Call for Proposals > Create New Project

Purpose: Initiate a 'Call for Proposal' Project Proposal on behalf of an organization.

Usage: Select the Requesting Organization, Allocation Type, enter Project Title, select the Cluster, Project Duration, Planned Start Date, and Planned End Date (all required fields) then click on the 'Create project' button.

Next, a draft Project Proposal will be initiated. Refer to the Project Submission on the General Section of the Help Portal on how to fill out the project proposal. Please note *the organization (the Implementing Partner) will need to perform the assuf filling out the project proposal.

Call for Proposals – Standard Project Template

Navigation: Allocation > Call for Proposals > Standard Project Template

Purpose: Generate a Standard Projecct Template

Usage: Select a Allocation Type from the drop down menu, then a 'Download Concept Note Template' OR 'Download 'Project Proposal Template' hyperlink should appear.

Click on this hyperlink, then the template in excel spreadsheet will appear at the lower left corner of the page.


Click on the template, to open up the template.

Rolling Basis - Create New Project

Navigation: Allocation > Rolling Basis > Create New Project

Purpose: Initiate a 'Rolling Basis' Project Proposal on behalf of an organization.

Usage: Select the Requesting Organization, Allocation Type, enter Project Title, select the Cluster, Project Duration, Planned Start Date, and Planned End Date (all required fields) then click on the 'Create project' button.

Next, a draft Project Proposal will be initiated. Refer to the Project Submission on the General Section of the Help Portal on how to fill out the project proposal. Please note *the organization (the Implementing Partner) will need to perform the task of filling out the project proposal.

Rolling Basis – Reserve Project Template

Navigation: Allocation > Rolling Basis > Reserve Project Template

Purpose: Generate Reserve Project Template

Usage: Select a Allocation Type from the drop down menu, then a 'Download Concept Note Template' OR 'Download 'Project Proposal Template' hyperlink should appear.

Click on this hyperlink, then the template in excel spreadsheet will appear at the lower left corner of the page.

Click on the template, to open up the template.

Manage Document Category

Navigation: System Setup > Configuration Setup > Manage Document Category

Purpose: Adding document category to a workflow or module

Usage: Type in Category Name, select Group, check the 'Is Visible' checkbox (if you want the document category to be visible), and click on the 'Save' button.

Field Descriptions:

  • Category: (textbox) Name of the document category that has been created
  • Group: (Drop-down menu) Name of workflow or module

To edit an existing Document Category, click on the Edit hyperlink associated with the document category. Make changes at the top of the screen and click the 'Update' button.

To deactivate and delete a document category, click on the Edit hyperlink associated with the document category. Uncheck the 'Is Visible' checkbox at the top of the screen and click the 'Update' button.

To delete an existing Document Category, click on the Delete hyperlink associated with the document category. If you are sure you wish to delete the document category, click "Ok" in the 'Are you sure want to delete this record' pop-up window that appears next.

Report Type Alert Management

Navigation: System Setup > Configuration Setup > Report Type Alert Management

Purpose: Add Email Alert for Narrative Report and/or Financial Report

Usage: Select the Narrative Report Type OR Financial Report Type (drop-down menu options), then select the Alert (drop-down menu option). Then click on respective 'Save Narrative Alert' OR 'Save Financial Alert' button.

Field Descriptions:

  • Narrative Report Type: (Drop-down menu) Progress OR Final – These are the two type of Narrative Reports to choose from, to be specific as to which type of narrative report you wish to create an email alert for.
  • Financial Report Type: (Drop-down menu) Interim OR Final – These are the two type of Financial Reports to choose from, to be specific as to which type of financial report you wish to create an email alert for.

Manage Standard Activities

Navigation: System Setup > Configuration Setup > Manage Standard Activities

Purpose: Create standard activities for a particular cluster

Usage: Type in the Description of the Standard Activity, select the Cluster (drop-down menu), Allocation Year (drop-down menu). All fields are required. Next, click on the 'Save Record' button.

Click on the 'View linked projects' hyperlink to see projects that have used a particular standard activity.

Manage Quick Filters

Navigation: System Setup > Configuration Setup > Manage Quick Filters

Purpose: Add Quick Filters to User Groups' Home Page for Project Overview, Report Overview and/or Revision Overview tabs.

Usage: Click on the 'Add New Quickfilter' button located at the lower left corner of the page.

Field Descriptions:

  • Filter Name: (textbox)
  • Description: (textbox)
  • Operator: (drop-down menu)
  • Filter Type – Overview tab: (checkbox)
  • Filter Type – Order: (checkbox)
  • User Group: (drop-down menu)
  • Status – Instance Type: (drop-down menu)
  • Status – Standard Status: (drop-down menu)
  • Status – Reserve Status: (drop-down menu)
  • Filter Condition: (textbox)
  • Sorting Condition: (textbox)

Report Overview TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Report Overview

Purpose: Report Overview generates a report which allows viewing of all the reporting timelines for all projects based on a search criterion. The result would also display projects with all the narrative and financial reporting timeline information for each project.


  • To generate a Report Overview, select one or more filters present on the left corner of the page.

The filters available are

  • Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund.
  • Organisation Type (drop down box): List of Organisation Type in the pooled fund.(International NGO, National NGO, Other, UN Agency)
  • Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Project Code (text box): Search a project by Project Code.

Additional filters are available under the More Filters button.

Additional filters available are

  • Organisation (drop down box): List of organisation names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Project Status (drop down box): Lists the type of allocation source and the name of the project status.
  • Year created (drop down box): Lists the years of allocation available in the GMS system for the pooled fund.
  • Admin Location 1(drop down box): Lists the regional locations in the country for which the user is registered for.
  • Project Duration (drop down box): Lists the duration periods set for the projects in the pooled fund. (1 month to 12 months)
  • Report Status (drop down box): Lists of financial reports available for the pooled fund on which basis projects can be filtered.

Then click the Click to filter button to generate the report overview.

Click the Clear button to reset the entire filters.

Some of the features present in the Report Overview are:

  • All the filters mentioned above would be applied on the project data and not on the project timeline data.
  • Columns Number (#), Primary Cluster, Project Code and type of Allocation, Organization Acronym and Project title would be locked (frozen) in the result displayed to the user. These columns except Columns Number (#) can be used to sort the data as required. By default the results would be sorted based on the due date in a descending order. In other words, the project with the highest timeline due date would be displayed on top and followed by others.
  • Each timeline Active and Due Date for a project is displayed as a link. In case the Report timeline has not been activated, the user will be navigated to the timeline page for the project. In case the report has been activated (i.e. Reporting has started against the report timeline), then the user will be navigated to the narrative or financial report page based on the report type.
  • On the Timeline page, only financial report types allowed under financial report timeline section would be displayed. This would be based on a pool fund based configuration in the system.
  • Below each report timeline link, the current status of report would be displayed.
  • The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export to Excel link.

Screen shot of a Timeline Inactive report which directs the user to the timeline page for the project.


Screen shot of a Timeline active report which directs the user to the narrative or financial report page based on the report type.

Revision Overview TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Revision Overview

Purpose: Revision Overview generates a report which allows viewing of projects sent for revisions.


  • To generate a Revision Overview, select one or more filters from the filters section.

The filters available are:

  • Select Allocation year (drop down box): Lists the years of allocation available in the GMS system for the pooled fund.
  • Select Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund.
  • Select Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Select Organisation Type (drop down box): List of Organisation Type in the pooled fund.(International NGO, National NGO, Other, UN Agency)
  • Project Code (text box): Search a project by Project Code (Last 3 digits of project code need to be mentioned)
  • Select Organization (drop down box): List of organization names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Select Revision request type (drop down box): List of revision request types that are available for the filtered projects in a pooled fund.(E.g. Significant change in activities, Change in Location etc)
  • Select Revision Request Status (drop down box): List of revision request statuses that are available for the filtered projects in a pooled fund.
  • Select Project Revision type (drop down box): List of project revision types available for the filtered projects in a pooled fund.
  • Select Project Revision Status (drop down box): List of project revision statuses that are available for the filtered projects in a pooled fund.
  • Select Admin Location 1: (drop-down list): List of projects' location.
  • Select Revision Request year (drop-down box) : List of years for Revision request activated on the GMS for the Pooled Fund.
  • Implementation: Filter per project's duration. Select in the drop-down list the type of filter wanted, and then enter a value in the side 'from' field.

Then click the Click to filter button to generate the revision overview.
Click the Reload Filters button to reset the entire filters (i.e. Allocation Year, Allocation type, Cluster, Organization type).
Click the Clear button to reset the entire filters.

Click on the Show Filters button to view the filter screen again which is present on the top right corner of the Revision Overview generated.

Some of the features present in the Revision Overview are:

  • Clicking on the Revision Request icon present in the Revision Request column will navigate the user to the active revision request for the project.
  • Clicking on the Revise this project icon present in the Project Revision column will navigate the user to the ongoing Project revision. If the button is not present, it means that the revision has not been activated yet by the HFU.
  • The Previous Revisions column displays the number of times this project was sent for revision. Clicking on the View icon will display a popup showing the revision history for the project.

  • Clicking on the Revision icon  present in Revision column will navigate the user to the corresponding project revision instance of the project.
  • Clicking on the Revision Request icon present in Revision Request column will navigate the user to the corresponding revision request for the project.
  • The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export to Excel link.

Bulk Project Print TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Bulk Project Print

Purpose: Bulk project print allows printing of multiple projects concept note or project proposal in different file formats based on a search criterion selected by the user. In addition, comments made within the concept note or project proposal can be included in the printout.


  • To generate a Bulk Project Print, select one or more filters from the filters section.

The filters available are

  • Project Type (drop down box): Lists the project type (i.e. Concept Note or Project Proposal)
  • Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund.
  • Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Organisation (drop down box): List of organisation names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Project Status (drop down box):  Lists the type of allocation source and the name of the project status.

Then click the Get Projects button to get the projects.

Some of the features present in the Bulk Project Print are:

  • The data displayed can be printed out in several formats which are PDF, WORD, and HTML.
  • Comments made within the concept note or project proposal can be included within the printout to include the last 5, 10, 15, 20, or ALL.
  • One or multiple project information can be printed by clicking on the checkbox next to the desired projects. Click on the checkbox located on the header for all listed projects information to be printed.

Global Funding Process and Country Funding ProcessTOP

Milestones module allows Fund Overview at the country level as well as FCS at the global level. The details of the projects will be shown based on the Fund Milestones defined in the GMS System. 

The module provides the following features:

  • Review of the projects progress during various stages such as Review, Implementation, Reporting, Closure. 
  • Performance Indicators for various stakeholders
  • Country/Global Averages for indicators.

The Milestones and Indicators are meant to highlight achievements and mark performance of each country based pooled fund (CBPF). They are split between Standard and Reserve Allocations, highlighting the two very different timelines and durations around which each Allocation Type is founded.

The various terminologies used to define are:

  • “Milestones” refer to the benchmark dates over the life cycle of a project.
  • “Indicators” refer to the durations between certain milestones, allowing management to track progress, identify lags, and support efficient review processes, disbursements, and other grant related work.
  • “Stages” refer to the division of the life cycle(Beginning to End) of a project into 'Stages'.

At any point, the Country Office management can have access to how the office is performing in order to inform the Humanitarian Coordinator and Advisory Board.

Fund Overview at the Global level: 

To access Fund Overview at Global level, Click under Report -> Global Funding Process

or through the Global Funding Process icon  present in the Quick Access-Dashboard of the User Home Page.

Only GMS Admin user role have been given access rights to view the same.

FCS will use 'Global Funding Process' to report on global-level OCHA performances and amalgamated averages. The “Milestones”-Module at the Global level consists of two tabs: “Global Averages” and “Dashboard”.

Both Fund Overview at the Global level and Fund Overview at the country level modules provide the same functionality only one is at the Global level and the other at country level.

Fund Overview at the country level: 

To access Fund Overview using Milestones, Click under Report ->Country Funding Process

or through the Country Funding Process icon  present in the Quick Access-Dashboard of the User Home Page, if access rights have been granted.

Only HFU user role have been given access rights to view the same. The “Milestones”-Module at the country level consists of two tabs: “Country Averages” and “Dashboard”.

The “Milestones”-Module at the country level consists of two tabs: “Country Averages” and “Dashboard”.

tab 1: Country “Averages”

Some of the features available in the Country Averages tab are:

  • The “Country Averages”-tab shows all stages, milestones and indicators. 
  • It displays the number of days it took projects to reach each of the 9 milestones at the country level – for Standard Allocation (SA), Reserve Allocation (RA), and country average.
  • Each milestone refers to 1 or 2 assigned indicators, defining the exact start and end point (steps) between which the system is counting the number of days.
  • The default view displays figures for the current year, and all Agency Types.
  • The colour coding used to display the stages, milestones and indicators is unique to a particular stage and is kept the same on the Dashboard tab for easier identification of stages.
  • The filtering function allows for further specifications based on Agency Type, Allocation Year and Milestones completed.
  • An Export Report function is available on this tab to download the report in excel format. 

tab 2: Country “Dashboard”:

Some of the features available in the Dashboard tab are:

  • The “Country Dashboard”-tab shows project and organization/agency information next to each of the defined stages and milestones, including the milestones’ respective indicator(s).
  • When hovering over the Indicator cell (columns highlighted in yellow), a tool tip appears, indicating the exact start and end point (steps) between which the system is counting the number of days.
  • Under each milestone’s column, the date on which a project reached this certain milestone is displayed. (Please note: A blank space could mean that the project has not yet reached this milestone. However, it could also mean that the GMS has not been updated as per the project’s current status. Hence, these blank spaces require a continuous review and check. 
  • The default view displays figures for the current year, and all Agency Types, clusters, SA and RA ( Only applicable if no filters have been selected on the Country Averages tab)
  • The filtering function allows for further specifications based on Agency Type, Allocation Year, Allocation Type, Agency, Cluster, Project Code, Allocation Source and Milestones completed. One can also filter the information based on stages in the project by selecting from the Stages selection box available on the top right hand side corner of the page.
  • Click on the Disbursement Fund Process Report which will direct the user to the Fund Process Disbursement Report screen. For Global Funding Process the button - Global Disbursement Fund Process Report will be displayed which will direct the user to the Global Fund Process Disbursement Report screen.
  • An Export Report function is available on this tab to download the report in excel format. 

Zoom-in Stages

Provides detailed information on the path and progress of a project in the system as well as the action taken by the various stakeholders. Zoom-in stages can be accessed by clicking the links on the dashboard headers. Click on the Back to Milestones button to switch back to the “Milestones”-view.

A brief overview of the Stages, milestones available in the funding process is given below. Following are the Stages and the milestones available in the funding process:

1. Review & Approval Stage

  • PP Submissions Milestone
  • IP Signature Milestone

2. Disbursement Stage

  • 1st Tranche Disbursed Milestone

3.1 Progress Narrative Reporting (PNR)

3.2 Interim Financial Reporting (IFR)Stage

  • 1st IFR Certified Milestone

3.3 Monitoring

3.4 Revision

4. Final Financial & Narrative Reporting (FFR, FNR)Stage

  • FFR Submitted Milestone
  • FFR Certified Milestone
  • FNR Submitted Milestone

5. Audit & Closure Stage

  • Audit Triggered Milestone
  • Audit Report Finalized Milestone
  • Project Closed Milestone

The indicator columns marked in yellow display the the days taken for the project to enter into this stage from the earlier stage.  The tool tip will show the criteria which has been set for the calculation of the indicatior column.

1. Review & Approval Stage

Provides details from Project Proposal Submission to GA Signature process.

2. Disbursement Stage

Provides with the details of the 1st Tranche disbursement and subsequent disbursements for each project.

3.1 Progress Narrative Reporting (PNR)

There are three types of indicatores used in Interim Financial Reporting(IFR)

  • On time – means report submitted on time.
  • Delayed by 1 day – means report submitted 1 days after the due date.
  • Overdue by 17 days – means report not yet submitted even after 17 days from the due date.

3.2 Interim Financial Reporting (IFR) Stage

There are four types of indicatores used in Interim Financial Reporting(IFR)

  • submitted with delay of 0 days – means report submitted on time.
  • duly submitted within 14 days – means report submitted 14 days before the due date.
  • submitted with delay of 24 days – means report submitted after 24 days from the due date.
  • not submitted, past due since 65 days – means 65 days have passed from the due date and report not yet submitted.

3.3 Monitoring Stage

A brief overview of the monitoring types and details associated with individual projects are displayed in this stage. 

3.4 Revision Stage

A brief overview of the revision requests for individual projects are displayed in this stage.  Clicking on the revision column data will direct the user to the project revision screen.

4. Final Financial & Narrative Reporting (FFR, FNR) Stage

There are four types of indicatores used in Interim Financial Reporting(IFR)

  • On time – means report submitted on due date.
  • delayed by 126 days – means report submitted after 126 days from the due date.
  • Overdue by 98 days  – 98 days have passed from the due date and report not yet submitted.
  • Due in 175 days – means 175 days remaining till the due date for the report to be submitted.

5. Audit & Closure Stage

Provides details from Audit Triggered by FCS to Project Closed.

 Fund Overview TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Fund Overview.

Purpose: The Fund Overview Report provides the user the number of projects by Project Types (Concept Note/Project Proposal), Type of Organization (UN/Non UN) and by Cluster based on the current Projects workflow status for all allocations.


  • To generate a Fund Overview Report, click on the Fund overview sub menu under Reports menu.
  • The Project Instance Type Status: Provides the user a snapshot of the progression of projects under this allocation. The progression reflects the project workflow stages that are set up in GMS for this allocation.



The breakdown for Allocation Name: Standard Allocation – 2016
The Project Instance Type Status provides the user a snapshot of the progression of projects under this allocation. The progression reflects the project workflow stages that are set up in GMS for this allocation.

Project Instance: Submission of Proposal
Project Status: Project Draft
There are5 projects within this allocation. 0 are concept notes (CN) projects and 5 are project proposals (PP). The sum of the budget for all these projects was $1.06 million. Of the 5 projects, 2 are UN projects and 3 are Non UN projects.

Project Instance: Strategic Review
Project Status: Under Pre-SR
There are7 project proposals under Pre-SR status. These 7 PP projects amount to $3,613,159.11 million of the budget.

Project Instance: Strategic Review
Project Status: SR Rejected
There are 10 project proposals all Non UN projects which are SR Rejected, amounting to $5,094,969.40.

* Please follow this same scheme in reading the rest of graphics that provide a summary of how many project proposals and/or concept notes are within each project workflow step that is enlisted.

Process Monitor TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Process Monitor.

Purpose: The Process Monitor Report  helps to identify the average number of days between various stages of the project lifecycle.


  • To generate a Process Monitor Report, click on the Process Monitor sub menu under Reports menu.
  • A user can monitor the progression of projects through the various project workflow statuses within a particular allocation.

For example:
Projects within a particular project status are timed on how long a project takes to complete that particular status.
For Allocation: Standard Allocation – 2016
Project Instance: Submission of Proposal, Project Status: Project Draft

  • The average number of days that 73 projects took to clear through this project status was less than 1 day.

Whereas, in the Project Instance: Strategic Review, Project Status: Under SR

  • The average number of days that 66 projects took to clear through this project status was 3 days.

$ Fund Overview TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > $ Fund Overview

Purpose: The $ Fund Overview Report provides the user with a breakdown of projects and the various cost tracking components associated with an allocation type.


To generate a $ Fund Overview Report, select one or more filters present on the top of the page.

The filters available are

  • Allocation Year (drop down box): Lists the years of allocation available in the GMS system for the pooled fund.
  • Allocation Source (drop down box): Liststhe allocation sources for the pooled fund (i.e. Reserve, Standard and SharePoint)
  • Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Organization Type (drop down box): List of Organization Type in the pooled fund.(International NGO, National NGO, Other, UN Agency)
  • Organization (drop down box): List of organization names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Status (drop down box): Lists the type of allocation source and the name of the project status.

Then click the Search button to generate the $ Fund Overview.

Click the Clear Filters button to reset the filters.

Some of the features present in the $ Fund Overview are:

  • A user can view a summary breakdown of projects per allocation type. Within an allocation, one can determine that total amount of projects approved by the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC), the Total US $ disbursed to date, the Total cost to Fund planned and actual and what are the other cost tracking components linked to the allocation type.
  • By clicking the Excel icon, the user would have the option to export the project-level details with their cost tracking components for each allocation type.

$ Fund Balance TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > $ Fund Overview

Within $ Fund Overview, click on the Go to Programmable Fund Balance button present just above the filter section to access the Fund Balance screen.  Click on the Go to $ Fund Overview button to return back to the $ Fund Overview screen.

Purpose: Displays fund balance for a specific pooled fund.


To generate a Fund Balance Report, click on the Go to Programmable Fund Balance button present just above the filter section of the $ Fund Overview screen. By default, the data will be displayed for the current date and year. 

Select one or more filters present on the left hand side of the page, if you wish the change the filter criteria.

The filters available are:

  • Fund Balance till (drop down box): Lists the years available in the pooled fund for which the user can fetch the fund balance information. By default, the current date and year is selected. 

Note: The allocation year starts from year 2015 and onwards.

  • Show Pledged Contributions (checkbox): On selection, the value of pledged contributions will be included with the Contributions till Date value to show a total of Contributions till Date(Paid and Pledged).   
  • Include Under-Approval Projects in Allocation (checkbox): On selection, the user would be able to view the value of allocations that are currently under-approval. “Under Approval” means projects that are between “Under TR CC/Specialist” status and “Disbursement” status and reached the status on or before the date filter specified in “Fund Balance Till Year”.

Note: Projects in “Disbursement” status will be excluded from Under-Approval as the same is already considered in “Approved” project allocation cost.

Click on the Refresh button to refresh the Fund Overview.

Note: Kindly read the Disclaimer provided so as to have a clear understanding of the limitations of the data provided in the report.

A brief overview of the disclaimers which would be displayed as and when applicable with respect to the data displayed.

  • Allocations in Approval indicate projects that have reached the Disbursement status or higher
  • The projects that are under approval but FTR for the same has been processed will be displayed under the FTR Processed Projects section. (This disclaimer would be displayed only if FTR Processed Projects is displayed).
  • Projects starting from Allocation Year XXX will be included in Allocation Cost. (This disclaimer would be displayed only if Opening Balance Year is configured.)
    • For example: For a pooled fund, if the opening balance has been configured for the year 2015, then projects from the year 2014 will also be included. All projects for the years prior to 2014 will not be considered. 
  • Administrative Agent Fee is computed 1% of Paid Contributions. (This disclaimer would be displayed for MPTF based Pool Funds.)
  • Refunds from Sharepoint projects are not considered due to data mismatch.

A description of the rows displayed is given below:

  • Opening Balance for Year … - Displays the year during which the opening balance was configured for the pooled fund with pooled fund’s opening Balance amount displayed.


  • If, the opening balance is not configured for the Pooled fund, this row will not be displayed. 
  • For pooled funds having opening balance configured, then all data related to contributions and allocation will be from the start of the opening balance year. 

For example, if a Pooled Fund has an opening balance for year 2015, then contributions and allocations made from 1st January 2015 will be considered. Contribution and allocation data prior to this date will be excluded as the same would have been used to compute the opening balance.

  • Contributions till Date (Paid) –By default will display the total contributions that have been “Paid” as per the Fund Balance Year selected.
    • If, “Show Pledged Contributions” option is checked in the filter section, the value displayed here would be a total of the Paid and Pledged contributions.

  • Total Contributions – Displays the total value of Opening Balance (if configured) and Contributions (paid and pledged (if option selected)). 
  • Approved and Under-Approval Projects – This row will be visible only if the “Include Under-Approval Projects in Allocation” option is checked in the filter section. This row is displayed having two sub headers titled ‘Approved’ and ‘Under-Approval projects’

Under “Approved” sub header

  • Displays value for projects that have reached / crossed “Disbursement” status. 

Certain conditions which need to be fulfilled for an accurate display of data under the “Approved” sub header are:

  • For MPTF based Pooled Funds 

In MPTF based Pooled Funds (Afghanistan, Sudan, South Sudan, DRC, CAR and Somalia) the following sequence of date filters will be followed to identify the projects

  • FTR Payment Date – For Paid Amount greater than 0 the first FTR Payment date will be considered.
  • 1st Disbursement Date – For projects that do not hold the FTR Payment Date, the 1st Disbursement Date will be used as the date filter.
  • Last-In Date of earliest approval status – In cases where both FTR Payment Date and 1st Disbursement date are not available then
    • The Last-In date of the earliest “Disbursement” or higher status is considered meaning the first status in the workflow log where the project has moved to a status of “Disbursement” or higher. 

Note:Ideally, this should be the “Disbursement” status, but in certain cases, there are projects moving from “Under Approval” status directly to “Implementation and Reporting” status without passing through the Disbursement status. In such cases, the Last-In date of “Implementation and Reporting” status in the workflow log will be taken into account.

  • For non-MPTF based Pooled Funds
  • 1st Disbursement Date – For projects that do not have the workflow Date, the 1st Disbursement Date will be used as the date filter.
  • Last-In Date of earliest approval status – The Last-In date of the earliest “Disbursement” or higher status will be considered first.
  • FTR Payment Date – In case both workflow and disbursement dates are not available, then the first FTR Payment date will be considered where the Paid Amount is greater than 0.

Note: Ideally, this should be the “Disbursement” status, but in certain cases, there are projects moving from “Under Approval” status directly to “Implementation and Reporting” without passing through the Disbursement status. In such cases, the Last-In date of “Implementation and Reporting” status in the workflow log will be taken into account.

  • For Sharepoint Projects, data from projects that are currently in / have crossed the “1st Disbursement” Status and the “Date of Disbursement of funds from UNOG to Partner” has to between the date filter will be considered for calculation of Allocation data.

Note: Sharepoint Projects will have no impact on calculation of Contributions data.

Under “Under-Approval” sub header

  • Displays value for projects that are between “TR Draft” status and before “Disbursement” status and reached the status on or before the date filter specified in “Fund Balance till Year”. Additionally, specific pre-configured status that indicate that the project is not approved or has been withdrawn will be excluded.

Note: Projects in “Disbursement” status will be excluded from Under-Approval as the same is already considered in “Approved” column.

Note:All values displayed under “Approved” and “Under-Approval” will be computed using the above-mentioned logic (unless specified differently).

  • Administrative Agent Fee – Displayed only if the Pooled Fund Type of the pooled fund is “MPTF”. This value would be computed as 1% of Paid Contributions value. 
  • Allocations till Date – Displays the total budget amount (Approved Budget + PSC Cost) for the projects. 


  • If the project has actual value, then it will be considered else the Planned / Approved Budget value will be used for computation. 
  • For Sharepoint projects, the “Total Expenditure Cleared By ASB”field value(Actual Value from “Ext. Audit By ASB” tab) is used to  get the allocation amount. In case this amount is 0, then the “Approved Budget” amount is used.
  • MA Charges – Displays the total of Cost Tracking Component “MA Charges 1”. 


  • In absence of actual value in the project, the Planned Value will be used.
  • For Sharepoint Projects, the “PSC” field value(Actual Value from “Closure” tab) is used to get the MA Charges amount. In case this amount is 0, then it would be computed as 7% of the “Approved Budget” amount.
  • Audit Charges – Displays the Cost Tracking components’ “Audit Charges (Fixed Cost)” or “Audit Charges (Percentage)” as configured for the projects.


  • In absence of actual value in the project, the Planned Value will be used.
  • For Sharepoint Projects, the “Audit Fees” field (Actual Value from “Closure” tab) to get the Audit Charges. In case this amount is 0, then it would be computed as 13% of “Approved Budget” amount.
  • PSC on Audit –Displays the total value of Cost Tracking component “MA Charges 2”.


  • In absence of actual value in the project, the Planned Value will be used
  • Data from Sharepoint Projects will not be computed.
  • Bank Charges – Displays the total value of Cost Tracking component “Bank Charges”.


  • The row will not be displayed if this component is not configured for a Pooled fund.
  • In absence of actual value in the project, the Planned Value will be used.
  • Data from Sharepoint Projects will not be computed.
  • Other Costs (Reimbursements, HFU Management Cost)
    • Reimbursements – Displays the value of refunds that would be computed using the “Reimbursement from Partners” Cost Tracking Component.


  • Value of refunds that were processed between the selected date filters will be considered.
  • Data from Sharepoint Projects will not be computed due to data mismatch issues.
  • HFU Management Cost – Displays value that would be computed using the Direct Cost total for each year till the end date of Year as set in the filter section.
  • Total Allocations – Displays the total of all values available under the Approved column as well as the “Under-Approval Projects” column. The total of the Approved Allocations and Under-approval allocations will be displayed in the final cell of this row. 

  • Programmable Fund Balance – Displays the difference of value between Total Contributions and Total Allocations.
  • FTR Processed Projects –For projects that are under-approval buthave been processed in FTR, such projects should actually be part of the Approved Allocation data, but since the projects have not been approved they won’t be included. 

In order to maintain data integrity, this row will display the allocation value of such projects. For FTR Processed Projects, the total would be computed using the actual amount paid in the FTR. 


  • If such cases do not exist, the row will not be displayed.
  • If, “Include Under-Approval Projects in Allocation” option is checked in the filter section, this row will not be displayed because the allocation amount of the FTR Processed projects would be a part of the Under-Approval Allocation sections. 

The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export to Excel button present on the top right hand corner of the Fund Balance section.

The following additional information will be displayed in this excel output

  • Contributions – Detailed information of the Contributions that were used to compute the Contribution amount
  • Allocations – Detailed information of the Allocations (regular projects) for computing the Allocations data. Details would include Budget Cost, MA Charges, Audit Charges, PSC on Audit and Refunds.
  • Sharepoint Allocations – Detailed information of the Allocations for Sharepoint Projects.

Note:Values below zero would be displayed in red background in the excel sheet.

Monitoring Overview TOP

Navigation: Report > Report >Monitor Overview

Purpose: Monitor overview enables a user to view all the monitoring information of a project. User can search the projects and monitoring information using different search criteria. 


  • To generate a Monitor Overview, select one or more filters from the filters section.

The filters available are

  • Select Allocation Year (drop down box): Lists the years of allocation available in the GMS system for the pooled fund.
  • Select Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund.
  • Select Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Select Organisation Type (drop down box): List of Organisation Type in the pooled fund.(International NGO, National NGO, Other, UN Agency

Based upon the criteria selected above, click the Reload Filters button to load the filtering options below.

  • Project Code (text box): Search a project by Project Code (Last 3 digits of project code need to be mentioned)
  • Select Organisation (drop down box): List of organisation names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Select Admin Location 1(drop down box): Lists the regional locations in the country for which the user is registered for.
  • Select Project Duration (drop down box): Lists the duration periods set for the projects in the pooled fund. (1 month to 19 months)
  • Select Monitor Type (drop down box): Lists the Monitor types available based on the criteria set above.
  • Select Monitor Status (drop down box): Lists the Monitor statuses available based on the criteria set above.

Then click the Click to filter button to generate the Tasks Overview. To reset the filters, click the Reload Filters button (i.e. Select Allocation Year, Select Allocation Type, Select Cluster, Select Organisation type).

Click the Clear button to reset the entire set of filters.Click on the Back to Results icon to return back to the previously generated Tasks Overview page.

Some of the features present in the Monitor Overview are:

  • The project Monitor column displays each Monitor activity for a project as a link. Monitoring activities which are currently active will be displayed in pink colour. On clicking the link, the user will be navigated to the Monitoring section of the project. 
  • Project locations are also displayed in the Monitoring overview.
  • Below each Monitor activity link, the current status of the activity would be displayed.
  • The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export to Excel link.

Screen shot of a completed monitoring activity of a project.

Audit Overview TOP

Navigation: Report > Report > Audit Overview

Purpose: Audit overview enables a user to view all the ongoing audit tasks for the pooled fund.


  • To generate an Audit Overview, select one or more filters from the filters section.

The filters available are

  • Select Allocation Year (drop down box): Lists the years of allocation available in the GMS system for the pooled fund.
  • Select Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund.
  • Select Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Select Organisation Type (drop down box): List of Organisation Type in the pooled fund.(International NGO, National NGO, Other, UN Agency)

Based upon the criteria selected above, click the Reload Filters button to load the filtering options below.

  • Project Code (text box): Search a project by Project Code (Last 3 digits of project code need to be mentioned)
  • Select Organisation (drop down box): List of organisation names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Select Admin Location 1(drop down box): Lists the regional locations in the country for which the user is registered for
  • Select Project Duration (drop down box): Lists the duration periods set for the projects in the pooled fund. (1 month to 19 months)
  • Select Audit Status (drop down box): Lists the Audit statuses available based on the criteria set above.

Then click the Click to filter button to generate the Tasks Overview

To reset the filters, click the Reload Filters button (i.e. Select Allocation Year, Select Allocation Type, Select Cluster, Select Organisation type).

Click the Clear button to reset the entire set of filters.
Click on the Back to Results icon  to return back to the previously generated Tasks Overview page.
Some of the features present in the Audit Overview are:
  • The Edit Icon present in the Admin Actions column allows the user to edit the audit task for the project.
  • The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export to Excel link.

Disbursement OverviewTOP

Navigation: Report > Report >Disbursement Overview

Purpose: Disbursement overview lists the status of the disbursement workflow for all or filtered projects. User can search the disbursement information using different search criteria. One can also access disbursement overview from the Quick Access dashboard by clicking on the Disbursement Overview Icon  .


  • To generate a Disbursement Overview, select one or more filters from the filters section.

The filters available are

  • Select Allocation Year (drop down box): Lists the years of allocation available in the GMS system for the pooled fund.
  • Select Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund.
  • Select Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Select Organisation Type (drop down box): List of Organisation Type in the pooled fund.(International NGO, National NGO, Other, UN Agency)

Based upon the criteria selected above, click the Reload Filters button to load the filtering options below.

  • Project Code (text box): Search a project by Project Code (Last 3 digits of project code need to be mentioned)
  • Select Organisation (drop down box): List of organisation names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Select Admin Location 1(drop down box): Lists the regional locations in the country for which the user is registered for.
  • Select Project Duration (drop down box): Lists the duration periods set for the projects in the pooled fund. (1 month to 19 months)
  • Select Disbursement Status (drop down box): Lists the Disbursement statuses available based on the criteria set above.

Then click the Click to filter button to generate the Tasks Overview. To reset the filters, click the Reload Filters button (i.e. Select Allocation Year, Select Allocation Type, Select Cluster, Select Organisation type).

Click the Clear button to reset the entire set of filters..Click on the Back to Results icon   to return back to the previously generated Tasks Overview page. (This button will be displayed only if there is a previously generated Tasks Overview page.)

A brief description of the columns displayed is given below:

  • Admin Actions:
    • View Clicking on this icon will allow viewing the disbursement task.  
    • Edit  Clicking on this icon will allow editing the Disbursement Task. This icon will be displayed only if the current user has the ability to edit in the current project status.
  • Primary Cluster: Displays the primary cluster group to which the project proposal belongs to.
  • Project Code [Allocation]: Displays the system generated project code and call for proposal that the project proposal belongs to.
  • Org: Displays the Implementing Partner's organization name
  • Project Title: Displays the project proposal's title.
  • Project Start Date: Displays the project start date.
  • Project End Date: Displays the project end date.
  • Budget: Displays the project’s budget.
  • Disbursed Amount: Displays the amount which has already been disbursed for the project.
  • Tranche details: Displays details of all the tranches along with the disbursed amounts. This is shown when the user hovers over the pie-icon  .
  • Disbursement Status: Displays the current disbursement status for the project.
  • Assigned to: Displays the user email id to whom the disbursement task has been assigned to.

Additional features:

  • Click on the Show Filters button present on the top left corner of the Disbursement overview screen to return back to the Set Filters screen. 
  • The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export to Excel button present on the top right hand corner of the Disbursement overview screen.


Navigation: Report > Report >FTS Report

Purpose: FTS report provides information from all the pooled funds available in the GMS system in the format specified by the users of Fund Tracking System, a 3rd party system.  


  • To generate an FTS report, select one or more filters from the filters section.

  • Pool Fund (drop down box): Lists all the pooled funds available in the GMS system.
  • Allocation Year (drop down box): Lists the years of allocation available in the GMS system.
  • Report Format (Radio Button): Select the report format in which the details have to be displayed.

Then click the Generate button to create the FTS Report.

FTR Overview TOP

Navigation: Report > Report >FTR Overview

Purpose:  To create a Fund Transfer Request overview. One can also access the FTR overview from the Quick Access dashboard by clicking on the FTR Overview Icon  .


  • To generate a FTR Overview, select one or more filters from the filters section.

The filters available are

  • Select Allocation Year (drop down box): Lists the years of allocation available in the GMS system for the pooled fund.
  • Select Allocation Type (drop down box): List of all projects submitted in the GMS system with the allocation type and year for the pooled fund.
  • Select Cluster (drop down box): List of clusters defined for the pooled fund.
  • Select Organisation Type (drop down box): List of Organisation Type in the pooled fund.(International NGO, National NGO, Other, UN Agency)

Based upon the criteria selected above, click the Reload Filters button to load the filtering options below.

  • Project Code (text box): Search a project by Project Code (Last 3 digits of project code need to be mentioned)
  • Select Organisation (drop down box): List of organisation names registered for the pooled fund.
  • Select Admin Location 1(drop down box): Lists the regional locations in the country for which the user is registered for.
  • Select Project Duration (drop down box): Lists the duration periods set for the projects in the pooled fund. (1 month to 19 months)
  • Select FTR Status (drop down box): Lists the FTR statuses available based on the criteria set above.

Then click the Click to filter button to generate the Tasks Overview. To reset the filters, click the Reload Filters button (i.e. Select Allocation Year, Select Allocation Type, Select Cluster, Select Organisation type).

Click the Clear button to reset the entire set of filters..Click on the Back to Results icon   to return back to the previously generated Tasks Overview page. (This button will be displayed only if there is a previously generated Tasks Overview page.)

A brief description of the columns displayed is given below:

  • FTR Number: Displays the unique FTR number. It will only show one entry per FTR report along with the total amount. Clicking on this number will direct the user to the FTR report screen. For a detailed explanation of the FTR report, please see the section titled FTR Report.
  • FTR Status: Displays the status of the FTR.
  • FTR Created By: Displays the user name that created the FTR.
  • FTR Created Date: Displays the date when the FTR was created.
  • FTR Updated By: Displays the user name who updated the FTR.
  • FTR Updated Date: Displays the date on which the FTR was updated.
  • Amount: Displays the amount for which the FTR was raised.
  • Last Column: Displays the linked GMS projects which are included in the FTR on the mouse-over of  icon

Additional features:

  • Click on the Show Filters button present on the top left corner of the FTR overview screen to return back to the Set Filters screen. 
  • The data displayed to the user can be downloaded in an excel format using the Export to Excel button present on the top right hand corner of the FTR overview screen.


 Audit report TOP

The GMS allows the users to download all audit data as a working Excel document where multiple partners can be selected. For more information on the project audit, please see the dedicated article on Project Audit on the Help Portal.
To generate such a document, go to report -> report -> Audit report 
Enter your research parameters and click on [Export to Excel]. 
The document will be downloaded onto your computer as an Excel extract. 
The Audit Report excel extract is broken down into two sections: the Audit Report page, which will display all the information relevant to the audit findings and recommendations, and the Audit Closure Report page, which will provide an overview of all the key dates of the project instances.
Field Description (Audit Report page):
  • Fund Name
  • Organization Name
  • Project Code
  • Audit completion Date
  • Eligible Expenditure (as per the audit report)
  • Recommendation and findings (including its type and risk level)
  • Justifications and implementing partner’s responses
Field Description (Audit Closure Report page):
  • Fund Name
  • Project Code
  • Partner
  • Due Diligence and Capacity Assessment status
  • Project submission, signature dates
  • Tranches disbursement amounts and dates
  • Financial and Narrative reports submission date
  • Audit activation and actual completion dates

 Monitoring report TOP

The GMS allows the users to download all monitoring data as a working Excel document where multiple partners can be selected. 

To generate such a document, go to report -> report -> monitoring report
Enter your research parameters and click on [Export to Excel]. 
The document will be downloaded onto your computer as an Excel extract. 
The Monitoring Report excel extract is broken down into two sections: the Monitoring details page, which will display all the information relevant to the monitoring recommendations, and the Participant detail page, which will provide the details of the monitoring focal points.
Field description (Monitoring Details page) :
  • Fund Name
  • Organization Name
  • Acronym
  • Project Code
  • Implementation progress
  • Monitoring Type (as per report and timelines) and Name
  • Monitoring End dates (as per the report)
  • Monitoring actions, and responsible
  • Monitoring Recommendation and notes
Field description (Participant Detail page) :
  • Fund Name
  • Organization Name
  • Acronym
  • Project Code
  • Monitor Name
  • Monitoring Start and End Dates
  • Participant name/email/phone