Allocation letter creation, signature and submission

I)   Generate the Allocation Letter
II)  Send the Allocation Letter and the FTR for signature
     1) Non-UN Agencies process
     2) UN Agencies process
III) Submit the FTR
     1) FTR Documents tab: upload the signed FTR and Allocation Letter
     2) Submit the FTR Report to Finance HQ or MPTF
     OneGMS Focus: how to solve the FTR page errors

I)   Generate the Allocation Letter

Now that the ‘Amount to pay’ field of the FTR has been filled in, and that the FTR has been downloaded as a PDF, it is necessary to generate the Allocation Letter.
To learn how to generate an Allocation Letter, please refer to this article of the Help Portal.

II)  Send the Allocation Letter and the FTR for signature

Now that you have both the FTR and the Allocation Letter as PDF saved on your computer, you need to send them for signature. The signature process will not happen on the OneGMS, but needs to be done offline, by sending the documents by email for instance.

The signature process differs depending on the Organization type, i.e. whether the Partner is an UN agency or non-UN agency.

You will find the guidance for both processes below

     1) Non-UN Agencies process

Both the FTR and the Allocation Letter must be signed by the Humanitarian Coordinator offline (i.e. not on the GMS).

     2) UN Agencies process

The FTR must be signed offline by the Humanitarian Coordinator.
The Allocation Letter must be signed offline by BOTH the Humanitarian Coordinator AND the UN Agency’s representative. One allocation letter has to be generated for each UN agency.

III) Submit the FTR

     1) FTR Documents tab: upload the signed FTR and Allocation Letter

When the FTR and the Allocation Letter have been signed, the HFU must upload them in the documents’ tab of the FTR module.

To do so, go to the FTR document’s tab, and click on [add documents]. In the pop-up window, select the type of document, click on [choose file] and select the signed FTR from your desktop. Then, click on [upload].

     2) Submit the FTR Report to Finance HQ or MPTF

The HFU is requested to submit the FTR Report:

  • to MPTF for UN projects,
  • to CBPF Finance for non-UN projects (CBPF Finance will submit to MPTF after review).

To submit the FTR report to MPTF review, click on [Send to MPTF – UN only – with allocation letter].

To submit the FTR to CBPF Finance review, please click on [Send to FCS – with Allocation Letter].

In both cases, do not forget to upload the signed Allocation letter and FTR in the document’s tab before submitting.

OneGMS Focus : FTR report-related errors and how to solve them

You can find error messages in the FTR module as shown in the screenshot below. This can be the case when a Fraud investigation has started after you created the FTR, but when the FTR is not yet processed.

If you see an error icon next to the project’s line, hover over the icon to see the error message. In case of compliance, the Oversight and Compliance Unit may have blocked the FTR transfer. Hence, you will not be able to push the workflow forward. The FTR will only be processed after the fraud investigation has ended.

To learn more on FTR reports' related errors, please refer to this guidance of the article.