What’s New on OneGMS – May 2024

POSTED BY Khai Ahmed Salma | 01 May 2024 |

New Regional Funds Set up 

We are thrilled to share some exciting news: Two new Regional Humanitarian Pooled Funds (RhPFs) have been set up within OneGMS! Following the recent ERC decision, we're introducing the Regional Humanitarian Fund for Asia Pacific (RHFAP) and the Regional Humanitarian Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean (RHFLAC) in OneGMS. 

Here's a quick overview: 

  • Regional Humanitarian Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean: will initially include Haiti and Colombia as country envelops. 
  • Regional Humanitarian Fund for Asia Pacific : will initially operate as a regional envelop and is initially set up for Philippines. 

Data on both RhPFs is already available on our Data Hub and will expand as the funds launch their first allocations, providing valuable insights for stakeholders! 

Streamlined Refunds Activation 

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with our OneGMS Finance users – the long-awaited page to activate refunds in the new OneGMS template is now fully operational, closing the OneGMS launch phase for refunds. 

With the latest update, initiating a refund can be done for circumstances where it is required before the audit closure. Here's how you can do it:


  1. Navigate to the Admin tab of your project (1). 
  2. Locate the Refunds section. 
  3. Click on the [Activate] button (2). 

We hope you enjoy this new feature and find it valuable in your project management journey. 

Happy refunding!