The Interim Update (Agency)

The Interim Update
The Interim Update is a CERF reporting requirement that comes at the chronological midpoint
of the implementation of all projects within a CERF allocation, between the start-date of the earliest-starting project,
and the end-date of the latest-ending project.

The Country Focal Point reviews project-level updates from all the Agencies, which are compiled
as an allocation-level report, which is then forwarded to CERF Secretariat for review.

Activation of the Interim Update
The CERF Program Officer receives an automated notification two days prior to the four-week submission due date,
after which they can optionally open the report to the Country Focal Point two days prior to the automated date.

For more information on the following topics, please click the following links or the links in the menu:

Access the Interim Update

I) Filling in the Interim Update (General)

II) Filling in the Interim Update (Agency-Specific Steps) 

  • Draft the Agency inputs
  • Submit the Agency inputs
  • Redraft and submit the Agency inputs

III) Filling in the Interim Update (Country Focal Point Steps) 

  • Review the Agency inputs
  • Draft the Overview
  • Submit the Overview