GMS New Releases


POSTED BY Yasmina Nousseir | 30 Jun 2022 |

I)   Copy SSOs, cluster indicators and standard activities
II)  Transfer module
III) Partner UNPP ID

I)   Copy SSOs, cluster indicators and standard activities

Instead of creating them manually, the HFU can now copy previously created SSOs, cluster indicators and standard activities, and then link them to a new allocation. 

To read more on how to copy SSOs, cluster indicators and standard activities, please refer to this help portal article: Setup Allocation type.


II)  Transfer module

This new feature concerns the refund and disbursement of an organization under compliance. 

It allows CBPF Finance to deduct from the amount that should be disbursed to the organization for a project, the amount that the same organization should refund for another project. A transfer can only be made for one organization with at least one project with a pending disbursement and at least one project with a pending refund within the same fund

Navigation: Allocations --> Transfers


The main modification to the disbursement and refunds tabs is the apparition of the transfer icon .. This icon indicates that the disbursement/refund was made through a transfer between two projects.


III) Partner UNPP ID

As of July 1, 2022, all partners will have to create a profile on the UN Partner Portal (UNPP) in order to submit a project proposal on the GMS. Upon completing their profile on the UNPP, partners will receive a UNPP ID number they will need to report in the due diligence’s ‘Application form’ tab. 

Once the partner's UNPP profile is verified and validated, the HFU will tick the box ‘Is Verified Partner in UNPP’ in the ‘Application form’ tab of the due diligence. Only then can the HFU proceed with the capacity assessment and the partner submit a project proposal.
