The Interim Update (CERF HQ)

The Interim UpdateThe Interim Update is a CERF reporting requirement that comes at the chronological midpointof the implementation of all projects within a CERF allocation, between the start-date of the earliest-starting project,and the end-date of the latest-ending project. The Country Focal Point reviews project-level updates from all the Agencies, which are compiledas an allocation-level report, which is then forwarded to CERF Secretariat for review.
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The Interim Update (Country)

The Interim UpdateThe Interim Update is a CERF reporting requirement that comes at the chronological midpointof the implementation of all projects within a CERF allocation, between the start-date of the earliest-starting project,and the end-date of the latest-ending project. The Country Focal Point reviews project-level updates from all the Agencies, which are compiledas an allocation-level report, which is then forwarded to CERF Secretariat for review.
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The Interim Update (Agency)

The Interim UpdateThe Interim Update is a CERF reporting requirement that comes at the chronological midpointof the implementation of all projects within a CERF allocation, between the start-date of the earliest-starting project,and the end-date of the latest-ending project. The Country Focal Point reviews project-level updates from all the Agencies, which are compiledas an allocation-level report, which is then forwarded to CERF Secretariat for review.
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What’s New on OneGMS - August 2024 - New ICA Scorecard

We are excited to announce the implementation of the new ICA scorecard system in OneGMS, in accordance with the Global Guidelines. This enhancement will serve as an interim solution while we address additional module requirements. The updated ICA version will be released without affecting any existing partner risk profiles and will apply to all newly assessed partners in OneGMS, whether they are new partners or existing ones undergoing reassessment. The main objective of this initial phase is to enable your teams to migrate data from assessments currently performed offline. Additionally, it will map existing partners’ compliance with minimum requirements, flagging those that are non-compliant. This initial online implementation of the new ICA is a temporary measure to avoid offline processes. Kindly note the following points:  You will still be able to manually assign partner risk based on your respective CA range, following the new ICA total score.   Proxy Capacity Assessments (PCA) will also have to be manually reflected in the system pending the second phase release.   This release will not include automated ineligibility for partners that do not meet the minimum score of 60 percent for operational and financial capacity; you will need to track this manually and take action accordingly.   This release does not cover new features of the Eligibility process such as conditional eligibility, ICA recommendations, and ICA feedback reports. The OCU team and the OneGMS Support team have scheduled two training sessions for this release in August. The links to the training are provided in the OneGMS Monthly Digest | August 2024. If you are currently conducting or planning an eligibility review for new partners, please contact OCU/OneGMS Support for bilateral assistance with the process.
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Pro Tips of the Month – August 2024 - Partner Risk Management in OneGMS

How is partner risk determined in OneGMS? The Risk Level on the OneGMS is determined by assessing both the capacity and performance of each potential eligible partner and Implementing Partner. Initially, a Capacity Assessment (CA) is conducted to categorize eligible NGOs into specific risk ratings, which dictate the operational modalities they must follow, with higher risk partners requiring more stringent assurance mechanisms. As partners receive funding and implement projects, their risk rating is increasingly influenced by their performance, evaluated through the Partner Performance Index (PPI). This system allows partners to improve their risk level by enhancing their capacity and demonstrating good performance. Over time, the initial CA score diminishes in significance, eventually being replaced entirely by the performance-based scores in determining the partner's Risk Level. Capacity Assessment Score The Capacity Assessment (CA) evaluates an organization’s institutional, managerial, financial, and technical expertise to determine its capacity. Based on the CA score and the Funds’ scoring table and thresholds, partners are categorized as Non-Eligible or Eligible. Eligible partners are further rated as High Risk, Medium Risk, or Low Risk.   A few elements to note in the Capacity Assessment form: Your Fund’s specific scoring table can be viewed here (1). The CA can be selected out the 3 available options (2). If Internal CA on GMS is selected, the score will automatically be calculated as the form is being filled out (3). If CA offline is selected, you will be able to enter the score manually (3). The Adapted CA Score is automatically calculated once the total score is inputted (4). The risk level can be manually selected from the drop down (5). If the partner is being re-assessed, select [Create Version] to keep track copies of all CA forms for later consultation (6).  A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generatedUse the Documents tab to upload any relevant documents used to assess the partner during the CA (7).  What is the Adapted CA Score? The Adapted CA score, displayed next to the CA score after completing the CA Questionnaire on OneGMS, was introduced to harmonize CA scores and facilitate the comparison of partners’ risks across different funds. This score is calculated using a fund-specific 'multiplier' that translates the CA country score to its global weight equivalence without altering the risk level. The Adapted CA score is used in calculating the Partner Performance Index Adjusted Risk Level. Performance Index (PI) Score The performance of an Implementing Partner on a project is assessed using a set of pre-determined questions established by the CBPF, which are consistent for all partners. These questions are presented to the HFU as specific milestones are completed throughout the project lifecycle. At Project Closure, once all questions have been answered and saved, the performance index score is calculated. Partner Performance Index (PI) Adjusted Score The overall Partner PI adjusted score is determined by combining the different project PI scores of a partner with their original CA score. The weight of each project in this calculation increases with the number of projects completed by the partner, giving more significance to recent projects. The CA score is excluded from the PI adjusted risk calculation after the partner's 5th project.   The Partner’s PI adjusted score, derived from the combination of project PI scores and CA results, corresponds to a specific risk level defined by the Global Risk Range. OneGMS automatically calculates this score and corresponding Risk Level. HFUs can then approve the PI adjusted risk from the Partner Performance Index Risk Management page. 
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Pro Tips of the Month - API Datasets - July 2024

What are APIs and How Can You Use Them? OneGMS collects a variety of data from the information entered into the system. This data can be used for many purposes, such as creating Annual Reports or to analyze financial information recorded in OneGMS. To facilitate this, the OneGMS team is offering OCHA staff the ability to access this data according to their needs, in the form of API Datasets. Some of the datasets are public and can be extracted by anyone and some are secured for limited use.   What Are API Datasets Used For? API datasets can be used by many stakeholders for diverse purposes. These datasets are a shortcut of sorts, providing preformatted data for easy use and analysis. Examples of OneGMS API Datasets Refund Query: This dataset is particularly relevant for our finance teams both in-country and at HQ level, as well as for the BoA when needed. It extracts data on refunds per fund and per project, offering a comprehensive overview of refund statuses, amounts, and more. Organizations Detailed Master: This unique dataset provides a detailed overview of all organizations registered in OneGMS, including their risk level, eligibility, and DD status. Most importantly, it highlights the organizations' leadership and focus markers such as WLO, WRO, OPDs, and YLO. Annual Report Extracts: These datasets are tailored to support the drafting of annual reports but can also be used in many other contexts due to their comprehensiveness. Some examples include: Lists of sub-implementing partners Cash Tracking (OneGMS projects only) Beneficiaries targeted and reached by beneficiary type and project. Did you know? Once the API dataset is extracted, you can build your own pivot tables to adjust to your needs, and the data will stay up to date and refreshed if the source is still connected. A detailed guide on how to access the APIs and extract the data into Excel can be found here: If you encounter any issues, have questions, or need credentials for the secure APIs, please do not hesitate to reach out to GMS Support at  
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