Pro Tips of the Month – June 2024

This month, the OneGMS Support Team is excited to bring you Project Revision tips.  As you know, project revision involves two key steps. First, a Revision Request (Step 1) is submitted by the IP and reviewed by the HFU. Once approved, the Project Revision (Step 2) is initiated, allowing the IP to complete it. The HFU then reviews and clears the revision, and if approved, the Project Proposal is updated with the new data.  However, we understand that scenarios vary, and timelines can be unpredictable. That is why OneGMS is designed to offer flexibility when needed. Here are some Project Revision tips that can come in handy in three different scenarios:  1. Modifying an Approved Revision Request (Step 1):  Scenario Example: A Revision Request (step 1) for a bank info change has been approved, but due to delays in the processing, the Implementing Partner now needs a No-Cost Extension (NCE). How can we include an NCE to the same approved revision request (step 1) instead of activating a new one?  To modify the approved Revision Request (Step 1), the revision must first be reset.  The HFU can reset the revision by navigating to Revision Admin* (1) > Reset revision (3). Resetting the revision will delete the current Project Revision (Step 2) draft (2), resulting in the loss of all information under the Project Revision. HFU should notify IP of these implications.  Once the revision is reset, the HFU can notify the OneGMS Support team to return the Revision Request (Step 1) to “under review.”  The HFU can then send the Revision Request (Step 1) back to the IP for changes (i.e. adding an NCE as per our scenario example) and resubmission for approval. 2. Granting IPs access to additional sections in the Project Revision (step 2):  Scenario Example: A Revision Request (step 1) for Reprogramming has been approved. The IP wants to add a new cluster to the project as part of the requested revision, but the system does not automatically allow for cluster revision when Reprogramming is the selected revision type. How can HFU grant the IP access to be able to add a new cluster?  The Revision Admin* tab allows the HFU to configure the project revision form.  Depending on the revision type(s) (1), some project sections will be automatically checked (meaning the partner will be able to access and revise these sections) (2).  HFU may grant the partner access to additional project sections by checking the desired box (Sector/ Cluster Revision in the case of scenario example) (3).  In case of a budget revision, the variances can be set up and updated from the Revision Admin tab (4).  Note: The system predefines the project sections to be opened according to the approved revision type(s). You can find a table detailing the section opened by each revision type on our Help Portal.  To save the Project Revision Form changes, click on [Update Revision] (5). This will update the page but will not delete existing information.  3. Removing IP access to a non-mandatory section of the Project Revision (step 2):  Scenario Example: A Revision Request (step 1) for Reprogramming has been approved. The system automatically grants the IP access to revise multiple sections of the project including People Targeted even though it is not mandatory. However, for particular reasons, HFU wants to remove IP access to the People Targeted section in the Project Revision (step 2). How can the People Targeted Section be locked?  If IP access needs to be removed for a non-mandatory section, this will affect the Project Revision form, so the revision must be reset.  The HFU can reset the revision by navigating to Revision Admin*> Reset revision.  The non-mandatory sections of the concerned revision type (1) will become blue (2) and can be unchecked. Unchecking a non-mandatory section will remove IP access to that section during the Project Revision (step 2).  Note: You can find the mandatory and non-mandatory sections that are automatically checked by the system for each revision type on our Help Portal here.  Once the relevant sections are unchecked, the HFU can send the new Project Revision form re-activate by selecting one of two options from the drop-down list (3):  Project Revision (Step 2) activated: Select this option if this is the first project revision template you’ve configured and wish to send to the Partner.  Tick the box ‘Send Email Active’ (4) if you wish to notify the Partner by email and click on [Activate] (5).  Note: If the revision type needs to be changed, please follow the instructions in scenario 1.  Important Reminder: When a project is under revision, all project related functions are automatically blocked. No reports can be generated by the IP, and no financial transactions such as disbursements/refunds can be requested/processed.  * After the Revision Request is approved, the project proposal tabs will be displayed along with a Revision Admin tab.
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What’s New on OneGMS – June 2024

New Grant Agreement & Grant Agreement Amendment Upload Process  We are pleased to announce a new OneGMS enhancement. Uploading signed Grant Agreements (GA) and Grant Agreement Amendments (GAA) is now integrated directly into the workflow process at all signature stages.  For HC GA Signature:  Download the unsigned GA or GAA. (NEW) Upload the signed copy directly within the workflow instead of using the documents tab (Step 1). Click the [HC Signed] button to advance the workflow to the IP Counter Signature step (Step 2).  For IP Counter Signature:  Download the HC signed GA or GAA. (NEW) Upload the counter-signed copy directly within the workflow instead of using the documents tab (Step 1). Partners will click the [Send to Final Signature and Disbursement] button to advance the workflow to HFU for review of the GA (Step 2).  For CBPF Finance Signature: Download the counter-signed GA or GAA. (NEW) Upload your signed copy directly within the workflow instead of using the documents tab (Step 1). Click the [GA Counter Signed] button to advance the workflow (Step 2). This streamlined process will simplify the management of the GAs and GAAs ensuring that all the steps are complete. New on the CBPF data hub: Common Performance Framework  Get ready for an exciting new addition to our Data Hub Dashboards! We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Common Performance Framework (CFP) accessible through the CBPF Data Hub.  CBPF measures its performance against a management tool that provides a set of indicators to assess how well a Fund performs in relation to the policy objectives and operational standards set out in the CBPF Global Guidelines. This dashboard, utilizing a common methodology, enables management and stakeholders involved in the governance of the Funds to identify, analyze, and address challenges in reaching and maintaining a well-performing CBPF.  The CPF Dashboard displays the date of last data refresh and allows you to filter by Pooled Fund at the top of the page through the dropdown list.  Access CPFs here!
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OneGMS Pro Tips - May 2024

OneGMS Support is here with additional tips, HFU Teams! With several of you gearing up to launch Allocations across multiple CBPFs, we have whipped up a handy checklist to facilitate the OneGMS allocation launch process. Here is your go-to guide:  Double-check those pending Due Diligences.  Give your partner dashboard a once-over to ensure that the Partner Risks are updated. More on the Partner Risk Dashboard here.  Keep your country locations up to date. If there is a change needed or if you have any questions, email us at  Make sure your latest Operational Modalities are in the system. More on Operational Modalities here.  Confirm that the HC name for your fund in the system is correct – this is important for the Grant Agreements.  When setting up the Allocation, make sure that you have the most recent HRP configured in the system and that all linkages between SOs, SSOs, and Standard Indicators are correct.  Not sure if your Allocation linkages are correct? Head over to System Set Up> Manage Allocation Type, then select your Allocation and keep an eye out for: No linked HRP (1).  Clusters missing for the allocation (2).  Any of the SO, SSO, and Std. Indicators fields showing 0 (3).  For more detailed guidance on Allocation Set Up, check out this article on the Help Portal.  Do not forget to create your SRC Scorecards before you get to Project Proposal review.  Make sure to set up your Allocation Submission Window correctly so that Partners can get access on time.  With these steps checked off, you are set for a stellar Allocation launch!  You can download a PDF version of the checklist here OneGMS Allocation Set Up Checlist_0.pdf for personal use.
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What’s New on OneGMS – May 2024

New Regional Funds Set up  We are thrilled to share some exciting news: Two new Regional Humanitarian Pooled Funds (RhPFs) have been set up within OneGMS! Following the recent ERC decision, we're introducing the Regional Humanitarian Fund for Asia Pacific (RHFAP) and the Regional Humanitarian Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean (RHFLAC) in OneGMS.  Here's a quick overview:  Regional Humanitarian Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean: will initially include Haiti and Colombia as country envelops.  Regional Humanitarian Fund for Asia Pacific : will initially operate as a regional envelop and is initially set up for Philippines.  Data on both RhPFs is already available on our Data Hub and will expand as the funds launch their first allocations, providing valuable insights for stakeholders!  Streamlined Refunds Activation  We are thrilled to share some exciting news with our OneGMS Finance users – the long-awaited page to activate refunds in the new OneGMS template is now fully operational, closing the OneGMS launch phase for refunds.  With the latest update, initiating a refund can be done for circumstances where it is required before the audit closure. Here's how you can do it: Navigate to the Admin tab of your project (1).  Locate the Refunds section.  Click on the [Activate] button (2).  We hope you enjoy this new feature and find it valuable in your project management journey.  Happy refunding!  
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OneGMS Pro Tips - April 2024

Ahead of the impending review by the Board of Auditors (BoA), granting them access to the OCHA Assurances (OA) dashboard across all funds, we strongly advise reviewing your OA board to ensure compliance with the new Global Guidelines (GG) requirements. The OA now retrieves manually entered information from the Timelines Tabs for each project's reporting and monitoring instances. Thus, we want to underscore the importance of timelines in displaying due instances. Please ensure thorough attention to this aspect before reaching the under GA preparation stage. Pro tip from the OneGMS Support team: Verify that your timelines tabs for projects approved from January 1st, 2023, onwards align with the GG requirements.  The implementation of the GG has prompted adjustments in the due dates for certain project closure processes. Here's a quick rundown of the changes between the previous and new due dates in the closure process:  For example, this adjustment means that a FNR from a 2023 project whose timelines have not been updated according to the new GG will show as due based on the information entered by the HFU, i.e., 2 months after the project end date instead of 3 months after the project end date!
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What’s New on OneGMS – April 2024

We are excited to announce the following new releases in OneGMS and the Data Hub:  OCHA Assurances Updates This month, we are introducing significant changes to the OCHA Assurances section of OneGMS. The OCHA Assurances data is now reflecting the new Global Guidelines requirements, ensuring consistency and relevance (primarily for Audit due dates). These updates apply to all projects approved from January 1st, 2023, onwards. Additionally, the OCHA Assurances tab now leverages data from the Timelines tab for each project, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. Consequently, Final Financial Reports and Final Narrative Reports are now synchronized with timelines, mirroring the alignment seen with Progress Narrative Reports and Interim Financial Reports.  Adding and Editing Cluster Indicators Access to cluster indicators has been restricted in the past few months. We now recommend that the management of cluster indicators be limited to two or three focal points per fund, who will be granted access with the "HFU Admin" role, which can be requested through the GMS Support Team. We are committed to being flexible should you need to adjust the designated focal points in the system. Enhanced Data Hub Cluster Overview Tooltip We are thrilled to introduce enhancements to the Data Hub, designed to offer you deeper insights into project impact. One notable improvement is the ability to filter data by people Targeted or Reached (1) per cluster. As illustrated below, selecting either filter (1) displays the percentage of people targeted or reached (2) per cluster out of the total number targeted or reached by all the clusters (3). Furthermore, the Data Hub now includes metrics for the number of People Targeted (4) and number of People Reached (5) per cluster in the tooltip, along with the percentage of people reached out of those targeted (6). These enhancements offer valuable data for informed decision-making and evaluation.  For instance, in 2023, you can now observe that the Food Security cluster targeted 11% (2) of the total 66.9 million people targeted by all clusters (3) through allocations for that year. Furthermore, you can note that the individuals reached by the Food Security cluster represented 21% of the people targeted (6) by the same cluster.
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