People Targeted

7. People Directly Targeted
   Project Total
   Error Message
8. People Indirectly Targeted

This tab allows the user to enter information related to the people directly and indirectly targeted by the project. Please include estimates of people who will directly receive goods or services from each sector activity. Please also ensure that all information in this tab is coherent with any sector indicators specified in the 'Log Frame' tab.  

All fields marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory 

Please note that all the data provided in the screenshots of this article is purely indicative.


7. People Directly Targeted 

In this section, please enter the total number of people targeted by category, and the number of people targeted by sector and category.  

Please note: the information provided for People Directly Targeted will be used in the ‘locations’ tab.


Categories description: 

Displacement related: in this category should be reported forcible or voluntary uprooting of persons from their homes by violent conflict, natural disaster, gross violation of human rights and other traumatic events, or threats thereof.  

  • Internally Displaced People: people who have been forced or obliged to flee or leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflicts, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internally recognized state border (United Nations Guiding principles on Internal Displacement, p1, para.2).
  • Refugees: someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reason of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion (1951 Refugee Convention).
  • Returnees: persons previously displaced outside or inside their country (refugees or IDPs) returning to their places of origin.
  • Host Communities: communities that host large populations of refugees or internally displaced persons, typically in camps or integrated into households directly. 

Non Displacement Related (other): all affected persons directly targeted by the project, who have not been affected by any form of displacement as described in the above categories. 

Persons with Disabilities: include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.  

Please note: 

  • Ensure there is no double-counting across the categories.
  • Ensure the figure only includes persons directly targeted.
  • Displacement-related people targeted category should include both conflict and natural disaster related displacement.
  • Non-displacement Related (Other) category is for all remaining non-displacement related emergencies, such as cholera, floods, droughts, etc. without displacement. You can add in the dedicated box a description of this category (see screenshot below).


   Project Total

Start by filling in the Project Total table by entering the total number of women, girls, men, and boys of each category directly targeted by the project. The total column and row will be automatically populated by the system, as well as the percentage of female (women + girls), male (men + boys) and child (girls + boys).

For persons with disabilities (PwD), only the percentage of PwD against the project total will be displayed.


You can hover over the information icon .  on the People Directly Targeted row to display the numerical value corresponding to the percentage.



You can then start inserting the number of People Directly Targeted for each sector.  

The total column and row will be automatically populated by the system, as well as the percentage of female (women + girls), male (men + boys) and child (girls + boys).

For persons with disabilities (PwD), only the percentage of PwD against the project total will be displayed.  


You can hover over the information icon d  on the People Directly Targeted row to display the numerical value corresponding to the percentage.


   Error Message

The values entered in the cluster/sector table must be consistent with the values entered in the project total table. For instance, the cluster value for non-displacement related/women (10) cannot be greater than the project total value of the same category (0).

In case you made a mistake, the incorrect field(s) will be highlighted in red, and an error message will be displayed above the tables.


8. People Indirectly Targeted

In this section, please indicate the amount and description of people indirectly targeted.


8.1 Estimate of People Indirectly Targeted * 


8.2 Description of People Indirectly Targeted *  

Indirectly targeted persons may include communities at large, people who sell goods to beneficiaries receiving cash assistance, contractors hired to deliver the project, or mass-scale beneficiaries receiving humanitarian messages through media campaigns etc.


Please note: once you have completed this tab, do not forget to save your progress, as the system will not automatically save it. You can find the save buttons at the top of the tab,


or the bottom of it. 
