Operational Modalities

I) What are Operational Modalities?
II) The Operational Modalities workflow

I) What are Operational Modalities?

The risk rating of non-UN partners has a direct impact on the control mechanisms that will be applied to their projects should they ever get CBPF funding. The assurance mechanisms that are used to manage grants vary depending on three factors:

i. Partner risk level
ii. Budget value of the project
iii. Duration of the project

These “Operational Modalities (OM)” are applied by OCHA as a minimum standard for CBPFs, and consist of determining the following elements:

i. Disbursement policy (i.e. number and percentage of disbursements)
ii. Funding ceiling
iii. Monitoring visits
iv. Financial spot checks
v. Narrative reporting requirements
vi. Financial reporting requirements
vii. Project audit

Here is an example of an Operational Modalities table.

The set of Operational Modalities for each fund is included in the Fund’s Handbook. To ensure implementation and respect of these modalities, they must be saved in the OneGMS. This article is here to provide guidance on how to insert and save the modalities in the system.

II) The Operational Modalities workflow

Please click here if you want to know how to create an OM template, or here to know how to fill in and submit the OM template.