Fill in and authorize the Timelines

​​​​​​I)    Create an instance
II)   Set up disbursement tranches
III)  Submit the Timelines to the Fund Manager 
IV) Add a waiver in the Timelines (Fund Manager business role only)
     OneGMS Focus: the project is not linked to any Operational Modality line
V) Authorizing the Timelines (Fund Manager/Programme Officer business role only)

To set up and validate the Timelines of a project, the project’s budget must have been approved. The Timelines tab must be filled in prior to the generation of the Grant Agreement.

Once the project reaches the “Budget Cleared” step of the project’s workflow, go to the project’s page, and click on the [Timelines] Tab.

Timelines task list
You can also directly access the Project’s Timelines tab through the Timelines’ Task list available on your Home Page.

I)    Create an instance

User Role: All HFU staff

HFU officers are required to either create or waive the instances based on the OM indicated in the Operation Modality Details section.

Please note: always select the OneGMS reports from the drop-down list. 

To create an instance, go to the relevant instance section, and click on [Add].

Fill in all the fields and click on [save].

Field Description:

  • Report/Monitoring Type: please select the report type you wish to create.
  • Due Date: Please enter the due date for the report/monitoring instance.
  • Active Date: Please enter the date at which the system will send an alert to the Partner/HFU to complete and submit the report/monitoring instance
  • Is Mandatory: Tick this box if the instance is mandatory

Upon saving the instance, if the instance is required as per the OM, the system will label it as  ‘OM Compliant’. When the OM Compliant instance is created, the error icon   on the right-hand side of the instance in the Operation Modality Details section disappears.


II)   Set up disbursement tranches

User Role: all HFU staff.

In the Timelines' tab of the project, the HFU also has to set up the disbursement tranches, as indicated by the Operational Modality applicable to the project. 

You can find a reminder of the percentages of disbursement tranches under the “Operation Modality Details”, in the top section of the Timelines’ tab.

To add a tranche, click on [Add tranche], in the Disbursement tranches section of the Timelines’ tab. After adding all tranches, click on [Save Disbursement Tranches].

III)  Submit the Timelines to the Fund Manager 

When all required instances and disbursement tranches are created in the Timelines tab, HFU officers can send the Timelines to ‘Under Authorization’ by the Fund Manager by clicking on [Send to Under Authorization].

Important note:  If an OM Compliant instance is not necessary or not applicable for any reason, and will not be required from the Partner, it will need a waiver on the GMS. Only the Fund Manager business role can add waivers in the Timelines tab. If a waiver is required, insert a comment in the page for the FM and click on [Send to Under Authorization].

IV) Add a waiver in the Timelines (Fund Manager business role only)

User Role: Fund Manager only

In the case where an instance is not required or cannot be conducted due to contextual factors (e.g. an area is difficult to access and the monitoring visit is unsafe), it is possible to cancel it by adding a waiver.

*Please note, the Fund Manager is accountable for all waivers saved in the system. Therefore, only the Fund Manager has the system rights to add waivers in the Timelines. To learn more about system rights, please refer to this article

To provide a reason for not creating an instance (i.e. a waiver), click on [Add] of the red box labelled ‘Provide reason for Non-Compliance’ of the relevant section.

The below pop-up window will appear. Fill in all the fields and click on [Save].

Field Description :

  • Reason for Cancellation: Please select one reason for cancellation from the drop-down list.
  • Comments for cancellation: Please insert your comments and explanation regarding the cancellation of the instance.
  • Upload Supporting documents (optional): Users can upload justification documents if needed.

*Please note, the figure in black inside the yellow square represents the number of waivers saved in this section. 

OneGMS Focus: the project is not linked to any Operational Modality line

If a project is approved with a budget or a duration that exceeds the threshold as defined by the OM, the system will not link the project to any modality line. Fund Managers are requested to provide a waiver, giving the reason why the project’s budget or duration excess has been approved.
To do so, click on [Add] of the red box labelled ‘Provide reason for project Non-Compliance’, at the top of the ‘Operation Modality Details’ section.

Only the Fund Manager business role will be able to see this icon on the system.

Fill in all the fields and click on [Save].

Field Description:

  • Reason for Cancellation: Please select one reason for cancellation from the drop-down list.
  • Comments for cancellation: Please insert your comments and explanation regarding the cancellation of the instance.
  • Upload Supporting documents (optional): Users can upload justification documents if needed.

The saved waiver is indicated by the yellow square at the right-hand side of the section’s title. Once it is saved, the system automatically picks up the most relevant modality line of the Operation Modality Template linked to the project.

Once the Modality line has been linked, the requirements are indicated and HFU officers can create or waive the instances following the method described above.

User Role: FM and Programme Officer business role only

Only the Fund Manager and the Programme Officer Business Roles can authorize the Timelines.

If necessary, the Fund Manager and Programme Officer also have the possibility to send the Timelines back to re-draft by clicking on [Back to Timelines Active].

When the Fund Manager/Programme Officer business Role is ready to authorize the Timelines, they can go to the top of the page. The 'Operation Modality Details' authorization section should be green, and without any error icon. The Fund Manager or Programme Business Role can then confirm and authorize the Timelines.

To authorize the Timelines, the Fund Manager/Programme Officer must tick the box [I confirm and authorize the Operation Modality generated below] and click on [Save].

OR, alternatively, you can click on [Authorize Timelines]. The result will be the same; e.g. the Timelines will be validated in the system.