New Feature

Project Revision for CBPF

POSTED BY Yasmina Nousseir | 22 Jun 2023 | What’s new in GMS!!!

The new revision module is now available on the OneGMS! This blog post will give you a brief overview of the main changes and the available revisions. Indeed, more fields will be adjustable in the upcoming release.   

The main difference between the 8+3 and the OneGMS revision module is that now both HFU and Partners will be able to activate the revision request from their ‘Admin’ tab (called ADM). Once activated, click on the [View Revision] hyperlink. 


On the pop-up window will be displayed all the revision requests that have been made for this project. If you are a Partner, click on this icon to open and fill in the request form.  


The Partner can also open the revision request directly from its homepage from the Revision section on the right side of the page.  


The revision request is composed of three tabs. First, the Revision Request tab allows the Partner to choose the type(s) of revision they would like to apply to their project, to justify the revision of the project and provide some information on the project’s level of completion. There are currently 5 revision types available: 

  • No Cost Extensions (NCE): revision of the project implementation end date without changing the budget.  
  • Reprogramming: for important changes in the scope (targeted people, sector, activities, geographic coverage) impacting the intended objective or targets of the approved project. 
  • Budget revision: revision to either a cumulative shift between budget categories of the direct project costs or any change to staff or programme support costs (GAA signature required for a variance above 20%) or a cost extension (no more than a 30% increase allowed). 
  • Prepositioning of funding (48h window): this revision is specific to projects submitted under the 48h window framework.  
  • Bank info: to update the financial information and save the new bank account that will receive the disbursement of the project. Please note that the due diligence should be updated with the new bank info before requesting the revision. 

In the second tab, Request Documents, the Partner can upload any relevant document. Finally, the Tracking tab shows the workflow that the revision request went through, the users involved and the actual stage of the request. 


Once all mandatory fields are filled in, you can click on [Continue] to submit your request to the HFU.  


Once approved by the HFU, the Partner will be able to see the revision request on its homepage, from the Revision section on the right side of the page. 


After you open the Project Revision, you will see on the same page the revision request tabs and the revision tabs.  


The tabs you can see in the screenshot above are those currently available in the revision module. Items listed below are currently not available in the revision module, but will be after the next release:  

  • Bank information  
  • Sector/Cluster  
  • Programming tab (including localization, protection, gender equality, and persons with disability sections) 
  • Implementation tab 
  • Locations tab 
  • Focal points 
  • Fund Summary 
  • Country Context 

The Revision Admin tab allows the HFU to configure the project revision template. The system predefines the tabs that should be open based on the revision type, but the HFU can decide to open or restrict more tabs. In the case of a budget revision, the HFU also has the possibility to cap the variance allowed in a budget category or the total budget. 
