
Accessing the new CBPF internal Business Intelligence

POSTED BY Hortense | 24 Feb 2021 | What’s new in GMS!!!

The CBPF Internal BI is a private information management platform which displays internal data on CBPF projects and implementing partners such as Due Diligence, Capacity Assessment, expenditures etc. for analysis and extraction purposes. The CBPF internal BI does not include CERF data.

Only authorized UN staff can access the internal BI.

If you are a UN staff and wish to view the data hosted by the internal BI, you will need to request access. After careful review, the IMSDAU will grant you access.

To request access, please go to this URL: https://gms-internal.unocha.org/content/cbpf-internal-bi-homepage

If you do not have a granted access, the platform will be blank, and will require to log in.

Click on [sign in] and sign in using the UN email address and password. You will then be redirected to a requesting access page (see screenshot below). Click on [Request access] to request an access to the Internal BI.

After being granted access, you can view the CBPF Internal BI data at the same address: https://gms-internal.unocha.org/content/cbpf-internal-bi-homepage