Introducing Due Diligence Changes

We are excited to introduce the following new changes to the Due Diligence Application Form, which were driven by widespread feedback. Let’s dive right in: Partner Risk Display: Implementing Partners (IPs) now have access to their Partner risk conveniently located in the top right corner of the Application Form tab within their Due Diligence section. (Refer to the image below for visual guidance.) Expanded Organization Categories:  IPs now have the option to indicate their affiliation with two additional categories, namely RLO (Refugee-led Organization) and YLO (Youth-led Organization), in addition to the existing categories of OPD (Organization of Persons with Disabilities) and WLO (Women-led Organization), which was previously known as WGO. (Please note that existing organizations marked as WRO will now be reflected as WLO). Mandatory Beneficiary Banking Information Fields: For Umoja recording purposes, the following Beneficiary Banking Information fields have been updated to be mandatory, as indicated in the image below: Bank ID For US banks only use whether (9 digits): ACH and/or Fed Wire. (Please note that this field is also mandatory for non US banks (9+digits)) SWIFT code: 8 or 11 characters (required for overboard payments) Street Address City State/Province Postal Code Country Please be informed that these changes are implemented with no implications on the bank information of approved due diligence application linked to active projects. 
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Introducing the Updated Final Narrative Report Template

Following the recent rollout of the updated Progress Narrative Report (PNR) OneGMS template, we are pleased to announce the release of the improved Final Narrative Report (FNR) OneGMS template.  Streamlined for simplicity and enhanced user experience, the tabs have been strategically renamed and reorganized to align with the structure of the OneGMS Project Proposal template. (Refer to image below)  Main features to look out for:  Log Frame Enhancements  IPs (Implementing Partners) will now report against their achieved Outcomes and Outputs and their respective indicators. For easier reference, the narrative will automatically be pre-populated with the latest approved report achievements.  In response to the emphasis on indicators and in alignment with widespread feedback, IPs will no longer be required to report directly against specific activities. Instead, they will have the flexibility to utilize the "Challenges and Amendments" section under the Log Frame Tab to document any challenges encountered or amendments made that deviate from the original proposal.  Achieved Targets Updates  While completing the FNR, should IPs report a variance exceeding15% between the planned and achieved targets, they will be required to provide a narrative justification in the report. The system will automatically make the field mandatory once the 15% variation threshold is reached. (Refer to image below)
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Partner Registration

As you know, to use the OneGMS, all Agencies/Partners must first register on the Partner Portal as an organization and have their application approved. This blog post’s aim is to remind you of the necessary requirements so that your partner’s registration is promptly accepted as per the requirements of the UN treasury.  In order to register a new organization to the OneGMS, two documents are required:  A registration certificate from the local authorities, proving that this organization is registered and allowed to work within the country at hand. Please make sure that the certificate is valid in countries where these documents expire.  A bank statement or letter showing the possibility of reception of the requested funds. This document must not be older than 3 months and must be stamped, signed and dated.  When creating a new organization on the Partner Portal, the system will ask the HFU if the organization information provided is valid or not. This validity depends on the three organization names provided to the HFU:  The organization name as it appears on its official registration certificate, The organization name requested for the OneGMS registration, The organization name as it appears on its official bank statement/letter. The organization information will be considered valid if and only if the three above names match exactly.  If there is a discrepancy of any kind between the name in the registration certificate and the name in the bank account, the organization is requested to provide the HFU with an official letter signed by the organization’s legal representative, justifying this discrepancy and confirming that the different names pertain to the same entity. In any case, the name in the bank document and the name requested for the OneGMS should always match.   If your country obtained a waiver from Finance (OneGMS support should always be in copy regarding waiver discussions) it will overrule this article.  
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